Friday, July 20, 2007

The Boy Who Lived

Yes, he lived long enough. I personally think that Voldemort should just finish him off.

Yes, i'm talking bout Harry Potter. the boy with the scar and bloody PMS in book 5?
Tomorrow, Book 7, The Deathly Hallows will be released. Can't wait to read about it. Darn man, i can't believe it's just gonna end like this. Part of me think that the story should end already, while the other part of me can't let go of the magical world of Hogwarts.

Hmm.....i'll be picking up my pre-ordered book tomorrow at 1U's MPH megastore. rm109.90. A bit pricey if you ask me.

weell...that WAS the original plan. Till i watched the news(yes i do watch news)
Acorrding to the report, a few major bookstores, MPH included have decided to drop the bombshell at the 11th hour. In other words, they WON'T be selling any HP books.

i was like about to call them and give em a piece of my mind till i heard that the reason they did it was because SOME hypermarket are selling book 7 way below retailer price.
I was like angry on behalf for all bookstores, i mean there is a limit to competition. That's downright dirty and cheap!
I shared my opinions with my old man.
"Hey dad.....(told him the news)"
"really? means we nonid go tomorrow?"
"Well.....they say they still entertain pre-order costoumer."
"Ah...lidat ar? Want go or not?"
"Go la! I want the blardy book"
"But we got cheated lor......people sell 69.90 wor...."
At this point i was reli WTF-ed. I mean, he's missing the whole point. 69.90 per book is a cheap trick!
"........well, MPH say they will offer FULL refund for pre-order costoumer if we don't want the book."
"Really ar? Ok, so tomorrow we get full refund, makan breakfast they buy your book for 69.90, ok?"

............................... -.-"

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