Tuesday, June 5, 2007

My New Addiction

no, it's not Ragnarok Online or other online games. Frankly, i'm done with virtual reality.

It's JAMMING! MUSIC!! ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha, yea well, i'm guessing that i've gone out of the stage where i used to think online games were the craze. I just can't seem to get enough of guitar's screaming or drum's pounding. Damm, I'm so in need to let out everything and go nuts when i'm in the studio.

So to my band member's, thank's for keeping up with this. Hope we'll be able to jam soon.
And one more thing, no Mis-Match, i seriously don't like the name. HAHA

this was taken by my dad during our school's 50th anniversary. Our first performance. *nostalgic*

we were playing 'Wake me up when September Ends'

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