Friday, August 1, 2008

I don't care or i don't know. It's just the same.

Still having mixed feelings.

Still struggling to say what i'm supposed to say.

Still like this.

Oh well, at times like this, i'm glad that i got my short stories to keep me occupied.
Presenting you the final part of 'Little Boy'. Please don't be too critical, i'm just a 17 year old student. Thank you.

'Little Boy' Part III:Exodus
It's raining.
At least that is what
Little Boy think is happening.
Woe betide.

Little Boy has finally
found a conclusion:
Time is a Devil.

Time flies past so fast
when you are basking in
warm moments.
Time crawls like a prisoner binded with shackles
when you are drowning in grief.
Time is indeed evil.
It cackles at us,mortals.
That is what Little Boy thinks.

He sums up his new aphorism:
Friends make a Man
or break Him.

On the flat,cold rock
Little Boy sits,haggard.
He likes to think
that he is missed,yearned.
He gazes up to the vast dark sky
blinking away the raindrops,
searching for a message bird,
hoping it would deliver him
a letter, a note,

But he waits in vain.
The clouds part,laughing.
The night sky is unveiled,winking.
not a single life form is seen.
Little Boy has run out of tears.

He rises,
his hands outstreched,eyes shut.
He listens to the whispers of the wind
straining to catch some faint murmur.
He is dreaming. Again.

Faint,unsteady footsteps.
Little Boy turns to see
Old Man hobbling towards him.
Little Boy stares,
Old Man smiles.

'So Little Boy,have you enjoyed your little trip to the Dark Realm?'

'I cannot go any further,i have not the will, nor the have the strength to go back.'

Old Man smiles ruefully
'Things can always be mended'

Little Boy recites his new aphorism to Old Man.
Old Man remains silent for a while,
then shakes his ancient head.

'What do you intend to do now?'

'What am i supposed to do?'

'What do you want now?'

'What do i want?'
Little Boy feels the old
misery rising like a tide.
He remembers vividly his dancing days
and most of all
his dancing friends...

'I want to go back,
but before that,
I want the courage to say,to speak
I want a chance
I want to stop all this self-brought grief
I want to make things right again.
Is that too much to ask?'

Then suddenly,
a dark blue raven,
perched on the spot
where the Old Man was standing,
It turned its handsome head,
and nodded,perceptively.
It spreaded its wings
and took flight.
Little Boy watched it go,
at long last,smiling.

He knew,somehow,
the raven will bring
his heart to his friend.
Something snapped within him.
Little Boy stood,
and took a step,
not forward,but backward.
A step,a shuffle,a jog,a sprint
Little Boy,screaming his heart out,
finally begins his long run
back home.

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