Monday, July 14, 2008

Dreams and Hopes. They don't mix well.

Oh well, (another over-used word)
I'm not really sure what i'm feeling right now.

I saw what i saw 1 year ago,
that happy scene?
but now,
i'm outta the picture.

No no no,
i'm not grudging anyone or being a sour puss.
It's my own fault,
it has to be my fault,
there really is no other explaination.

And i still don't know WHY.
i thump the table in frustration laaa...
i crack my brain everyday...

I really dread going to school now.

LAME MOMENT of the day:
Ok, i was talking to wei ren about the SIR, Spell-It-Right competition i saw on TV today. Then...

Wei Ren: *started laughing to himself* eh victor victor. Imagine the judge go like 'Spell Gap.' and the contestant like, 'What?'. 'Gap' 'What?' 'SPELL GAP! G-A-P GAP!' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

....i don't get him either.That's why he's wei ren la.

Will blog about Cheer 2008 when i get the photos from jieyi and astin.

you still smile,
but not at my anymore.
i miss it.

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