Saturday, December 1, 2007

please...don't ask

i think i've outdone myself....3 blog post in a day. sheesh.
Living with Boredom is like.....boring.....and the people i usually chat with ain't online...i'm left staring at the computer with absolutely nothing to do...all the songs in my playlist i've listened too many times till i'm fed up with it....i can't go out cause i have homework and tuition....

Oh god...i guess i can only play drums. But i've done that too today.

Big sigh.

Well...i know you people will say i'm a hypocrite or something, but please, understand my situation...i NEED to do SOMETHING. So i'll do some tags my friends have been after me to do.

This one by astin.....a long long time ago.
a) how old are they?
b) where are they currently?
c) how long have you known them?
d) tag 5 people.

-erm...i think i've only began to KNOW her this year. yeah.

2)Shin Yueh
-same as jess -.-"

-erm...lemme count....6 years

-pj oso la
-eh...1 year plus gua

5)Vivian =)
-hmm....2 years lidat....

Would you rather to party with 1 or 5 ...
eh....partying with jess...she might think i'll rape i guess it's 'safer' to party with my sis, vivi. 5 then.

Marry 2 or 4 ...
erm...i really don't know anything bout EWWWWWW

Kill 3 or 5 . . .
aw...i wouldn't wanna kill any of them....

Date 1 or 2. . .
hahaha the dynamic duo...who to choose? Both would be DOUBLE DATE! HAHAHAAH

Make out with 1 or 3 . . horny as i am, i don't think these 2 would be on my 'Bang Bitches' List....

Have kids with 3 or 4. .
haha...this is hilarious. If i had kids with sonia...gawd...i wonder if they'd be tall or short? (sorry son). And if with elle....nah, she still wants to have kids with 'e-hem'....hahaha so neither i guess

Live with 1 or 3 . . .
as i said, jess is afriad i'll rape her, so living with her is kinda impossible. Maybe sonia, cause i kinda think our lives are bit alike. HAha....remember Freaky Friday. Imagine THAT.

Be stuck on an island with 2 or 5. . .
5! Vivian...she's my only sis, and i can confide, protect, cuddle her on that bloody island. Though i rather we wouldn't end up in any island though. I rather stay in Peejay.

Trade lives with 3 or 4 . .
sonia i guess....same reason as above. besides, i wanna know how it is to be rich.

Wake up next to 1 or 5 . . .
oh gawd....ewww? Jess would be even horrified if she found a gorilla next to her in her bed. And

Completely disown 2 or 4. . .
now why would i do that? they ain't even related to me!

Has 3 ever hurt you ?
hell yea, more than you can imagine. Those bruises i got when we were kids...i'll never forget.

Have you ever hurt 4 ?
hmm...maybe. Ask her. You know my big mouth...i might say things i don't mean.

Who's the funniest?
Shin Yueh...she laughs me.

Can you beat up 5?
NO! i wouldn't even want to? How can i beat up my own cute lil sis? that would be outrageous!

Who's the smartest ?
oh well...everyone is smart to each of her own.....but probably sonia

How long have you known 5 ?
this is stupid, i just said 2 years plus above.....

Who is 3 dating/crushing on ? far as i know, she ain't got no boo in m'sia. But she likes Channing Tatem(is that how you spell his name?) and italian dudes....go figure.

Does 2 smell good ?
er...i never smelled her before?

Who will you still be talking to in 15 years ?
hopefully all of them?

Which in ur top 5 is the nicest ?

Who has the better . . .
[smile] - vivian
[attitude] - sonia
[voice] - elle
[body] - er...i rather not answer this
[face] - don't ask
[clothes] - elle or sonia?

i won't tag anyone, cause i noticed this tag is over-used. So screw it. I'm done. That wasn't so hard wasn't it? ><

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