Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tagged before school

Yes, i can't believe it, SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!
i know, you're all moaning and groaning. But not me, i can't wait to go back to school. Holidays were a nightmare for me.

And just to kickstart the new semester, i just got bloody tagged by dear aunny bunny. *rolls eyes*

5 things found in my bag:
-erm.....i don't carry a bag usually. I only have a schoolbag.

5 things found in my wallet. WALLET, not PURSE bunny!
-money ( sometimes it's not there)
-my I.C
-some receipts
-popular discount membership card
-my guitar and bass picks.

5 favourite things in my room:
- bed
-my Darth Vadar poster, it's BIG
-my book cabinet
-the messiness
-i like the fact that i like my room

5 things i always wanted to do:
- perform on stage and totally rock on my drumset
-a date with Jessica Alba ( i don't care if she's pregnant)
-go to Japan and buy as much of Keroro as i can
-buy a lot of tech stuff without worrying about the price
-get a life

5 things i am currently into:

That wasn't really even a tag, bunny. Ish. thank you for wasting....*counting*...11 mins of my life.

Ok, just to cheer you don't-want-to-go-back-to-school losers, i STRONGLY suggest that you go and visit this site. READ ALL THE ARTICLES. It'll cheer you up, i hope.


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