Friday, December 7, 2007

Tagged. But i really don't like it

it's so stupid. It's hyprocricy. Seriously, i'm doing these stupid tags for shits.
And i'm doing this out of goodwill and friendship bunny!

The REAL post for today is the previous one, please skip this post/tag and read the one below. That is my life. For today.

1. Do this tag and answer all the questions in your own blog.
2. Delete question no.20 and add one of your own question instead.
3. Tag 8 victims to do this tag.

1. What is your dream when you are still a small kid?
be a soldier. That was when i was still 4 or 5. Then i wanted to be a singer/actor.

2. What is the happiest thing in your whole life?
erm....a lot la, don't really have any particular one.

3. What do you wish to have right now?
Hmm....let's not answer this shall we? *grins*

4. When is the last time you horse laughed?
ehh....let's see, a few hours ago, with ah neh and thambi, it was worse than horse laugh.

5. What did you realize recently?
I realized i am actually quite a tightwad with my money. And i really,really like Jessica Alba.

6. Which bad habit in you that is the most unacceptable?
Hmm....Lie. I really lie a lot, even when i was a kid. I keep telling myself: ' A thousand beautiful lies are better than one ugly truth'. That's my mantra.

7. When you are unhappy, what will you do?
hmm....listen to some emo/sad songs while sitting on my bed, sulking.

8. What are you afraid of losing?
my friends.

9. Within 5 years, which target is the most realistic one?
5 years? hmm....probably find that special someone. The REAL one.

10. When you met someone that you like, will you profess or hide your feeling?
erm....well...i hide my feelings. I'm a really shy guy.

11. List out 3 kind of people you hate the most.
Gay people. (but lesbos are hot)
Snobbish bitches
people who keep talking bout the same thing over and over and over and over again.

12. Define loneliness.
Loneliness isn't something you can really define, you FEEL it. It varies from people to people. For me, loneliness is when nothing/anyone in this world cares for you. It's the feeling of lost, fear of being alone. That is why, i hate being lonely.

13. Are you satisfied with your life now?
Hmm....not really. In fact, i don't really like it much.

14. When is the most recent time you feel touched?
hmm.....i can't remember. But lemme assure you, i'm a very sentimental guy. I cry easily.

15. Where is the most beautiful place that you've visited?
The Summer Palace

16. A song that is playing in your mind recently.
Hate that i love you-Rihanna ft Ne-yo

17. If you have a wish to come true, what is it?

18. Do you have anything to be worried or scared recently?
not really...i'm quite carefree and happy-go-lucky.

19. If the world is going to end, what will you do?
I'll thank my parents for raising me. Then, i'll tell my friends how much they mean to me. And confess everything to her.

20. When you wake up one day,where do wish you'll be?
In a villa near the sea, with the soft sun-rays on my face, with her waking up next to me. *not the horny version*

As usual, i won't tag anyone else, cause i know most of them probably won't even bother to do this. So let's leave it here shall we.

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