Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Sunday

JUST back from Jess's house. I went there for her Charity lunch. I had to go la...promised her.

So when i reached her already over-crowded house, first thing she did was to rob me, i mean asked me to DONATE rm20. So i forked over the cash to her already waiting friends who dumped my cash happily into a plastic container. Wonderful, i did a good deed.

Then i went in her house to stone, i mean SIT with shin yueh and drool, i mean CHAT. So fun. Ka wai was also there, then along came seriel killer nyit yang. Both of us went to get some chow. Imagine my pleasent surprise when i scooped some raw rice, a few already-soggy fried mushrooms, yellow sticky-rice and some vegetarian chicken curry. Both thambi and i sat there munching oh-so-happily listening to horrible piano music.

After choking, i mean finishing my food, all of us went upstairs to watch some TV. We watched some fast-talking indians gibbering away in some weepy-weepy indian movie. Damn hardcore man. Then, we watched some lifeless music channels.

I hypothesised that the Black rapping culture was derived from the Tamil culture. Compare:
1) Indians speak their mother-tongue at rapid speed without needing to pause for breath. Black nigga's do that too when rapping. see the connection?

2) Every indian movie can't have no indian dance/music scene. it's compulsory. Observe their dance cheography/moves. Then, flick on MTV. Observe Chris Brown's music video and watch him dance. His moves are eeriely similair to the indian dance.

3)Both of these race have darker skins than us.

It's downright plagarism. How can no one not notice this? *shakes head*

Back to my story. Jess decided to watch some horror flick, 'The Messenger'. Before that, we got side-tracked by some movie previews. As shameful it is for me to admit, i have to say, i cannot TAHAN horror movies. Call me a chicken if you want, but being a chicken is better than being a screaming BIMLA. I was like, 'GAWD AHHHH!!!' and 'no,no,No,NO,NOOOOO!!!' throughout the START of the movie. Embarrassing, it was.

Can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon. No pictures 'cause i was having too much FUN***

***not-really-a DISCLAIMER: the above was written sarcasticly with a very poor taste. Should any individual or group feel offended, well, that's YOUR problem.

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