Monday, February 11, 2008

Early Celebration

Last night, Curve. Celebrate jieyi's early bday. Had dinner at apartment. Food damn 'big' portion, me and jieyi 'stuffed' ourselves hor? haha. Jieyi so generous, belanja us all makan. Tsk tsk, rich girl.

Ah well, Happy Early 17th you hawty, 4 years and still going.

Big Girl Jieyi.Apartment.

Haha, O yea, 'snow' on your 'mountains' too hor?Jieyi's Ice-Cream Cake from BR.


Popo choon lim, Me, and Brian
The Girls

Big Apple Donuts. Love the box, perfect for V.Day. *hint*
Le Sexy Back.

Haha...dumb dumb expensive kiddie ice-blended i bought. Compare the size with Brian's hp. I got conned.

Saya dalam quandary. Should i get
-a new Zildjian Crash Cymbal?
-a double base peddle?
-a new Headliner Hi-hat?
Which one to buy? my Angpau money ngam ngam cover one only. Sigh....

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