Monday, July 16, 2007

Recap of the Disturbing Past.

weelll..............what an eventful past weekend. It ended in tears and laughther.
More tears on that case.

Saturday 14/7
Finally, the long awaited day-our performance night! Here's a reminder of what we played:
Dirty Little Secret
I don't love you
Wake me up when september ends
Keep your hands off my girl

So we arrived at school around 1pm in the afternoon to sound check our instruments. But sad thing is, when we arrived, the bloody PA system haven't show up yet. We asked the girl guides, they say they'll be coming soon. So wait a while lor..............

And we waited for like 2 hours plus.

Finally the PA guyz came like around 4pm. WTF? But nevermind la......since their 'professionals',we were like looking forward to check out the sound system. In the end, it was an absolute let down.
The bloody PA sucked. Really sucked. 4 kecil speakers, a few mics, and a bloody music player thingy. Thats all. And what did the girl guides say? They're pro's, good PA system. Niama! Damn potong steam wei. Tempers were starting to run high. Then the guy told us we could only sound check like around 4 30pm. When we got our instruments ready around 4 45pm and was ready to sound check and practise. The bloody indian asshole took away the extension cord and told us he needed it.

WTF? so we couldn't practise after waiting for one whole day. I tell you man, FRUSTRATION was coloured on our faces. We were damn friggin pissed off. We even considered to pull out. Damn gao worried wei, how will our music sound like? No practise or sound check before performance? Crap man..........
But in the end, we just sucked it up. Went back home to bathe and change. Came back to school, with Sonia tagging along with the ride, to get ready for the plunge. Brian said he had a feeling that we were gonna rock down the house.

I wish i shared his optimism.

Ish, so we played. I knew something was wrong when goeh thong strummed his first string. Music was too soft and a bit not 'clean', my mic was bloody lousy, sometimes loud sometimes soft. And hell yeah, i knew i was singing out of tune and out of breath. Damn, i have never been so embarresed all my life, singing off tune to a dead crowd. Worse still, when we were playing our last song, keep your hands off my girl, some scout told me the POLICE were here and told me to soften or stop. I was like OMGWTF? and forgot my lyrics. I just told the guys(bandmembers) to cut the song.

Siiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhh........maybe the music was good, but i can tell you, from the people's faces, my vocal sucks. I knew i shouldn't have given up Drums to do Vocalling.
Some pictures
god i was sweating like tangki bocor.

Sunday 15/7
I woke up early feeling down and sombre. Then Jian Hua, my old pal who migrated to the States(he's in the country for a short holiday), called me to catch a movie with ANOTHER old primary friend Winson or Win Sen or......OMG i'm such a lousy friend. I'll just stick to Winson.
ANYWAYS, i haven't seen Winson since the last visit he made to M'sia 3 years ago. He's living in Sweden now, and speaks English with some sort of European accent. He's cool, still skinny as hell though. He paid for lunch, so we can assume that chilvary is not dead in Sweden.Met up with Kevang and Kian Siong, who incidentally both knew Winson well enough. Went to watch Die Hard 4.0.
Definitely my best movie after Transformer. Dude, eventhough Bruse Willis is bald, old and terribly out of shape, he is still one bad ass foul-mouthed cop who will bust your ass in 3 seconds.
After the movie, met up with Pua Sze and all of us went to Yippie Club yamcha. After that, the bye-bye's were said then balik rumah.
Sheesh i'm still very tired. Need more rest. The energy i burned during the weekend is way past my limit. Oh yea, another stupid Monday, hate school.
Peace out.

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