Sunday, July 6, 2008

the Apologies and Gratitudes

To Shin,
Sorry for all the wrongs i've done to you. You're like one of the few whom i can really talk to, and you're holding my BIGGEST secret. Haha. Seriously, you've dealt with my emo-ness and grouchiness, and i don't blame you for snapping in the end. God knows everyone's got limits. SORRY LA! I WON'T MAKE FUN OF YOUR TAMAGOTCHI ANYMORE LA!To Jess,
Ok...we've kinda like...fallen apart i guess? What gives? I really miss those dumb moments we had last time. If it's something i did or said, please tell me, so i can make things up to you.The vibe you're giving out damn scary la. Sorry for the shit you got from me.
To BrianC and Thambi,
you two are like my bro's la. Goddam lucky to know you guys. I know i'm not perfect, and i've like pissed you guys off sometimes. But i'ma change for the better, so thank you for being my friend. Let's Jam more la dammit.
To Mommy Cheryl,
Omg, mommy i love you the most la. Yea, you might've forgotten, but sorry about that night, in Supercamp, where i kinda like pissed everyone off? Sigh, you comfort me the most la. Love you loads too. Thanks and sorry for everything.

To Sonia,my bitch,
Bitch do me. HAHA! 7 years of bitch-bitch relationship, and i'm loving every moment of it. Yea, you might not know, but heck, you're somewhat a sister to me. Hell, i know i pissed ya off COUNTLESS of times, and here i stand...or type, to say i'm very sorry for everything i've done to offend you. You my tightest and midget-iest bitch. Hearts to you.

To Hweeling,
Haha. Blue house and interact. That's how we met wasn't it? Aiya you damn cute la. Just wanna say sorry for FFK-ing you the H&G concert. You got my vote for next year's Blue House Captain!

To Muimui Vivian,
aiya mui, you know i'll always love you la. Sorry for like, not able to keep the promises i've made. I'll be a better brother to you. So now...let's see what i owe you:
2)shopping trip
3)lunch and dinner
4)B'day and X'mas presents.

To JieYi and Bunny Aun,
Anyways, i know you 2 love me the most la.(perasan) HAHAHAAH. Thank you for caring always.

To Gabek,
won't call you Changi anymore la, can't call you that anyways, coz you not changi anymore. Mt. Everest lor. HAHA. dumb bitch. I'm not pregnant.
To Elle,
Aiyo..........all our pictures together i lost em when i reformatted my comp. Anyways, yea, i enjoy our heart-to-heart talks la. HAHA! seriously, you're the only person whom i can talk about......that subject. Love you loads.
P.S : you not fat la bitch.
Funny moment of the day: My dad thinks my mom is a raving lunatic. You should've see him complaining to me about her. HAHA.
it's still hard,
but i'm trying my best.

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