Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wasted minutes of life.

Wow, being a form 5 SPM student ain't no easy feat.

The mood is serious now, i'm even doing my homework for a change. All the teachers are like brain-washing us into thinking "SPM is Tomorrow,Study,study,study".

Today, we had the stupid PMD(Program Maju Diri) or SIP(Self-Improvement Programme) as BrianC calls it. Stupid la, the bloody career search thingy, we've been doing the same shit for like the past 2 years. Had to sit in the Dewan Kuliah for like two periods.

And THEN, after recess, we had to go to the hall for this 'Stress Management' seminar. MAHAI! I no stress also let you make me got stress liao la. 3 periods, sitting there, listening to this Hiro Nakamura look-alike talking about STRESS.

I'm stressed out that i'm not stressed. Help?

SOME added chen yu that'll make life easier.

Sperm Sperm Got Taste- Jing Jing You Wei
Dragon Horse Sperm God- Long Ma Jing Sheng
No Sperm to Hit Colour- Mei Jing Da Cai

Fact: It's my 200th post. Yippie!

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