Thursday, January 31, 2008


sorry for not updating, been really busy.

OK, so today was totally NOT my day.
-woke up feeling VERY lethargic and listless
-had a bad spell of stomach ache
-skipped PJK (though i'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing)
-i pricked my fingers a good couple of times because of the pins
-i'm totally broke and i owe everyone money
-i really can't tahan double tuition in a day anymore
-i dare not switch on my cell phone. trying to avoid THAT problem
-i'm so confused about her

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Joy Division...whatever that means

Yes, i've decided to be positive.
i'll give my all to be happy, even if it's just acting.

and yes, i'm still not talking to my parents.
it's the sense of betrayal.

to kick start my day, i cooked breakfast myself...again.
But i was feeling sorta...well...adventurous, if you know what i mean.

Scrambled eggs.

2 eggs(not the ones we guys have hanging between our legs)
6-8 ml of milk (full cream or low fat, up to you)
1 and half teaspoon of garlic powder ( or substitute with chopped garlic)
a pinch of salt and pepper(not grounded black pepper, you don't want the eggs to be covered in black spots)

Ok. First! pour the milk into the bowl, stir it for a while for the foams to come out. then,crack in the eggs. DO NOT BEAT IT YET! add in salt and pepper to taste. NOW only you beat it, thoroughly, until it is evenly mixed and a bit of foam appears on top.
Preheat your cooking pan,but on low heat. I repeat,LOW. Add in oil, then sprinkle the garlic powder(or the chopped garlic) onto the pan, spread it out evenly. Now, slowly pour in the egg mixture. Stir it gently, at 5 seconds interval, until the outer layer is golden brown, and the insides are like a bit half-cooked. Now, turn off the heat.

Add a dash of chopped parsley to give it colour or you could add half a slice of cheese on top. Best served hot and goes well with buttered toast.

Now, you have quite a healthy breakfast. Eat it while listening to 'Let's dance to Joy Division' by The Wombats. A very HAPPY song.

since i've been doing a lot of cooking since young, i'll share more recipes soon.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

A great day...clouded with bullshit

Well, today the Interact club bought orphans from Ti-rantana to Aquaria KLCC. I was actually expecting the worse, you know, annoying,hyperactive brats. But i was wrong.

I had a really meaningful day.
The kid i was in charge of , Er Hong, was a really adorable lil boy. He mumbles a bit when he talks, so i can't catch his words sometimes. He MEMANG hyperactive. After looking after him for the day, i really felt that i'm getting OLD.

I'll post pictures when i'm in the mood.

Cause apparently, my dad taught me,
nobody appreciates a nice guy,
being nice is equivalent to being STUPID.
so, we all have to be mean and selfish
to survive in this world.
But i want to be the nice guy,
not a stubborn and mean ***** like you.
i won't ask for your help to be nice,
i'll do it MYSELF.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Stay that way

something's wrong with me today.
i came back home, and cried for like 6 minutes.

i really don't know why, cause i thought i told myself, it's ok if the situation is like this, i mean, that's what i really hoped for,right?
But then, i guess i'm just lying to myself, i don't like how things are going on now.

I gotta keep wearing that mask i wear almost everyday, so i won't show any signs of weakness or insecurity. But this mask is very,very heavy to wear. I feel like ripping it off sometimes.

How long do you think i can last?

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to heaven

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Me. Bad. Very.

I got up on the wrong side of bed today i guess.

I had a really horrible mood swing this morning. i was absolutely mean to all my friends. I don't know what got into me, i just felt....well....bad. i guess it's because of the usual problem i'm facing. Haiz, dumb brain of mine, don't act on your own accord.

I want to say sorry to all the friends i've hurt or offended. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry for being such a bitch.

And Mr Micheal's PJK class will either make me slim or kill me first.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Retard. Me.

I sometimes(well, almost all the time la) think i'm really a tard. so, i do dumb shits all over again, which makes me a RE-tard.
hahahahahahhaa...get it? RE-tard.

i'm a retard.

Classes have been really hectic, all the homework and projects. Sigh, i'm glad tomorrow's a holiday, so i can actually take some time to do all my homework, i've been procrastinating too much.

i'm suppose to sell some cookies for Interact Club. I took home 4 boxes to sell. (note:4 boxes to SELL)
on the way back, i subconciously ripped open a box and started munching on those macadamian nut chocolate chip cookie.....
2 seconds later.....


sigh, i feel so friggin stupid and dumb. I mean, what the heck? those shits only happen to me. So now, i have to pay rm16 for that bunch of baked flour.

Still not convinced i'm a tard? Well, gaze upon pure retarded-ness.


Monday, January 21, 2008

what's that word....o yea, Listless

Gawd, i'm very tired la...
with all the work at school, activities and tuitions, i don't know how long i can last.

I had quite a emo attack today at school. Just because i started thinking. which is bad for me.
and for some reason, i've been listening to this song over and over again.....

Waiting for your
call, I'm sick,
call I'm angry
Call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy?(What's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home
[X4](I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight
(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Shopping? Say NO

I'm tired of saying this: What's so entertaining/satisfying about shopping?

I see all my girlfriends go bonkers over this S-craze. They'll be like: 'Ooo...look at this shirt i bought!' or 'These pair of stilettos are darling!!'. for me, na-na to shopping.

Which my dear old mom literally dragged me to OU today for CNY shopping. Darn it, i bet all you girls out there are dying for your mom to say what my mom said to me:

'Son just choose whatever you like, don't worry about the price, mama buy for you.'

aww....she's sweet, but that doesn't alter the fact i dread the shopping trip. In the end, after endless coaxing and nagging, i managed to pick out a few pieces from Billabong, Giordano and Topman. It's only like....*counting*...5 items, and my mom already spent rm400++....

and THAT's the amount she spent on a skirt she bought from Banana Republic.

Well, at least i'm done with my annual shopping trip. You won't see me trying on clothes for the rest of the year.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Very Tiring....but it's ok

Gerko Day finally over. I swear i lost some weight in that sweat suit of mine ( the interact uniform laaaa). Apparently, a lot of people are really into learning Crank That-Soulja Boy dance.



And wtf? school on saturday? ppffttt...sien la, but luckily minus 2 periods. Now i'm home, enjoying the remaining half of my Saturday.

Going jamming with the band later....Gawd, when was the last time i went to Studio Akakarya?

and elle, wash the laudry. You know what i mean.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


To Mr Micheal, our new PJPK teacher,
One Word for you: Respect

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Trying to be Positive

Yes, i will stop myself from indulging in those negative thoughts and feelings.
Though i would be lying if i said i'm completely alright now. ><

Some Xmas gifts i received from my kawans. Love you guys.

I got this pack of Oreo wafer sticks from Jess. She gave me another present before this, but that one fell apart on the day she gave it to me.

This is Cars. Left Buzz Lightyear and right Woody. From ShinYueh,who think its cute.
I got this cup from Elle. She bought it during her trip to Spain. It comes with a toothbrush*above* which roughly translates to: Brush ur teeth 3 times a day. LOL
THIS i got from Ian. He picked it up when he was in Japan for a student exchange program. I still haven't figured out what it is. But thanks anyways.

I got this keychain from Aiyan. I drew it on myself. Not bad kan?

And Jenn gave me a cute keychain along with a box of chocolates from Japan too. I forgot to take picture of it.

And that's not all, Jenn also gave me THIS, which is my very-late birthday present.


That's 6th Squad Captain Kuchiki Byakuya. HE RAWKS! Did i tell you people i'm a crazy fan of Bleach?
TA-DA! I stamped out every piece. Kawaii-ness. THANK YOU SO MUCH JENN!!!

And to continue with this Bleach mania, i bring you this 4 piece epic story of Kurowsaki Ichigo.
That is Toufu-Monster. Toufu-Monster is very geng. 'BANKAI! Tensa Zangetsu!' Ichigo goes into Bankai mode.
Toufu-Monster engages Ichigo. They fight like mad cows. Toufu-Monster very angry, he begins to emit an evil-looking green aura.....
POOF~! Toufu-Monster changes into Arrancar Espada No. 4, Ulquoirra. Ichigo is like WTF?

Ichigo damn dulan. He uses his 'Getsuga Tenshou' and PAWNS Ulquoirra.

Chun kan? That's why i love Bleach so much.

I'm very busy nowadays,but i still take some time to blog. I got this script i have to work with Ah Neh a.k.a Priscilla a.k.a BrianLoh for the IU day sketch. This is an important project to me, and i'm not gonna screw this up.

This is Ah neh showing signs of intelligence. Sigh, and this guy is the peak of our evolution.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Here we go again.

Yes yes, i'm feeling pretty down now, a bit 'emo' you might say.

But sorry la, i'm now jealous,frustrated,bitter,sad,dejected and all the shit that can happen ONLY when you're around.

I hate that i feel this way.

Enough said.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

No one cares ok?

Yesterday typical friday.

Classes were OK. Ng Kok Yew being an @$$ as usual. Homework banyak.

After school, no interact meeting, so i stayed back for nothing.

It rained.
I then hanged out in the Ed Board room, teaching the boyz there how to Crank That-Soulja Boy dance. Helped mommy (cheryl) do some typing shit. Went home, bathe, rest.

Went for chem tuition. Got new kid, apparently kaijie's friend. I think we freaked him out with our crazy antics. Chem getting harder and harder. Screw.

Later at night, went yamcha with Sonia and Elle. Then went to buy DVD's. I bought Jeff Dunham's 'Spark of Insanity' DVD. Gawd, i love that dude, he rocks. Elle bought 'The OC' season 4. Decided to go Su's house to watch. On the way, saw a frog, took pictures.

Of course, i know for a fact sonia's mom dislikes me. I was actaully sweating like tangki bocor when i reached sonia's doorstep. Apparently her parents were having Bible study class. Or God's tuition as sonia calls it. I tried to be as pleasant and polite as possible. But still, her mom scares the crap outta me.

The OC was very emo-ish la. Elle cried because ' the story so sad....sob'. *rolls eyes*

And now, i'ma just finished my homework. Listening to my over-played songs, surfing Facebook, and blog-surfing.

But, i'm actually really thinking you know. Thinking bout a lot of stuff la. My head is swimming. I don't know what to do or what to feel. So confused. Perhaps i should let go.

Heck, i need to drive....soon.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yes, the motivation brings me to a new level

Yes,I'm doing my homework.
Yes,I'm listening to the teachers more often in class now.
Yes,I do revision.
Yes,I do my tuition assignments.
Yes,I still eat a lot.
Yes,I still like you.
Yes,I bring books to school now.
Yes,I'm crazy.

Been pretty busy. Not much time to blog really. I have a lot of homework and projects to complete, not to mention all the tuition classes i have to attend. I don't have much time to work out or play basketball now. Sigh.

But it's ok, i can cope, i like the new year. I will study hard-ER. I will score SPM.

I got voted to be Vice-Captain of Blue House.

NOTE: A few people(including mua) will be organizing the CHS Prom 08. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VISIT THIS SITE AND GIVE US YOUR SUPPORT.

I'ma go do my homework now.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wasted minutes of life.

Wow, being a form 5 SPM student ain't no easy feat.

The mood is serious now, i'm even doing my homework for a change. All the teachers are like brain-washing us into thinking "SPM is Tomorrow,Study,study,study".

Today, we had the stupid PMD(Program Maju Diri) or SIP(Self-Improvement Programme) as BrianC calls it. Stupid la, the bloody career search thingy, we've been doing the same shit for like the past 2 years. Had to sit in the Dewan Kuliah for like two periods.

And THEN, after recess, we had to go to the hall for this 'Stress Management' seminar. MAHAI! I no stress also let you make me got stress liao la. 3 periods, sitting there, listening to this Hiro Nakamura look-alike talking about STRESS.

I'm stressed out that i'm not stressed. Help?

SOME added chen yu that'll make life easier.

Sperm Sperm Got Taste- Jing Jing You Wei
Dragon Horse Sperm God- Long Ma Jing Sheng
No Sperm to Hit Colour- Mei Jing Da Cai

Fact: It's my 200th post. Yippie!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy Seventeen

to Jess Tan Hui Fern, you bitch, you can legally drive now. I still have to wait 7 more months to drive myself. Pffttt...

but anyways, the new year brings new hope and on your seventeen birthday, i hope you find all the things you want in life, coz legally, we're somewhat adults least you are.

Today went Pizza Uno for a lunch party. Me, Shin and Elle baked a Chocolate Strawberry Butter cake. I tell you la, baking a cake is easier said than done. But it turned out all right, weijun was generous enough to rate it 8/10. SUCCESS!

Happy Birthday and best wishes to you again, Jess.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Late photos.

These are the Xmas Dinner photos....nah brianC, you wanted these photos badly.

That's the bastard who sang: I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss....a.k.a Cyclops. Faggot.

Enter Gayness

I got a lot of stares that guessin why...

The trio of us were imagining we were on a SLEIGH, and i'm Rudolph...minus the red nose.


This is more of a sleigh i guess, but i farkin look like a demented bunny that's high on sugar

Cart Race.

Shin. I.

BrianC loves taking photos.

BrianC with Jess's Shades.

BrianC. Thambi.

I. Jess.

I. Shin.

We Love Caffine. We Get High On It.

John who provided the santa hats that everyone was wearing.

Lego time. Fark, last time jieyi and yeeaun bunny also went crazy over these plastic cubes.

'Santa....feed me'

I'm Horny.


I'm the only reindeer...


Wei Ren. who lost his ball. The one that's suppose to hang on the end of the hat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Chinese For DUMMIES

Ok, admit it, we all have trouble mastering this ageless language. Some of us struggle just to obtain a pass grade for our Chinese language paper.
Fret no more, here are some 'useful' lil things that'll help you ace your chinese AND english paper.

It all started with my MSN display name: playing the piano to an ox

A lot of people were baffled by this seemingly easy sentence, but only Nyit Yang had the brains to decipher it's hidden meaning.

People, it actually translates to a chinese chen yu: Dui Niu Tan Qing
It simply means, you're being ignored (i think so la, my chinese oso sucky)

And so began the conquest to decipher more and more chen yu as to aid 'Banana's' in their constant war with the Chinese Paper.

People Mountain People Sea- Ren Shan Ren Hai
No Shame Ask Down There- Bu Zi Xia Wen
Walking Horse Gawks at Flowers- Zhou Ma Kan Hua
Heart Blood Coming in Currents- Xin Xue Lai Chao
Ox Head Can't Fucking Fit into A Horse's Mouth- Niu Tou Bu Tui Ma Zui
Wind And Sun Very Pretty- Feng He Ri Li
Not Three,Not Four- Bu Shan Bu Si

With the understanding of the above chen yu, we can effortlessly create a simple english paragraph, thus:

Today Wind And Sun Very Pretty so i went to the park Walking Horse Gawks at Flowers. But the scorching heat finally got me. I Heart Blood Coming In Current go to Chow Kit Road to seek 'pleasure'. Alas! the whole street was People Mountain People Sea. After much struggle and waiting, i reached the front desk and requested a empty room with a 'chicken'. But sadly, the desk lady was an imigrant and started talking gibberish. I felt this lady was Ox Head Can't Fucking Fit into A Horse's Mouth still i prevailed and No Shame Ask Down There loudly for a hooker worthy of satisfying me. Then this Ah ma heard my yells and hobbled over. Without so much of a greeting, she screeched to me in hokkien:" You ar...look so handsome but is actually a Not Three,Not Four man!'

Haiz...some of you might not understand me. So i believe all my efforts are just like Playing the Piano to an Ox.

Tagged before school

Yes, i can't believe it, SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!
i know, you're all moaning and groaning. But not me, i can't wait to go back to school. Holidays were a nightmare for me.

And just to kickstart the new semester, i just got bloody tagged by dear aunny bunny. *rolls eyes*

5 things found in my bag:
-erm.....i don't carry a bag usually. I only have a schoolbag.

5 things found in my wallet. WALLET, not PURSE bunny!
-money ( sometimes it's not there)
-my I.C
-some receipts
-popular discount membership card
-my guitar and bass picks.

5 favourite things in my room:
- bed
-my Darth Vadar poster, it's BIG
-my book cabinet
-the messiness
-i like the fact that i like my room

5 things i always wanted to do:
- perform on stage and totally rock on my drumset
-a date with Jessica Alba ( i don't care if she's pregnant)
-go to Japan and buy as much of Keroro as i can
-buy a lot of tech stuff without worrying about the price
-get a life

5 things i am currently into:

That wasn't really even a tag, bunny. Ish. thank you for wasting....*counting*...11 mins of my life.

Ok, just to cheer you don't-want-to-go-back-to-school losers, i STRONGLY suggest that you go and visit this site. READ ALL THE ARTICLES. It'll cheer you up, i hope.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 is here. Sing ye merry people.

Happy New Year 2008!!!

Wishing all to have great prosperity this year of the rat and good luck with all your endeavour!!

Yesternight's New year eve's celebration was the bomb. Had a party at my house,celebrating with all my relatives. Dinner was fantastic and we kids got presents!!! Weeeee....i got a Nike black sling bag, uber awesome.

I didn't snapped any pictures, so paiseh la.