Sunday, December 30, 2007

My 2007

Whoa......2007. Not really a fantastic year and yet not so of a disasterous year.

Well, where to begin? Let's rewind all the way back to January 2007. Yes, i shit you not, i was totally flabbergasted that i was drafted into 4S1. Gawd, i only scored 5A's for PMR and how the heck did i end up in that class? I was kinda sad at first, all my buddies were in different classes. I was also feeling a bit lonely. None of the peeps in 4s1 i knew well enough to really hang out. Classes were HORRIBLE. I was so effin LOST, i mean, i'm just an average student, and suddenly f(x) and log10 appeared in front of my teeny weeny pea i call a brain. STRESS!!!!!!!!!!

But things got better as time went by.......a bit. Classes were still crazy, but i wasn't the only one who was doing terrible. The teacher i loathe the most, En Ng Kok Yew. I hope your hose you call a dick and your non-existanant balls will shoot up your bladder, making your pelvic area swell to the size of a mini whale, then all the urine will flow itself to your brain, and finally making you spastic....oh wait, you already are. EXHALE! i got that out,finally.

Anyways, i got to meet new super duper friends. Ian, Wei Ren, Benjamin,Elle,Shin Yueh,Gabrielle and Jess and so many more. I must say, we all get along quite fine, except for Marcus. *rolls eyes* I enjoyed their company, and the best thing is, i'm also quite on friendly terms with the 4S2 peeps.

Now for major events worth remembering.....well....there are a few frankly.

My super duper Sweet 16 Birthday bash which i'll never forget. It's easily the best birthday i ever had. I want to thank my good ole bitch Sonia for organizing it. I know all the trouble you went through just to make it happen and i appreciate it. I'll never forget that night.

I think they were drunk.

Then of course, another meaningful event. I participated in the 30Hour Famine Camp. We're suppose to starve ourselves for 30 hours (can drink water la) so to experience the deprivation of food that kids in those teruk punya country face. It was quite fun really. Minus the hungry part. There were performances by various artist and the people i met there were all SUPER! I'll join again if there's another one. Of course....i did make frequent calls to Sonia just to complain bout my empty stomach. And then some thoughts....

I really think i've matured a bit over the year. Oh yea, sure, go ahead, laugh. But i'm serious, i look at things now with a different perspective now. But then, all in all, i still can't live without my friends. I admit, i'm an attention seeking dude, i hate being left alone. I talk a lot, sometimes too much. So if i have offended anybody in the past, let me assure you, i did it unintentionally and i apologize. I just have this thing in me....i like seeing people laugh. So i always try too hard sometimes to make jokes or perhaps even act the fool at your expence.

I just want to say how much you people mean to me. And thank you so much for acknowleging me as a friend.

Sigh, SPM next year. Am i ready? i don't know. I think i DON'T want to face SPM. Maybe i'm just plain lazy. But i guess we all have to face the music. Eerrgghh.... i failed add maths twice this year, i better pass all next year if i want to get an A for Add Maths. Screw all these numbers.

Hmm...what else...let's see.....

Oh of the whackiest thing i've done this year.
When my mom saw what i did, she totally yelled herself hoarse. But it was only for one night, Halloween night.
One of my stupidest moments.....

Then holidays....well....i still say this is the worst holiday i ever had. I guess the highlight for this holiday would be my trip to Beijing. It was kinda fun, and i bought an iPod. But after the trip.....sigh...BOREDOM.

Ah well...I'll let go of the past, hold on to the sweet memories, and welcome the new year.

My new year resolution is to NOT make a new year resolution. I never keep them anyways.


A little excited boy

Yea! It's new years eve EVE!

Enjoying the fact that i'm helping with the cooking! I love cooking as much as i love food! And my kawaii lil cousin is coming down KL!!


Saturday, December 29, 2007

I have to type this before i forget.

I don't really know how to begin this, it's quite thought-provoking,at least to me.

Yes, admit it, we usually scorn and mock those who tend to fall under this 'emo' spell, we say they're immature or just over-reacting. But i believe we all have the right to 'emo' sometimes at this age, it's inevitable.

I usually receive these kinds of SMS's or MSN messages:

"Victor, i'm damn depressed and down now laa...."
"Hey, life sucks you know?"
"I hate my life, my parents...."

Yes, we will all feel that way sometimes, and i mean ALL of us. You vehemently deny this, but deep down ,we tend to feel insecure, bitter and just plain down once in a blue moon.

All i want to say, it's OK. Don't be afraid to feel sad or hurt. Wash yourself with this emotion, then get over it. I will admit, i can be very 'emo' sometimes, 'cause i want a lot in life, and i can't get them. It's frustrating. The one you care about is sad and down, and you can't cheer her/him up, then you start getting 'emo' yourself.

You see? It's actually a pattern, a circle. At this age, we have to be 'emo', only then we can grow. How you ask? When we 'emo', we feel all sorts of negative emotions, and we occasionally get carried away. But, by doing this, we have almost felt all the bad things you can imagine of, and then when we get older, we can just get over it faster, cause we know what it feels like. I'm not sure if you get me, it's complicated, and i'm not really good with words.

Now, i will say i'm feeling 'emo' now. It's frustrating and maddening. She's feeling down and sad, you want to cheer her up, but you can't. Then she rambles on about her crush, keeps reminding you what a wonderful guy he is. It hurts don'tcha know? Sigh.

But i'll get over it, i promise myself, i WILL. When i think about it, i'm just being jealous and silly. If she likes him so much, fine, i will accept the fact that i will just be her friend, and never that 'special' someone. The least i can do is to be there for her when she's sad or down, or just needs a shoulder to lean on(but i don't think it'll be mine =( ) Eventhough it is painful, i will swallow and chew down the fact i'm chasing a false dream.

I will get over this,but i never said it was easy.

SO! If you have reached this part, i thank you for being so patient with me. Yes, you might disagree with me at some point, but that's my thought. It's just life.

I will embrace the new year. I will NOT look back, no more dreaming, no more 'what if's'.


Scalped Scalp 2

I've lost some hair it seems.
Not really overjoyed about it. I'm ok with it, hopefully it'll grow back soon.

Darn, few more days of holidays left. But then, i rather go back to school really. This holiday has been quite depressing. I miss the hustle and bustle of school life. You know, the homework, the classes, student-teacher politics, my homies and bitches and all the funny lil things that can only happen in school.

Some random pictures i took.

this mini-football is a Xmas gift i got from my dad.....why football????Schools gonna start soon, and i feel all tied-up.

Friday, December 28, 2007

My Computer is back...

...but i'm not all that thrilled really.

my dad took it for debugging and all the clean-ups. So i just received it back today.
and man, was i pissed.

-the whole system is SLOW. s-l-o-w.........It just like lags every 2 seconds.
-previously, my connection,using this computer, was the fastest among my other available PC's in the house, but now, it takes me more than 3 mins to load up this 'Create Post' page while it only took less than a min last time!
-it's just slow
-slow....oh,i noticed i said that a lot of times already. pardon me.

Sigh, i can't even download MSN. How crappy is that? And all the stuff in my computer is GONE. I frigging forgot to backup. Dammit. Damn sad la, no songs, no pictures,no movies.

Ah well....fresh start i guess. A new year, a new com.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

The tragic death of Gina

she was such a promising young lady,but her untimely death caused us much grief. A minute silence for Gina please....

Oh,and congratz to my form 3 peeps who scored eight saggin tits for PMR!!
if u didn't, don't kick urself, i got 5A only, so at least ur smarter than me

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


so i had one of the most rotten christmas yesterday...i was so sad,dejected,depressed,bitter and frustrated...i actually cried a lil last night...

but it's over now...let bygones be bygones.

Add maths class today wasn't so bad,in fact, i felt that i was enlightened. seems to me that logarithm ain't that hard as it seems.

Helped my mom did some groccery shopping...then watched a bit of TV...gonna do my add maths homework later...and that's my day i guess.

i do,and will not believe in Santa Claus anymore.
bah humbug, christmas is overrated.
i wanna welcome the new year.

i wanna turn over a new leaf.

ok fine, maybe i lied,staying the same is easier

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Yuletide Season

Wishing all the good folk of Malaysia a very Happy Christmas!

...but mine is far cry from the season's festive joy.
In fact, this year's Christmas is definitely the worst. No celebrations. No going outs. And i have to stay home to do add maths 'cause there's a add maths tuition class tomorrow i can look forward to. Yech!

Ho-hum. So much for being jolly.

...and i didn't get what i wanted for Christmas. Is there really a Santa Claus?

Monday, December 24, 2007


Jeez, i haven't been able to go online for like....what? 5 days?

Oh gawd...i miss MSN and blogging.

Anyways, SO MANY things happened the past week. I have tons of pictures to upload, heaps of crap to share and a megaton of thoughts to express. But that'll all have to wait, sekarang i curi curi guna bapak saya punya computer untuk update.

Promise will do some serious updating soon.


p/s my dad got me this mini-football from adidas as a Xmas gift. WTF? not that i'm being ungrateful or anything, but i loathe football.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


this is sonia guest bloggin' (:

happy reading.

get a life,now.


i miss blogging coz i love blogging.

and the sad thing is i can't blog much now.

1) both my desktop PC and my mom's laptop are both FRIED.
2) my mom wants me to start studying
3) connections these days are a bitch
4) im kinda busy

Sigh, i am broke, and i have 4 more gifts i need to buy to finish my Xmas shopping list, but i'm left with rm30+. Dam sad, i need to find a way to dig out more money.

Welcome Home Elle, though i think you might prefer to stay in Italy.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Here Again

I'm so bored.

And I love blogging.

Blogging gives me a place, a platform to express my thoughts. It let's people know you better and when blogging, sometimes you get to see yourself in a different light, and there you learn something. You get to say anything you want, tell anything to everybody if you want to.

But i just like blogging cause i like it laaa ok?

You know what? I'm such a kid, a frigging over-grown kid. I really like cartoons and i love my Kamer Rider Den-O. (Mask Rider in Japanese) You can't blame me, guess i really look up to these fictional heroes who bash up rubbery monsters and use weopens that wobbles.

And of course, i miss her =(. I really do. It's kinda weird ya know? I promised myself i'll try to stop liking her. But it's easier said than done. I being around her. I thoroughly enjoy her pressence. It makes me happy. That's all i can ask for. It's an innocent crush.

You see, you self-proclaimed matured idiots, this is the beauty of puppy love!!

Some more random facts to keep me typing so i at least feel i'm occupied.

I love Oreos, they're my sh!t. Never EVER steal my oreos. I am super protective of my Oreos. Oreos are my pride, if you make shit about my Oreos, you make shit out of me.

I like to sing and act, i like to be on a stage, delievering acts that'll make people laugh. I really do like making people laugh, it's a thing with me. Cause when i see people laugh, i feel very...happy, wuzzy fuzzy warm feeling.

I like being a kid....forever, being childish and innocent. me

I impressed the hell out of myself.

I actually had doubts fixing the internet problem in this com(my mom's). But when push came to shove, i actually got the job done.

You see, it all started 2 days ago, i was innocently surfing the net (i stress again, not porn peeps) and then my mom came and DEMANDED that i let her use to check her KLSE (the stock exchange, she's playing it). She does this every monday to friday. So that's why when i'm chatting with my homies or bitches, she'll just haul me out of the chair and start clicking away, at the same time making "Sei drop" or "aiya....why market mm leng one?'

*shakes head*

Well fine, after that, i came back. So chatting for too long will definitely rot your brian and fingers, decided to go blog surfing or facebook-ing. Then, i just couldn't log in to any website. There was connection, cause i was logged in to MSN and Skype.


So i was like, maybe got connection glitch? Restarted the whole damn computer. Still cannot. Dulan a bit already. Then my mom came and asked: What you doing to my laptop? I told her the problem.

Big Mistake.

She literally chewed my head off. Started blaming me for causing this ruckus. Hey, point the fingers somewhere else la! Who was the last one who used the bloody com? Ish. So i calmed her down, re-assured her i'll get the internet back in no time. So i started going to all the settings and re-clicking everything i could think of.

No avail. Cibai.

Then this morning, i just went to the Windows Update shit, downloaded a few updates, then miraculously, Google appeared in front of my face.

Sh!t pWned!

well.......i guess it doesn't count as being fixed by me? But i was the one who downloaded the let me bask in my own glory. Don't kacau...

................................ =D
........................... =))
.................... =)
..... =/
... -.-
.. =.="
. >.<

ok....happiness over. Now back to my boring holiday life.
I still have a few things i REALLY NEED TO DO.

Get ready for all the IU plans and thingys
Need to begin my Xmas shopping list. Darn, i suck at shopping.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


The internet is such an insideous invention, i wonder why mankind let themselves be enslaved to it, bound to the shackles of cyber porn.

Until i fix the goddamn problem in my mom's com, i won't be able to surf the net. But the funny shit is, i can actually log in to MSN. But not the goddamn Internet. I shit you not, it is frustrating.

I hate joo you porn-infested cyberworld.

P/S using my dad's computer, for it may be an old laptop, it still works like wonder. Praise Dell. Screw Acer.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'd Do Anything

this song plays in my head everyday.
it's lyrics, eeriely accurate,
it's like it was composed just for me....

Another day is going by
I'm thinking about you all the time
But you're out there
And I'm here waiting

And I wrote this letter in my head
Cuz so many things were left unsaid
But now you're gone
And I can't think straight

This could be the one last chance
To make you understand

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz I knowI won't forget you

Together we broke all the rules
Dreaming of dropping out of school
And leave this place
To never come back

So now maybe after all these years
If you miss me have no fear
I'll be here
I'll be waiting

This could be the one last chance
to make you understand
And I just can't let you leave me once again

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz I knowI won't forget you

I close my eyes
And all I see is you
I close my eyes
I try to sleep
I can't forget you
Nanana (....)
And I'd do anything for you
Nanana (....)

I'd do anything
Just to hold you in my arms
To try to make you laugh
Cuz somehow I can't put you in the past
I'd do anything
Just to fall asleep with you
Will you remember me?
Cuz I knowI won't forget you

I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
There's nothing I won't do
I'd do anything
To fall asleep with you
I'd do anything
Cuz I know I won't forget you

Monday, December 10, 2007

The pressure is getting on me...

...or am i the one giving myself pressure?

The thing i'm talking about is our ICCHS IU Day. That's International Understanding Day FYI.

It's kinda a big burden you know? I'm IU Director and i'm supposed to make this thing HAPPEN! It's not easy at all....planning such a major event requires skill, experience, endurance and enthusiasm....

i have none of the above criteria....except probably the enthusiasm part. I have a lot of planning and work to do.

List of DO's:
-get ready to work list. Registration, Ushering, Decoration etc etc.
-write out an AMUSING script for the IU sketch.
-hire a DJ (shafiq, get me that contact QUICK)
-contact the LM to rent chairs and tables, need to estimate how many people will turn up or else i really don't know how many chairs to rent. =(
-find a pair of good Emcee's
-plan the programme book
-invite the Rotarians and other Interact schools to come
-get ready the audition for the performances
-draw out a budget sheet
-direct and train the actor/actresses
-IU day seating layout, need to draw
-prepare a speech
-prepare the songs and sound effects for entertainment and the sketch

God, that's all i can think of. But i bet there are more things to do that i haven't thought of yet. I am pressurized. Saturated. Ish....i used to be able to write out scripts that are funny effortlessly. Peeps from 1A3, 2B2 and 3B2 will remember distinctively how good my scripts were. I never for a mark for Oral presentation that was less than 8. But NOW, my brain juice all dried up. I can't even think of a PLOT! HELP!!!

I am not complaining or whining. Just pressured. I love being IU Director, but i sincerely hope things will turn out well.....



Sunday, December 9, 2007

Things i feel i need to do before i die.

Ok...first of i need to:

1) change font of my blog post, it is too friggin small. Need to ask elyse how to do that, coz i am a total N00B at HTML.

2) i need to slim down, at least have a flat stomach for a change, no need much muscle, but at least flat. I don't want to die with the knowledge that i was never thin in my life.

3) I must capture that bloody Zapdos in my Pokemon Yellow.

4) go to Japan and learn to speak the language. "Oma re boku ni tsuraretemiru?" "Nani? kotae wa kiitenai!"

5) i will not procrastinate anymore. IU plans i will do, i will work hard. I will make sure it's the BEST IU CHS has ever had.

6) i need to get laid before 22.

7) propose to Jessica Alba, eventhough she's like a few years older than me. At least must try, even if get rejected, must also TRY. I will die happy knowing i once proposed to Jessica Alba.

8) probably shave my armpits

9) *insert ideas here*

10) find my other half, get married before 28 and must at least have 2 kids!

And i was so bored, i did this


My all time favarite character: SERAFIA PEKKALA!!!!! *say PEKKALA repeatedly and you'll know what i mean*


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bored. It's that simple.

Title says all.

I'm seriously sien-ed. I need something to do man. Everyday, go on facebook, my blog, AdventureQuest. And then when finished with these, nothing else to do. MSN kawan, most of them not online when i wanna chat with them.I want to work, parents don't let.

Apparently Victoria Beckham goes to bed with her husband David naked, every night. Lucky bastard. If i had a hot wife sleeping naked with me every night, gawd, wonder what'll happen. *grins*

Oh and the IU day for CHS, my IU day. Well...i'm proud to say i've begun to work and plan for it since last week. Written out a list of things to do. But most of the things, i need others to help out here. I ain't no Superman and this IS my first major project.


it's actually on the side, but some people are stupid and can't read.


Friday, December 7, 2007

Tagged. But i really don't like it

it's so stupid. It's hyprocricy. Seriously, i'm doing these stupid tags for shits.
And i'm doing this out of goodwill and friendship bunny!

The REAL post for today is the previous one, please skip this post/tag and read the one below. That is my life. For today.

1. Do this tag and answer all the questions in your own blog.
2. Delete question no.20 and add one of your own question instead.
3. Tag 8 victims to do this tag.

1. What is your dream when you are still a small kid?
be a soldier. That was when i was still 4 or 5. Then i wanted to be a singer/actor.

2. What is the happiest thing in your whole life?
erm....a lot la, don't really have any particular one.

3. What do you wish to have right now?
Hmm....let's not answer this shall we? *grins*

4. When is the last time you horse laughed?
ehh....let's see, a few hours ago, with ah neh and thambi, it was worse than horse laugh.

5. What did you realize recently?
I realized i am actually quite a tightwad with my money. And i really,really like Jessica Alba.

6. Which bad habit in you that is the most unacceptable?
Hmm....Lie. I really lie a lot, even when i was a kid. I keep telling myself: ' A thousand beautiful lies are better than one ugly truth'. That's my mantra.

7. When you are unhappy, what will you do?
hmm....listen to some emo/sad songs while sitting on my bed, sulking.

8. What are you afraid of losing?
my friends.

9. Within 5 years, which target is the most realistic one?
5 years? hmm....probably find that special someone. The REAL one.

10. When you met someone that you like, will you profess or hide your feeling?
erm....well...i hide my feelings. I'm a really shy guy.

11. List out 3 kind of people you hate the most.
Gay people. (but lesbos are hot)
Snobbish bitches
people who keep talking bout the same thing over and over and over and over again.

12. Define loneliness.
Loneliness isn't something you can really define, you FEEL it. It varies from people to people. For me, loneliness is when nothing/anyone in this world cares for you. It's the feeling of lost, fear of being alone. That is why, i hate being lonely.

13. Are you satisfied with your life now?
Hmm....not really. In fact, i don't really like it much.

14. When is the most recent time you feel touched?
hmm.....i can't remember. But lemme assure you, i'm a very sentimental guy. I cry easily.

15. Where is the most beautiful place that you've visited?
The Summer Palace

16. A song that is playing in your mind recently.
Hate that i love you-Rihanna ft Ne-yo

17. If you have a wish to come true, what is it?

18. Do you have anything to be worried or scared recently?
not really...i'm quite carefree and happy-go-lucky.

19. If the world is going to end, what will you do?
I'll thank my parents for raising me. Then, i'll tell my friends how much they mean to me. And confess everything to her.

20. When you wake up one day,where do wish you'll be?
In a villa near the sea, with the soft sun-rays on my face, with her waking up next to me. *not the horny version*

As usual, i won't tag anyone else, cause i know most of them probably won't even bother to do this. So let's leave it here shall we.

Pooh on Steroids

Yea, so today went OU (again) to hang out with thambi and ah neh. Joined shortly later with ah neh's brother. Seriously, Mark looks so much more sensible compared to bullshitting ah neh.

So, these 2 went to TopMan to buy boxers. Rm 29 for a pair? Expensivenya. These 2 memang kaya.

Pssst. tell you guyz smtg, thambi's (nyit yang) boxers are pink with guitar patterns on it.

and if that wasn't enough, they went Jusco to buy more boxers....sheesh, i prefer briefs man.

Oh, and we went TGV (yea, we're sick of GSC) to watch Kompass Emas. Yea, another malay thing. Hahaha....there was lesbo love going on and a bear resembling Pooh who was high on steroids. Very ganas.

But heck,it was a good movie. Go watch it. The only thing that irked me were the names. Ah neh reckons it sounds too Russian.

Lyra Belecqua
Mrs Coulter
Lord Asriel
Iorek Byrinison(tats the goddamn steroid-infested bear)
and my all time fav. The witch protrayed by Eva Green.

hahaha weird shit names.

Oh and sonia, here are some things me and ah neh came up for the T Shirts

Hey, can you help me take this shirt off?
Dig my nose(ah neh)
I am *insert our names* and you are a retard.
We're so into shit.

and then i was thinking we print this line on the upper part of the shirt, just above the chest with tiny letters saying


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ain't no bed of roses

no, i don't think i like the life i have now.
i'm not being ungrateful or picky or anything, it's just that, i don't like it, not even one bit.

I've done some thinking....and searching. I really feel no love for my parents anymore. I'm not being childish or anything, but it's the things they do and say. I'm a wretchd lil kid. Sorry.

so many things left unsaid, yet i don't feel like typing it. It takes too much out of me. So i'll leave it here with a summary.

I am very frustrated, not angry
i am very confused, not wayward
i am lonely, not desperate
i am sad, not depressed

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dulan-ness Part 5

gawd...part 5 already? Too much dulan-ness in my life already la....

So here's the deal,

1)my mom dragged me out to help her pay all those bills. I wasn't even helping, more like teman-ing her only. I sit in the car while she goes and attend her business. CBF.
2)my sohai-filled maid go and touch my stuff and 'kemas' it without my permission. Bitch, who let you touch my stuff one?
3) Fine, i go prepare my stuff for IU day. So i was going through my notes and plans. Then i spilled water all over my papers. All soggy and water-fied. Now i have to write everything all OVER again. Blardy IU shit, be glad when it's over.
4) i was so in the mood to go play basketball to vent all the built-up frustration in me. Then it rained.

seriously, im at the verge of a temper tantrum. I am literally slamming on the keyboard typing this. I am pissed off. WAY pissed off.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

These are what Malays come up with.

So today went 1U with the Car Gang....Me, Jieyi, aunny bunny and Corey. Ee lynn couldn't make it cause she was busy lidat....
So walked around teman-ing the two girls with their shopping. I was supposed to be yeeaun's bellboy for the day, so all the bags.....yea, put it on me please.

Oh, and i bought this new basketball pants. Kinda nice. Nike, rm49. Cheap kan?
and i gave kaijie comission. You owe me dude.

Then we went to watch Enchanted. Kinda a nice show, i liked it. But ditch the singing part....its stupid. Imagine X-men punya Cyclops singing like orang gila on a horse???? WTF?

But, the thing is, i was kinda flummoxed by the subtitles.

Tell me, how can 'Enchanted' be Terpersona????

Tsk, only our own Malays can come up with this.

Batman- Lelaki Keluang
Spider-Man- Lelaki Labah-labah
Iron Man- Orang Besi
Transformer- Besi Bertukaran
Balls of Fury- Marah punya Bola

and then....if songs were to be translated????
gawd....imagine Backstreet Boys became Jalan Belakang punya Lelaki or the song Mr. Brightside to Encik Terang Sebelah.

endless possibilties and embarresment.
This cup of...liquid is 'Apogatto' or some shit lidat. From Paddington House of Pancakes or PHOP. It's supposed to be Ice-cream on Hot Chocolate......
'Oi! I want that yellow piece ar.....!!!' Yeap...we were all playing Lego in the middle of OU.

Corey's masterpiece.....his codename: SPY

.....and Aunny Bunny looks constipated........tsk tsk.

I haven't received the picture of me and corey holding handbags like a bunch of fags.
yea....Bag Fag.
Lelaki Homesexsual Dengan Beg.

Weee....facelift how'd you people like my new blog skin?

It's actually a drum theme. haha. Zildjian zildjian zildjian....

Lots of thanks to Elyse Kym for this super duper skin. Lovin it loads.

Still....i gotta figure out how to log in to my dashboard and to insert back my cBox....i'm using the 'back' button to come to the dashboard and i'm a hopeless dude with HTML.


Monday, December 3, 2007

that feeling

yea....i was jealous wait...AM jealous.

I can't believe it. I thought i was so OVER it. Then when i heard.....the feeling just came back.

Does that mean i still like her?

Hey hey hey....i know this is puppy love or teenage infatuation or whatever you peeps wanna call it. I know this won't last......

....but even if it's puppy still hurts.


listening to Hate that I Love You- Rihanna ft Ne-Yo

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yeah...i'm still here.....

....doing nothing.

I have no purpose in life. So i just did stuff....randomly...

Today i....
-stared out the window and counted the cars/motorbikes whiz past
-stared at the sky,trying to figure out shapes formed by the clouds.
-i played with the Christmas tree
-i surfed the net....looking for ipod videos. and found them.
-emailed a lot.
-ate fried rice for lunch
-played Pokemon Yellow on my phone
-sitting here typing this

Yea....i guess u can all figure out i'm bored. Really.

Oh, and wishing Elle a happy and fun trip to Italy. Bet she's gonna need a few extra luggages to carry all her purchases. yea.

Listening to Rockstar-Nickelback.


oh wait....i forgot....i haven't played the drums yet.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

please...don't ask

i think i've outdone myself....3 blog post in a day. sheesh.
Living with Boredom is like.....boring.....and the people i usually chat with ain't online...i'm left staring at the computer with absolutely nothing to do...all the songs in my playlist i've listened too many times till i'm fed up with it....i can't go out cause i have homework and tuition....

Oh god...i guess i can only play drums. But i've done that too today.

Big sigh.

Well...i know you people will say i'm a hypocrite or something, but please, understand my situation...i NEED to do SOMETHING. So i'll do some tags my friends have been after me to do.

This one by astin.....a long long time ago.
a) how old are they?
b) where are they currently?
c) how long have you known them?
d) tag 5 people.

-erm...i think i've only began to KNOW her this year. yeah.

2)Shin Yueh
-same as jess -.-"

-erm...lemme count....6 years

-pj oso la
-eh...1 year plus gua

5)Vivian =)
-hmm....2 years lidat....

Would you rather to party with 1 or 5 ...
eh....partying with jess...she might think i'll rape i guess it's 'safer' to party with my sis, vivi. 5 then.

Marry 2 or 4 ...
erm...i really don't know anything bout EWWWWWW

Kill 3 or 5 . . .
aw...i wouldn't wanna kill any of them....

Date 1 or 2. . .
hahaha the dynamic duo...who to choose? Both would be DOUBLE DATE! HAHAHAAH

Make out with 1 or 3 . . horny as i am, i don't think these 2 would be on my 'Bang Bitches' List....

Have kids with 3 or 4. .
haha...this is hilarious. If i had kids with sonia...gawd...i wonder if they'd be tall or short? (sorry son). And if with elle....nah, she still wants to have kids with 'e-hem'....hahaha so neither i guess

Live with 1 or 3 . . .
as i said, jess is afriad i'll rape her, so living with her is kinda impossible. Maybe sonia, cause i kinda think our lives are bit alike. HAha....remember Freaky Friday. Imagine THAT.

Be stuck on an island with 2 or 5. . .
5! Vivian...she's my only sis, and i can confide, protect, cuddle her on that bloody island. Though i rather we wouldn't end up in any island though. I rather stay in Peejay.

Trade lives with 3 or 4 . .
sonia i guess....same reason as above. besides, i wanna know how it is to be rich.

Wake up next to 1 or 5 . . .
oh gawd....ewww? Jess would be even horrified if she found a gorilla next to her in her bed. And

Completely disown 2 or 4. . .
now why would i do that? they ain't even related to me!

Has 3 ever hurt you ?
hell yea, more than you can imagine. Those bruises i got when we were kids...i'll never forget.

Have you ever hurt 4 ?
hmm...maybe. Ask her. You know my big mouth...i might say things i don't mean.

Who's the funniest?
Shin Yueh...she laughs me.

Can you beat up 5?
NO! i wouldn't even want to? How can i beat up my own cute lil sis? that would be outrageous!

Who's the smartest ?
oh well...everyone is smart to each of her own.....but probably sonia

How long have you known 5 ?
this is stupid, i just said 2 years plus above.....

Who is 3 dating/crushing on ? far as i know, she ain't got no boo in m'sia. But she likes Channing Tatem(is that how you spell his name?) and italian dudes....go figure.

Does 2 smell good ?
er...i never smelled her before?

Who will you still be talking to in 15 years ?
hopefully all of them?

Which in ur top 5 is the nicest ?

Who has the better . . .
[smile] - vivian
[attitude] - sonia
[voice] - elle
[body] - er...i rather not answer this
[face] - don't ask
[clothes] - elle or sonia?

i won't tag anyone, cause i noticed this tag is over-used. So screw it. I'm done. That wasn't so hard wasn't it? ><

Gawd...Something like Benny Lava

OH MY GAWD!! first GIrly Man, then Benny THis!!!

Crank what?

Jess and Shin Yueh came over my place know,hangout and watch some DVD's. Jenn was supposed to join us....but i think she malas la....

We watched Rush Hour 3, Balls of Fury and She's The Man.(WTF?)

then, we went to the park near my 'catch some fresh air instead of huddling up in the house' as my mum says. Along the way ,those 2 idiots kept dancing the Crank That-Soulja Boy dance....


Then later ALL of us started dancing to Benny Lava.....
