Friday, July 13, 2007

The Art of Forgiveness and WTF

Finally! i spilled out all my grades to my mommy! Ok...the others she was like: fine, but you know you could've done better if you studied harder. But then when i told her my Bio......

"What you get for Bio?"
"not so good........."
"Fail issit?"
" smart, how you know?"
"Hmph, i bet you didn't study enough" she wasn't actually biting my head off or anything, just the usual work-harder-for-future lecture only.......I guess she was being understanding, since other people fail bio too and she thought i really got STUDY for 2nd term......

Then today:
"Eh, what about your Physics? So long teacher haven give marks meh?"
"Oh.....right yea! About that...."
"Didn't do so good issit?"
*i shake my head*
"Fail issit?"
*i nod my head in the most innocent way i can*
"Ha! I knew it, fail 2 liao izzit? Work harder next term."
And that was it.
hell man, i guess my mom's fed up with screwing me. I was actually glad, cause i can finally rest my poor ears....until.....

"Just so you know, your dad will be going to take your report card...."

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