Saturday, August 2, 2008

It's the feeling of stepping into a blender

1) omg, i was so touched by all the sms-es. Mommy cheryl even sang me a birthday song. Sob. and thank you ee lynn for the best birthday present.
2)Sausage fest at OU with ah neh,thambi and brainC. Haha, enjoyed the talk.
3)thank you for the cake and presents from family.

1)parents argued, on my b'day. WTF
2)remembered my problems when i woke up this morning
3)did not have a party
5)10 more minutes and my 17th birthday goes 'poof' just like that. Bit disappointed,really.
6)i really want to cry.
7)i am still waiting,but what the hell, why am i dreaming?

Hmm...BAD seems to outnumber the GOOD. Bit sad.

All and all, not one of my better birthdays. Ho-hum.
i'ma cry myself to sleep now.

i'm serious.

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