Friday, December 14, 2007 me

I impressed the hell out of myself.

I actually had doubts fixing the internet problem in this com(my mom's). But when push came to shove, i actually got the job done.

You see, it all started 2 days ago, i was innocently surfing the net (i stress again, not porn peeps) and then my mom came and DEMANDED that i let her use to check her KLSE (the stock exchange, she's playing it). She does this every monday to friday. So that's why when i'm chatting with my homies or bitches, she'll just haul me out of the chair and start clicking away, at the same time making "Sei drop" or "aiya....why market mm leng one?'

*shakes head*

Well fine, after that, i came back. So chatting for too long will definitely rot your brian and fingers, decided to go blog surfing or facebook-ing. Then, i just couldn't log in to any website. There was connection, cause i was logged in to MSN and Skype.


So i was like, maybe got connection glitch? Restarted the whole damn computer. Still cannot. Dulan a bit already. Then my mom came and asked: What you doing to my laptop? I told her the problem.

Big Mistake.

She literally chewed my head off. Started blaming me for causing this ruckus. Hey, point the fingers somewhere else la! Who was the last one who used the bloody com? Ish. So i calmed her down, re-assured her i'll get the internet back in no time. So i started going to all the settings and re-clicking everything i could think of.

No avail. Cibai.

Then this morning, i just went to the Windows Update shit, downloaded a few updates, then miraculously, Google appeared in front of my face.

Sh!t pWned!

well.......i guess it doesn't count as being fixed by me? But i was the one who downloaded the let me bask in my own glory. Don't kacau...

................................ =D
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... -.-
.. =.="
. >.<

ok....happiness over. Now back to my boring holiday life.
I still have a few things i REALLY NEED TO DO.

Get ready for all the IU plans and thingys
Need to begin my Xmas shopping list. Darn, i suck at shopping.

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