Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Make the skeletons in your closet dance.

How do i start this? cut a long story short, i've decided, REALLY decided, and made a promise to myself, that i will stop thinking about negative stuffs, stop looking at things from the bad point of view, stop complaining and whining. In a nutshell, i'll stop to emo.

Seriously, i really don't know how to put this into words...but i sorta like, feel happy for them. Haha, weird, i know. I'm not so sure about this myself too. It's just the way they are now, the way they get on with their lives, i just smile. Haha, i bullshit you not. I don't even know what's wrong with me.

I can and will move on with my life. All i can say now is, i am still sorry, sorry that we had to end up like this. Forgive me for not having the courage that i should.

I wonder,sometimes, was i ever a friend at all? Or was it just my imagination? (slight tinge of emo here)

Which ever the answer, i won't pick and shovel for it. I'll let it be. Yes, i will move on, but i'll always be looking back, but never will i again stop and fall. It's time i start prioritising the important things that i need to set wheels in motion.

I am not laughing forcefully anymore.
Yes, it still hurts, but i will bear it as a reminder.
I am going to move forward.
Yes, I will always think about the old days.
The photos i will keep, the memories alive.

I will start growing up properly now.

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