Tuesday, August 12, 2008

read my blog header. It says all.

I got chosen for NS. Fuck.

I still have not really studied for trials. Fuck.

I am still not talking to them. Double Fuck.

I am still fat. Fuck.

I have not changed at all. Fuckety-fuck.

I do not understand at all.
Is it that my life is too difficult?
Or do I lack the strength to face my problems?


Anonymous said...

Hope you're alright, cheer up okay?! =)

Anonymous said...

open your eyes and look around you. you're not the only person who got chosen for NS

Anonymous said...

exactly, look at the bright side. at least can occupied yourself rather than emoing thinking about the stuff that's bugging you.

Anonymous said...

zz dun worry i got ns-ed too. damn. haha.