Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hype this nut up

Ok, this post will NOT be chronological. Everything here is just random thoughts or events i feel inclined to share with sadsacks like you who read my blog.
Funny shits. Morning, i was to make announcement. and wadaya know? Nen nen and yuevern too! we sorta like talked a bit la before we made our voices heard all over the school. Nen and yuevern were like crapping about what announcement virgin they were and how NERVOUS they were on their 'first time'. Well, i no longer virgin mar...'do' lots of time liao, so i was like telling them not to worry, it'll be over soon. So i started my announcement.

'Good morning, this is an announcement from the interact club of.....'

Next: Nen and Yuevern
'good morning, this is an ANOTHER annoucement from....'

sama-sama la, dunno why got 2 announcement papers.

WAIT WAIT~! funny shit:
Nen's hand were SHAKING. No seriously, SHAKING when doing her announcement. I could've LOL gau gau, but i surpressed myself and actually HELPED her to HOLD the paper. Memang virgin la she and yuevern. need to 'do' more.

WAIT WAIT WAIT~~~~~!!! one more funny shit:
yuevern read the last part.

'....and hope that you have a HOPPY holiday.'

HAHAHAHA!! so apparently the word HAPPY is out, HOPPY is in.

last day of school. i mean, CNY holiday mar...Kantoi, cut short to 6 days only. Apparently Chinese don't need to starve themselves for a month, so the goverment:

"aiya....those ah beng and ah seng eat eat only. Not like us, happy happy starve ourselves till haigei. Let them enjoy 6 days then make them stupid stupid work for us laaaa....'


But hor...i really not in the CNY mood. Tak ada rasa langsung. Not even a bit. No, not even a molecule. I SAID NO! DON'T HAVE! NEGATIVE! NIL!

wanted to upload John's party punya photos. But connection and Blogger being the twin bitches as usual. after 10 mins, only uploaded ONE photo. Donkey-butt, i closed the page and went to play DRAGONFABLE .

I forgot.

fuckface Ng Kok Yew just pisses me off. I mean, just his aura and expression already give me the feeling wanna take a ripe banana tree stalk and ram it up his arse. Then i'll call those Thai people to cut off his *censored* and implant in a MAN-gina.

I salute elle, she just walked out the classroom before fuckface arrived. I should take a leaf outta her book.

i went home BAGLESS cause Ian had the effin brains to lock the GTF room with my stuff inside and went over to Jess's house to watch some ciplak horror flick.


i am addicted to words and phrases like:
-Changi Airport
-fuck care ar?
-OI! I lanjiao kuku you ar?
-it looks like me, sounds like me, but not 100% is me

It is like 4.30 now, and i have not bathe yet. yes, from school end till now. Stinky,i know

OK SO I LIED, i had to add this in. courtesy from kennysia.blogspot.com:

Mr Lingam in DEEP SHIT.

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