Friday, December 28, 2007

My Computer is back...

...but i'm not all that thrilled really.

my dad took it for debugging and all the clean-ups. So i just received it back today.
and man, was i pissed.

-the whole system is SLOW. s-l-o-w.........It just like lags every 2 seconds.
-previously, my connection,using this computer, was the fastest among my other available PC's in the house, but now, it takes me more than 3 mins to load up this 'Create Post' page while it only took less than a min last time!
-it's just slow
-slow....oh,i noticed i said that a lot of times already. pardon me.

Sigh, i can't even download MSN. How crappy is that? And all the stuff in my computer is GONE. I frigging forgot to backup. Dammit. Damn sad la, no songs, no pictures,no movies.

Ah well....fresh start i guess. A new year, a new com.


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