Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What to Be or Not to Be

Well, i've been confused lately. I'm quite uncertain about my future. And my dear mom is on my case because of my oh-so lovely results (psst, i just failed Bio, making a total of 3 failed subjects.shhhh) Just only yesterday, she gave me one of her career/future talk/nagging....again.

Jeez, she keeps telling me i have to score well in all the Science and Maths subjects to help me get into courses i want. Heck, do i really get to apply the things i study in Bio and Chem when i grow up? I don't even want to do any science/maths related courses. and my mom keeps hinting that the western countries are lacking professional dentists. gotta be kidding me.
Victor Goh a dentist? no way.....nuh uh.....
And my going-to-take-my-report-card Dad wants me to do something related to Law. Oh jesus, i'm just not cut out for more memorizing and studying courses. Heck, i can see myself gnawing at the textbook to engrave Law 17b sub-chapter 1.56 in my brain.

Heck, Me? A Lawyer? I can imagine how happy my Dad will be if i graduate with a Law Diploma.

Of course, when you're a lawyer, you should always dress smart and look uptight. But let's be realistic, who in the world would wanna hire a Cina Apek wannabe lawyer to fight their cases? Wait, if i become a dentist, means i have to tell people they need to brush their teeth? Sounds old.

Yes! Yes! You have cavities! Come see me!

Oh and of course, if i don't become a dentist, my mom will be so totally disappointed and just as well might freak out.

Sorry mom, i just don't like playing with people's mouth.

Perhaps i could take up journalism? and then travel around the world to cover stories?
hmm.......then again, maybe not.

Well, my parents already made it clear that they don't really support the idea of me trying the entertainment business or music industry. Why oh why? Scared i'll turn out to be something like this?

tsk tsk, have some faith in me la.

Sigh, i give up, i'll just ride this wave and see when i'll wipe out. I'll let the Big Guy up there do the deciding. but still......i guess you still can control fate in your hands.

1 comment:

Bob Goh said...

Very creative. I like your blog. Don't worry too much. The lazy fellow will do his job one day. Just keep your finger crossed.