Sunday, June 29, 2008

Deception or Constipation?

It's so much easier to lie.

Really. I mean, you can effortlessly put on this fake smile in less than 2 seconds and act as though you have not the care in the world.

No, i have not been honest with my friends. As much as i appreciate the concern they show, i lied to them. No one, i repeat, NO ONE can even begin to understand how i feel now. It's not that i don't wanna share, but it's too complicated and fucked up to put all these shits into words.

So, sorry for the lie.

But the lie is better than the truth,no?
It's better to be fake-ishly happy than being truly emo.

bottomeline: i'm still not over it.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I know i never will be good enough for her.


Victor is doing really fine!
HE just retired as IU Director from Interact Club. Feeling old and unwanted, but nonetheless, quite HAPPY!


and i have shocking news......


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG WTF OMG OMG OMG OMG.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Total weight loss: 1.7kg.

omg, why do i still have a small tummy?


ok....i know it's not much, but its at least a start la ok??? Credits to weight lifting, jogging, skipping and drumming(yes, drumming helps u sweat a lot).

let's see....

oh ya! I tak ada emo yesterday la....the previous post was supposed to be a joke. An inside joke, chemistry tuition mates tau kan? Hehe.

and erm.....

going OU later, buy shueze's present, and then off to his b'day bash.

and er.....

that's all.

seriously. No Emo. Doing great.

gee. i wish i'd stop acting like everything's alright. can't fault me for trying.

Friday, June 27, 2008

About high time that i face the Facts.

I'm a failure.

'nuff said.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hit her right between eyes.

I re-lived a day,an hour, a minute, a second, a glimpse of yesterday. That really made my day. I'm feeling quite happy now. So that's an improvement.
Maybe i'm a guy who wants his yesterday back badly. Maybe that's why i keep looking back. Maybe that's why i don't dare to take a chance of tomorrow.

Tomorrow comes like a fucking fart. It'll always be there, but you'll never know how it'll smell.

Officially failed add maths

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'll be OK.

wasn't really a bad day after all. =D

Feeling reasonably happy, at least not emo-ing.
Relatively, a GOOD day. =D

exempting my grades out of the equation though, they're not worth singing about. But who cares? I don't.

Maybe Elle was right after all, i dramatize too much. Haha.

I've been musing. I've like, liked a lot of girls in the past.but then, why isn't there a single girl out there who likes me??? =(

It would feel great to know at least SOMEONE is having a crush on you for a change. Sigh.

Reason: Too Fat.

There are five levels of Fattines:
3)FAT. $%^#%$^&#^

I'm in level 3 now. Seriously need to stop procrastinating and get those dumbbells out under my bed. Start my routine jog around the neighbourhood.

Operation Slim-Myself-Down-So-I-Can-Have-More-Luck-With-Girls. Initiate.

Life is just a cloud. Right? HAHA

When everything is going wrong
And things are just a little strange
It's been so long now
You've forgotten how to smile.

And overhead the skies are clear
But it still seems to rain on you,
And your only friends all have
Better things to do.

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way
Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK

Now things are only getting worse
And you need someone to take the blame
When your lover's gone
There's no-one to share the pain

Your sleeping with the TV on
And your lying in an empty bed
All the alcohol in the world
Could never help me to forget

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way,
Just try a little harder
Try your best to make it
Through the day,
Oh just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way,
Try a little harder
Try your best to make it
Through the day
Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK
Ah, I'll be OK
Ah, I'll be OK

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


yes yes, second post of the day. Forgive me.

Don't blame me. My emotions are in an all-time high overdrive kick. Mood changes faster than you can shout SEX!

I read all my erm....emo posts for the past few months, and frankly, i'm sick and ashamed to say AGAIN that i really am utterly, pathethic.

No seriously, don't try to be nice. Don't gimme that: No're going through a phase shit thingy. I know. I know how shitty things are. I know how pussified i've become.


Recap. Where to begin?
-Life. In general? Yea, rat-dung.
-Love life. Non-existant. Yeap. and all those emo shits you read previously, insert here.
-Friends. Strained relationships. Am trying desperately to patch things up.

yea, the holy trinity or some shit like that. I'm revolving around these 3 problems now, and believe me, it's taking its toll on me.

I've changed. Totally. What ever happened to the old lame fat ass who was always never afraid to make a complete fool outta himself in public?

Died. R.I.P. Really Into Pussies.

I really despise myself. What to do?

you noticed that my blog posts are all somewhat similiar in nature?
that's because i'm still struggling with all this.

Sigh. I'm trying to change. Believe me, i am.
Till then, either bear with me, or gimme some love and support. God knows i need it.

and God answered me. my 'friend' brian a.k.a Ah Neh imparted words of wisdom to me in times of dire need.


'Life is like a cloud, sometimes u float. sometimes u rain, but sometimes u float and rain at the same time, and sometimes u dont appear and make the sun look fucking bright.The times u float and rain or look like u are going to rain, its called being cloudy. When u dont appear, its called cloudless.Life is a cloud,its always there'

*applause* do not underestimate this apparent asshole. somewhere in the anus, hides a shrewd mind, size of a peanut.

I think i need to start believing in God. Not that i don't believe in His existance, it's just that, i feel God doesn't believe in me. C'mon pal, let's work things out together-gether. OK? Shower me with your power, till it burns me to ashes. I wouldn't mind at all.

For tomorrow comes like a fucking fart.
always there, but not sure when it'll come.

*no prize guessing who came up with that.*

I miss all of that....and more.

Times change.
No doubt about that.

But then, why must people change too?
My personal question mark.

Are they my friends anymore?
Am I their friend anymore?
Why do i feel that there's this gaping distance slowly building up between us all???

I really miss the good ol' times.

Grades sucks. I failed 4 subjects EFFORTLESSLY.

i wonder,
if we're still friends at all?
Truth be told,
i'm scared actually.
Not the indifference you show,
but that....
well,that negative vibe you give out.
it's like you hate me.
That glare, that silence.
How can i dare to take the next step,
if we can't even start out as friends?
What happened to the days where we laughed together?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Just another day,just another.

I am an asshole.
a big fat obnoxious asshole.

I actually got jealous because of THAT???

i can't even begin to say how sorry and guilty i am.
I love my friends,
but i was being a moody,ungrateful grouch,
i lashed and snapped at them for no particular reason.

I'm so sorry.
especially to shin, who was the primary victim of my unpleasentness.
She's a good friend,
i had no right to treat her like that.

Speaking of friends.
I think everyone's changing, including me.
I don't know,
i've talked to wei ren about how i feel about this subject.
He's a great listener.
Talking to him is comforting, at least it beats all the snide remarks and mockery i receive when i try to talk about my problems.
He's more of a man than any of you guys think.

I really really want to go back to the old days. I hate the now us. I want my friends back. I want myself back. I want my life back.

today,i did not even talk to her.
Not even a single word uttered.
Amazing willpower right?
no wait.....
SHE didn't talk to me.
But maybe it's better this way.

Recently I've been,
Hopelessly reaching
Out for this girl,
Who's out of this world.
Believe me.

She's got a boyfriend
He drives me round the bend
Cos he's 23
He's in the marines
He'd kill me

But so many nights now
I find myself thinking about her now.

'Cause obviously,
She's out of my league
But how can I win
She keeps draggin' me in and
I know I never will be good enough for her.
No, no
Never will be good enough for her.

Gotta escape now
Get on a plane now. yeah
Off to L.A and that's where I'll stay, for two years.
I'll put it behind me
Go to a place where she can't find me

'Cause obviously,
She's out of my league,
I'm wastin' my time
'Cause she'll never be mine
I know i never will be good enough for her.
No, no
Never will be good enough for her

She's outta my hands
And I never know where I stand
Cos I'm not good enough for her
He's good enough for her

'Cause obviously,
She's out of my league,
I'm wastin' my time
'Cause she'll never be mine
I know i never will be good enough for her.
No, no
Never will be good enough for her

Sunday, June 22, 2008

when my brain starts working.

I sat down last night, and gave my 'problem' some thought.

nonono, not emo. No such thing happened. I just sat there and thought,mused,contemplated. Whichever you like.

It's amazing what one girl can do to you. She single-handedly mouded me into something else. No, she does not know what she has done. She is not stupid, just plain ignorant.

I guess all of this started....probably around the end of last year? I actually refused to acknowledge my feelings for her, insisting that it's probably just some 'brotherly' love going on. Turned out that the so-called brotherly love evolved into something mushy. Very mushy if i may say so.

I remember how happy and thrilled i was when i saw her sms-es. It's nothing really, just the usual 'eh, today what homework' or 'tmwr bring what book?' etc etc. But these little mundane messages, i saved them in my phone, and i find myself occasionally browsing through them.

I remember well too, that those few precious and priceless moments when we had contact. The touch of your hand sends jolts up my spine, and i find myself gawking into your eyes. And still, i was adamant, passing these 'feelings' off as 'come-&-go' infatuation.

But no, not only did it matured, it blossomed. I can't help myself from talking to you, laughing with you, looking at you or just being with you. Sometimes i wonder, whether i'm taking a risk. What if you figured out that all these 'innocent moments' underlie a secret which could jeopardize our relationship?

FYI, i wan't always strong. No, i'm too sensitive. After my first break-up, i ended up losing faith in all this. I hurt alot and i'm not liking it even one bit. I've had a lot of crushes before, but laugh all you want when i say she, this girl, is totally different. It takes 'infatuation' to a whole new meaning.

i like her a lot. I really do. Don't ask me why. I just like her. As simple as that. Do you really need a reason? Oh, she's not perfect, don't worry. She's a real grouch sometimes, but i still love that. Haha.

I can't face rejection, because i'm afraid. But what's scarier than rejection is the confession. I can't bring myself to blurt out what i feel. I'm afraid. Afraid that our friendship might be strained because of this. I'd rather we still still talk than getting all awkward after my confession.

Having said so, all these months have been a real haze of pain. I've cried, just because of her. Proves how emotional i can get. I've been struggling. Albeit the consequences, i decided that i'll lay out my feelings on the table for her to see. What comes next, happens. At least i can come to terms with myself.

Now....i can't pretend to be normal in front of her now. Regardless of how ignorant she can be, she's bound to notice something's wrong with me. I still enjoy her pressence, but deep down inside, i rather she'd just go away.

you see the contradiction going on here? tsk tsk.

This is what happens when you fall for a girl,your good friend, and you know that it will not bear any results.

Have you ever liked someone this much?

Sigh, so many things left unsaid. It'd probably be better if it stayed that way.

I am, inexpressibly sad.

Another friend of mine asked me whether i would be serious to put commitment in this relationship IF it hits off.

Let me ask back: would SHE even accept me first? Let's not think too far, shall we?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I did not think i'd cry

i thought i'd be happy.
thought wrong then, didn't I?

I was...AM inexpressably sad now.
Not really emo, but sad.
I actually allowed a few hot tears

It's not because of the company
i hang out with,
my friends are all wonderful people,
but i guess it all comes down to me.

I'm a changed person,
but not for the better.
I've turned into something.....
unpleasant. But a lil bit more than that.

and you still don't know,
you're the reason for all this.

I just wanna let you KNOW,
that's all,really.
but why is it so difficult?

......and we're not talking,
like we used to.
Is it me? or you?

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sigh...tough titties.

I don't know what to say anymore.

So i'll just shut up for a while, let this problem percipitate at the bottom of my heart.

I guess i was....happy today?
Haha, that touch.
Mixed feelings, as usual.

Interview for next year's Interact Club B.O.D. Now i'm really in deep shit, i don't know who to choose to succeed me. Both candidates i have in mind are both good in their own aspects, but then.....should i choose for the benefit of the club? Or choose to protect feelings from getting hurt?

Tough titties indeed.

Grades are really shitty, but i couldn't care less.

Am i changing?
or are they?
i don't know,
it feels like,
i don't know my friends anymore.
This makes me,
miss the old days
very,very much.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

How can a guy be so cynical about gals?

I can.

Girls are creatures of fear.
They strike you when you least expect it,
dishing out punishment emotionally
till you just wish to roll over and die.

Girls are bringers of despair.
They can make you crawl on all fours,
make you weep your heart out,
till you're all pathetic and shrivelled up.

Girls are misleading.
They emit waves of different frequencies.
Try to understand them, at your own risk.
The one who will get PWNED is yourself.

Girls are the infinite.
They can just walk past you,
not even bothering to throw a glance at your pitiful existence,
while you're lying on the curb, gasping for breath.

Girls will always be girls.
Nothing will change.

Cleopatra made thousands of hot males her sex slaves and her sex libido was too great until she 'killed' them off. When the people asked, she would tell them, they 'served the kingdom to their last breath'.

Why am i like this now? you ask.

Well, it's because my emo-ness, my depression, my crush for her....
after sulking all this while,
has finally turned green and bad,
and now,
i am pissed off.
REALLY pissed off.

I hate her.
I like her.
I hate her more.
I like her more.

To hell with it. In the end, the one who's utterly pathetic, is ME.

Ok....exams are over. But i'm not exactly thrilled. I don't know why myself, but i guess the problem is,and always will be, HER. It's not like she's done anything to me......ok maybe she did, a bit, indirectly....but i always enjoy wallowing in self-pity.

Gosh, am i a failure or what?

And to add cherry to the topping, I 'broke up' with my 'girlfriend' singek, because she doesn't love me anymore.

So now, i am completely, absolutely, ALONE.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It feels so good when it aches.

i was wrong.
we still do talk to each other.
the only thing that's missing
is that familiarity.
Where did It go?

to form4's: screw you, just because you finished your exams 2 days earlier you think you can laugh at us? Wait till you hit form 5, then i will watch you die and struggle in college. HAHAHA

Life's like this. Already began planning what to do and where to go after exams. No mood for SPM yet.

But still.....gotta start getting my priorities right.



Monday, June 16, 2008

Random...and some not so.

CONNECTION'S A BITCH!! SCREW MAXIS!!! bangsat,donkey-butt,pokecunt. (it ryhmes)

connection was down the whole weekend, and i went stale not being able to go online.

Weekend....i tak ada study. Tak ada CS. Tak ada emo.

That's my weekend. Killed it by playing pokemon on my cellphone. I have a life, i know. Thanks.


FOR SOME REASON, I WAS UNSHAMEFULLY CHEERFUL!! i guess i woke up at the right side of the bed. Hehe. Exams were ok. English and BM. Zzz....sat there and wasted about.....1 hour plus of my life. I have a life, i know. Thanks.

But albeit the cheerfulness, a slight twinge of sadness(not emo, not that extreme) marred my near-perfect day. Quite sad really, but i hid it really well, if i may say so myself. I actually had time to write some 'crap' after both papers, but tore both up after that. It's just so....cliched. I've said those things too many times already. Wasted paper and ink. I have a life, i know. Thanks.

I do not know what i did to incur her wrath, but hell yea, it was scary and sad.

But it's ok. I have a life,i know. Thanks.

i wish,i really do,
that we could talk,
the way we used to,
before all this.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Life is like this and that.

Add maths only mar.....worry what?
No more bloody essay papers. Ergh. What a nightmare that was.

Am seriously hardcore addicted to Mcfly.....


....ok la, be honest, i'm seriously hardcore addicted to Danny Jones of Mcfly.

seriously. He's like everything i want to be. Quite good-looking, armed with a totally sexy voice, looking damn cool with a guitar and most of all FUNNY! Man, i'd give ANYTHING to be SOMETHING like him.

now now. Don't get me wrong. I am not being gay. This kind of infatuation is totally different like nen lin being ga-ga over ronaldo. No, i am just idolising this dude.

He rocks. To the max. As simple as that.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

my tiny little Anguish

I'm fat.
No point denying that.
Really fat.
No wonder i haven't any luck with the girls. =P

oh well, fat is fat.Fat is Me. Me is Me.

Biology today was actually do-able. I actually did the paper with considerable pleasure. Wow. This must be a first. I'd be darned if i got a C,really. I mean, i failed twice and passed with 40+ twice, getting a 50+ would be a great improvement for me.

Alas! Add Maths. No matter, i'll score at Paper 2, easier kan? *breathe in sarcasm*

please disregard previous post.
I have not the heart nor will to ignore her.
Painful as it may be,
the bitterness is all i wanna feel now.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I've done it once and i'll do it again.

Oh well. Stopping myself from being emo was actually easier than it looked.

Just a few minutes staring at my new-found fantasy girl, i'm all smiles.

HAHAHA. dammit,i'm shallow.

Yea, forget about confession.
I've already accepted the fact we're two impossible worlds. (damn, this sounds familiar) So, instead of brooding here, i've taken the old way...MY way of dealing with this ah....'problem'.

Make myself to hate her.
Distance myself from her.

Hey, it worked once. Why shouldn't it again?

Oh, and i'm STILL not really studying for exams. I couldn't care less anymore,really.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Move this boulder away from my chest, and clarity will dawn

I got to get this out of me,
before i go nuts.

It's been long.
not THAT long maybe,
but long to me.
I wonder how many times,
have i covertly stared at you,
with these pathethic eyes.
I'm so glad you can't see
the weakness in me,
the one i ooze everytime,everynight.

Oh jeez,
you think i want to be like this?
do you,
even for a second,
think i PREFER to be like this?
I now hide all this,
behind that mask,
the one i wear everyday,
which depicts me as the goofy,oh-so-lame Victor.

you know what?i'm tired.
I'm sick of all this pain and misery.
This awful horrible mind-numbing excruciating searing boiling aching pain that ravages every fiber of me.
Bottomline: It hurts.
But still,
you don't know, you don't have a clue,
you don't give a damn.
Girls are dumb.
It's not like we're not giving out subtle messages,
or deceptive signs.
It's just that you girls are not that perceptive.
which makes you dumb.

I guess all i need is Someone to talk to.
Someone who won't laugh at me,
won't gimme snide remarks,
or pointless and lame advises,
when i pour out my troubles.
Someone who,instead, will smile at me,
listen attentively,give me words of comfort.
But where oh where, is that Someone
when you need him/her?
If you don't like what you see or hear now from me,
But i make no excuses for being like this.
How many times have you ever
fallen for a girl, just like this?

I defy anyone who has prowled in her shadows
longer than i have.

funny thing is, i actually feel better after all THAT.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

*chuckle* everytime i look at this picture, it cracks me up without fail. I remember vividly, we were all like:

' HOI!! cepat cepat pose, no time already!!! Miriam, go sit inside the phonebooth. YES,SIT! Amal, Carol, quick quick go inside....ok....ready....*SNAP* OK gao dim. Next location,FASTEEEEERRRR!!!'

Bwahaha. It's been more than a week, yet it only seemed that it was yesterday i was doing this photohunt with my team. Oh jeez, i miss Supercamp so much.


I will die, in the most horrible and gruesome way, tomorrow. Why? Coz i didn't study, not even one bit. Can't help it, when you're desperately addicted to CS. I tried ok? i seriously did. But it's as hard as calling a chain-smoker to stop smoking today.

Addiction kills. But before it does, enjoy it to the max. =D

Physics only till no feel liao.

it's as i feared,
we have nothing to talk about.
That dreaded silence.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Back to the old drawing board.

Yea, it's just too much a hassle managing two different blogs. I've decided to shut down the 'other' one.... the emo one. hahahaha

Henceforth, everything i have in mind, those i'm willing to share, will be all thrown here.


Hey guys, seriously, is emo such a horrid thing to you? I'm not saying i'm supporting it or anything, but, why do you treat it like a malady or plague?

'ee yer...he emo.'
'wtf, you emo again ar? deng....'


Sometimes, being emo is inevitable. Personally, i think when i emo, it provides the chance to think things over seriously. Not thoughts like 'i wanna kill myself' or 'i'm a failure'. But more like, decipher stuff to a deeper layer. Yeah.

So when i start thinking and musing about my problems, which are usually sad,complicated and difficult, yea, the 'emo session' begins. But after each session, i always feel slightly better.

And here's the result i obtained after yesterdays 'session':

I've always wanted
to keep things to myself.
But how oh how,
with you appearing
on my line of sight

It's ok.
It's a die-die situation anyway.
After you had your say,
I'll be ok,
I'll be fine.
I can face rejection
once more.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Do not laugh at me.

laugh WITH me.

*shaking with surpressed hysterical laughter.*


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Coz i'm not studying.

#1 If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
ok. first, i'd probably emo gau gau first. Then, i get angry at her. THEN, i tell her to fuck off. THEEENNNN....i go find Jessica Alba.

#2 If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
oh let's not get so personal, shall we? XD

#3 What will your dream wedding be like?
no, can't imagine.

#4 Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

#5 What's your ideal lover like?
oh you know me, a simple girl would do. But she ain't that simple....sigh

#6 Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
hmm....being loved by someone. If i love someone, it's a curse. BWAHAHAH

#7 How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
i can wait forever.....*simple plan song! ROXXOR*

#8 If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
hmm...i'd be jealous. DAMN jealous. But i'll act as the 'oh-i'm-so-happy-for-you' friend and 'wish' them all the best.

#9 Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
hmm....there is. Fuckin hackers and cheaters in CS keep pawning me. Ergh.

#11 Is being tagged fun?

#12 How do you see yourself in ten years time?
3 inches taller(hopefully), with pierced ears and nipples, with Jessica Alba as my boo, a rockstar with lots and lots of dough to blow. *KA-CHING*

#13 Who are currently the most important people to you?
my homies and bitches. Definitely.

#14 What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
she's.....she's....erm......well...probably nice. yea.

#15 Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
the latter

#16 What's the first thing you do every morning?
think about what i should do first every morning.

#17 Would you give all in a relationship?
if i find the perfect match, why not?

#18 If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick? cookie. I'd probably choose....the one with the longer hair. HAHAHA *wtf, i'm so shallow*

#19 What type of friends do you like?
The type of friends i have now.

#20 What type of friends do you dislike?
One who interupts me with sms-ed or phone calls while i'm in the toilet

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

another 'Oh Well...'

I really thought i'd be happy to see her again.

fuck no, i wasn't.
and i don't know the reason why.

for all the missing and thinking,
i just wished she wasn't there.
no wait, just wished I wasn't there.

It's too complex,too mushed up.
To unravel all this,
heck, i don't think Einstein could help.

Oh well...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bored. Sien. Bosan. BSB. BackStreetBoys

seriously, my post title says all.


no, you do not know.

this is what i've been up to:

-after class today, came back, Hardcore Counter-Strike. First time headshot a sucker with a shotgun. Haigei.....a while.
-i listen to Linkin Park's old songs from Meteora. I syok-sendiri headbang in front of my computer until i scared my maid away.
-i chatted with a lot of people in MSN whom i usually don't. hehe
-i shat. seriously shat.
-attempted to TIE the TIE ShinYueh gave me. thanks la bitch....but i'm tryin to figure out how to wear this piece of cloth....
-i did NOT watch porn, no Kayla, i did not you horny bitch.
-came close to discuss about my tummy and pubic hair with Kapoh.
-i browsed throught the Supercamp photos AGAIN. I MISS THE FRIGGIN CAMP LA WOI!!!!!! *i miss 'her' more...heehee*
-i stone-ed
-TRIED to study. seriously,TRIED. now i can tell my mom i TRIED my best. =D
-i shat again. seriously shat shat.
-i counted the number of eraser dust on the table
-i CS-ed again. 2 kills and 34 deaths. -_-"
-i fantasized about those pair of lovely legs me and kahjoon are so partial of. Sri Aman has officially became our stalking place for cute and hot chicks.
-blogging-ging. (blog surfing, BrianC's term)
-erm....i'm here blogging the 2nd time for the day.

I'll post this picture again, because i love it....for some reason.

HAHA pure constipation look la woi.

Kaijie told me, when i was doing 'that', he told his group members i was Down Syndrome-d.

i guess they took his word for it.

a big great SIGH

Thanks to my brother, Kah Joon, for reminding me.

I shall always reminisce about supercamp...with that certain regret.

no wait, regretS.

two, in fact.


Monday, June 2, 2008

I is advertising/promoting?

I is nice friend.
I is want make my buddy Elle happy.
So i is here, promoting her boyfriend.
No gay.

He name Bryan.
He lengchai.
He also friendly.
That why,
he nominated by Watson You Awards,
in the category,
Friendly Face Award(Male).

Vote him please.
His name Bryan,number C2.
He very friendly one.


Thank eu orhxxxx!

Updated: Xtra Photos

dang, i miss you guys so much it aches. Sob.