Thursday, August 28, 2008

My stuffed toy has a sword.

I can't believe how much time i've wasted emo-ing. I'm guessing if i add up all the time i emo-ed, i can have about a week or more to study. Fuck the lost time.

Oh well. Can't be helped i guess.

I don't even know if i can score good grades in trials anymore. I mean, what happened to that confidence of mine? I thought i was prepared, but when i saw and heard my friends revising, only then i realised the amount of stuff i do not know yet.

Die. In the most gruesome way you can think of.

I will hide all the emo stuff away. Trying very hard here to be my old self again. *exhale*, that's too strong a word. How about....infatuation? Yea, infatuation,it's such a fickle thing. Maybe we just aren't matured enough yet, maybe we're just not cut out for it. I've seen people fall and break just because of it. It makes me wonder, am i just dramatizing all my problems? Am I just being too perasan-ed? Or am I just trying to find an excuse, an escape route for myself?

Dang, screw all this man. I got my buddies and bitches to keep the mojo going. I will say: lesson learnt. My heart goes to all of you.

of course, i still want to make up.....but i guess it's too late after all.

To bunny Yeeaun:


hehe, you know what i mean.


Alicia Loi said...

hi!, haha, i wouldnt say u'll have extra 1 week to studying if u cut out all of your emo-ing, i'll say maybe about a month! hahaha, cos u emo-ed for months already.

hope u get back on track soon! i can help u out in ur revision, but we seldom meet, so that's 1 thing. u ust got to put in more effort, k? hey, my sister is in form 5 too, haha, she's struggling a bit too, with add maths and chemistry, not too bad until fail, but still quit bad la, lol.

try going for a good tuition school, better yet, if you can afford, get a private tutor. ok, all the best!

ps: cheer up la, ok? i'll introduce u to my younger sister, she's very cute n pretty and single. interested? hahaha

Victor Goh said...


aiyo...i almost everyday also got double tuition,it's just that i don't have much interest in some subjects la.

working very hard now. you CAN introduce me to her AFTER SPM. haha.cheers