Sunday, February 3, 2008

Birthday ShoutOut

Happy BELATED 17th to my dear 'daughter' Evelyn Sia! (30th Jan)
Happy BELATED 17th to John Tay too!!!!(2nd Feb)

Apparently those 2 go to the same church. So...

I was on my way to KL for my haircut....i was like dozing off in the car *oi,tired la after running* Then Shin Yueh called me. Bangsat.

"oi, tonight free or not? celebrate John's birthday. Suprise party arrr..."
drowsy me: 'see first la, i call you later *click*'

So i arrived at T.G.I Friday seksyen 14. a bit too early, so i went McD tapao Twister Fries. Gawd, i'm bloody addicted to them. Then bumped into Ian at Digital Mall. Selepas itu, went Starbucks and had my coffee.

Elle, Shin and Gabek were there at Friday's liao. We were joined shortly by Evelyn and their fellow church kawans. A few were ex-CHSians. Hua Ann was there too.

John came up the stairs with an expression something like this


Fine, then we had dinner lor. John's parents so generous, belanja 19 of us makan. Damn kenyang. Later had fun talking and goofing. The Friday crew made John stand on a chair to sing a song, then WE sang the birthday song accompanied by a 2kg chocolate cake. Then the crew sang their version of Happy Birthday which sounded like Orang Sakai gone wild.

Camwhored a lot, but pictures with Shin.

I'm still quite tired now, so sorry to say i'm too lazy to type anymore.

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