Friday, June 20, 2008

Sigh...tough titties.

I don't know what to say anymore.

So i'll just shut up for a while, let this problem percipitate at the bottom of my heart.

I guess i was....happy today?
Haha, that touch.
Mixed feelings, as usual.

Interview for next year's Interact Club B.O.D. Now i'm really in deep shit, i don't know who to choose to succeed me. Both candidates i have in mind are both good in their own aspects, but then.....should i choose for the benefit of the club? Or choose to protect feelings from getting hurt?

Tough titties indeed.

Grades are really shitty, but i couldn't care less.

Am i changing?
or are they?
i don't know,
it feels like,
i don't know my friends anymore.
This makes me,
miss the old days
very,very much.

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