Tuesday, June 24, 2008


yes yes, second post of the day. Forgive me.

Don't blame me. My emotions are in an all-time high overdrive kick. Mood changes faster than you can shout SEX!

I read all my erm....emo posts for the past few months, and frankly, i'm sick and ashamed to say AGAIN that i really am utterly, pathethic.

No seriously, don't try to be nice. Don't gimme that: No laa....you're going through a phase shit thingy. I know. I know how shitty things are. I know how pussified i've become.


Recap. Where to begin?
-Life. In general? Yea, rat-dung.
-Love life. Non-existant. Yeap. and all those emo shits you read previously, insert here.
-Friends. Strained relationships. Am trying desperately to patch things up.

yea, the holy trinity or some shit like that. I'm revolving around these 3 problems now, and believe me, it's taking its toll on me.

I've changed. Totally. What ever happened to the old lame fat ass who was always never afraid to make a complete fool outta himself in public?

Died. R.I.P. Really Into Pussies.

I really despise myself. What to do?

you noticed that my blog posts are all somewhat similiar in nature?
that's because i'm still struggling with all this.

Sigh. I'm trying to change. Believe me, i am.
Till then, either bear with me, or gimme some love and support. God knows i need it.

and God answered me. my 'friend' brian a.k.a Ah Neh imparted words of wisdom to me in times of dire need.


'Life is like a cloud, sometimes u float. sometimes u rain, but sometimes u float and rain at the same time, and sometimes u dont appear and make the sun look fucking bright.The times u float and rain or look like u are going to rain, its called being cloudy. When u dont appear, its called cloudless.Life is a cloud,its always there'

*applause* do not underestimate this apparent asshole. somewhere in the anus, hides a shrewd mind, size of a peanut.

I think i need to start believing in God. Not that i don't believe in His existance, it's just that, i feel God doesn't believe in me. C'mon pal, let's work things out together-gether. OK? Shower me with your power, till it burns me to ashes. I wouldn't mind at all.

For tomorrow comes like a fucking fart.
always there, but not sure when it'll come.

*no prize guessing who came up with that.*

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