Sunday, July 8, 2007

I want to Transform into a Truck too

Syoknya, finally watched Transformer today with my parents. The movie is Fuh-riggin AWESOME! UBER COOL! damn.....i have to say it really is the BEST movie i ever watched. There were funny and romantic scenes but not overdone, and the dialog and storyline crystal clear and the action was just MIND-BLOWING!

Wasei! the way all the robots transform damn bloody yeng. I don't know how those guys who made the movie make the transforming scene so realistic and so smooth. Damn wei, BumbleBee is damn funny! I love his Camero form better. Rustic but power.

But still, he and the other transformer paled in comparison with this big dude.
Isn't he just too cool beyond words? Compared to his comic look which made him look 'boxy', his movie form is slick and sweet. But still, there is one part i don't get. When did Optimus Prime obtained a blade? He used it to pawn, i repeat, pawn BoneCrusher. Eventhough it's cool, but still i think his cannon is better than the blade. But still.......
Awesome movie, 5 golden shiny stars.

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