Monday, July 28, 2008

A story from the heart.

'Little Boy'

Once upon a time,(damn,how many stories have started like THAT?)
there lived Little Boy in the Light Realm.
He loved to dance,
and danced where ever and everywhere he went.
He was so cheerful, so carefree,
and he danced like there was no tomorrow.

Little Boy did not dance alone,of course.
He had a ring of friends,
who danced with him.
He was happy to be able to dance with them
and vice versa.

But Little Boy had but one little flaw.
One day,
while dancing,
he tripped a friend,
and the friend fell quite badly,
and could not dance again.
Little Boy did not even notice,
he just pranced around as usual,
leaving his friend crying on the floor.
His friend was offended, hurt, angry,
but most of all, disappointed.
The friend limped away,
and danced no more.

Little Boy had nearly almost 'tripped' all his friends,
and his little dancing circle just got smaller and smaller,
until the day came,
when Little Boy looked around,
and saw he was alone.
Utterly alone.
He tried to dance as usual,
but no longer could he execute moves
as fluidly as he used to.
He no longer felt the joy in dancing,
for he now danced alone in silence,
that ringing silence.

Little Boy dropped to the floor,
and danced no more,
but began to weep in earnest.

Old Man hobbled along,
and saw Little Boy crying.

'Little Boy,Little Boy, why are you crying?'

Little Boy looked up and
stared at Old Man with doleful eyes.

'My friends have left me.
I hurt them, and i did not notice.
I hurt them, and i did not even apologize.
I hurt them, and now i'm all alone.'

Old Man smiled, and sat down on the floor with Little Boy.

'Be brave Little Boy.Tomorrow's not too late to find them and tell them how sorry you are.'

To that,Little Boy said:
'But it's always too late when you have nothing.'

Throwing away his dancing shoes,
Little Boy drifted to the Dark Realm,
and kept his heart locked.
Never again did he dance or laugh.
His heart ached so badly,
yearned so desperately,
to seek his lost friends and to make things up.
But his courage failed him,
he dare not look at his friends in the eyes.
Little Boy was angry at himself,
angry at his cowardice.

'What will i do?', thought Little Boy.
He lifted his head,
and mourned at the moon.....

i wonder how the story will end?

'Everyone deserves to have his or her life.'
-Addison Montgomery

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