Saturday, August 16, 2008

When you look back, you think. one week of complete freedom comes to an end today. My parents will be coming back from Beijing. Sigh. It was so good while it lasted.

I guess i really gotta start studying.

Boy, was i ever wrong. I thought i could forget if i don't see. Naw, it's worse. Especially when you spend the whole morning reading all your previous posts.

It's as what Cheryl said, you'll only begin to treasure something only when you have lost it.

Should i at least send a message? I mean, i didn't even as much as said a 'Bye' or 'Happy Holiday'. That makes me look like a total jerk. Oh, the quandary i face.

I'm done and sick and tired of staring at my MSN all day long waiting for that name to pop up.

I really need to find my balls soon. Why? We're graduating, and heck, it's like that Mcfly song: I never wanted everything to end this way.

This is not an emo post, more like a....erm....wake-up call?

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