Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Let it all unfold

i shall blog about TODAY.

Had auditions. Supposedly for Teacher's Day la. So there we were up there, equipped with 2 guitars, a crash cymbal and a pair of shakers which i have to say were quite bloody useless as they can't make a loud enough effin sound.
I will be brutally honest. If you asked me, i think we weren't at our best. Point fingers to lack of practise.

and i was sweating like nuts. as usual.

But we nailed it. Passed. That's the high point.
But we're not performing for teacher's day. That's the low point.
Apparently we're gonna perform for some teacher's retirement.
Shoot me.

Plenty of drama today in 5S1.
Heck, i think it's good enough to be made into a movie. Tsk.
But being the neutral dude i am, i shall sit on the fence, watching all that happen.

Lies and accusations.
I can't believe i got dragged into it.

all these sh!ts happened on April Fool's Day. Bummer. that was a definite kill joy. Even the WHOOPEE cushion Shin brought was...well....whoopee.

And i would like to apologize to the my friends who are Ed-Boarders for getting them into trouble. My sincere apologies.

i don't know.
don't ask me.
but it feels like
the rain
has not passed.

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