Sunday, July 22, 2007

Master of Death


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Book 7. The last book of the famous, thriling saga.

Whoa, drama and action unfolds starting from 3rd chapter and continues all the way throughout the book. Mind-blowing man. The book is SO dark and twisted. Events you never thought of happens. Harry has grown from a PMS kid into a brave(but with a stupid sense of chilvary and self-sacrifice) man. Sob, we have all watched him grow up ever since the first step he took into the magical world.
Romance is not diluted by all the twisted and crazy action. We see Harry trying to give up Ginny because he has this noble cause that his quest to destroy Horcruxes and Voldemort will bring her harm. I believe he should trust her, and trust his friends(sidekicks Ron and Hermione) and trust himself. He doesn't really have to burden himself with everything. We see the pressure of undertaking the quest alone not only breaks friendship, but also at the same time, strengthen the bond between friends. It teaches us, builds us, nurture us into a more matured individual.

Ok ok.....enough of that. lol, i still Harry has too much bloody luck on his side. Won't die like that. All the action he's gone through should have finished him. Yet, he still walks. Even when kena blast by Voldy, he still lives. Go to some kind of semi-heaven place, after being encouraged and enlightend by Dumby, he goes back like some kind of Neo from Matrix. Kena the Cruciatus curse, no pain at all.
WTF? become God liao ar?

Still.......all in all, it was a wonderful book and perfect ending. I won't go into details coz some of you might not have finish the book.

To J.K Rowling. You have created an amazing masterpiece. You have inspired and taught many poeple. Thank you so much for sharing Harry Potter with us.
Good-bye Harry, it was nice growing up with you.

The 7 Horcruxes are:
The Slytherin Locket
Riddle's Diary
Gaunt's Ring
Hufflepuff's Cup
Ravenclaw's Diadem
Nagini the Snake
Harry Potter himself

P/S: Thanks for the party Nyit Yang. Hope you like your present. Happy Birthday again,

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