Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Legacy of Conflict a.k.a S***

Ah well, life's not only boring and meaningless, it's full of sadness and conflict.

hey hey hey, stop giving me that skeptical look, this is definitely NOT an emo post. Just wanna write out my thoughts. So please , no more You-Are-Emo-Comments. Thank You.

Anyways, as i was saying before YOU interupted me, life is a bucket of shit. No matter how deep you dig, you still get shit. Seriously. You don't believe me? Lemme explain to you.

I'll start with my studies then. Now, as you all know i ain't smart and hell no am i hardworking. I'm just barely average and till today, i still don't get it how i ended up in 4S1...holidays are not only a bore, but are beginning to be a pain. I hate Physics................

And then there is my social life. As i stress again, my ring of friends are gettin smaller and smaller and smaller....i admit i've changed, but so have you. I'm not sure whether i have any real friends anymore. Perhaps i should become a recluse?
and i have to worry about her. I can't believe she did something that stupid. And worst is, she's now staying with HIM? OMFG? what do you expect ME to EXPECT? definitely not something good. OK, so maybe i'm over-reacting, but then i still can't accept the fact their living under one roof.....(i hope not one room....)

Ahhh.....remember my previous post? My New Addiction? Well, my band. Not MY band, but the band i'm in. Conflicts and arguments. Sigh, i have to be brutally honest here. I just think we are seriously MISMATCHED! our music taste is so way different from each other. OK, i do compromise. When the band wants to play the songs i don't even like, i just pretend like: EY! cool song man....then go yaller during practise. But when i want my songs, they straight away go like: NO way man, sounds gay. And that's it. They tell me to compromise, but do they? I just wanna try 2 songs from FOB, and they won't even hear about it. They're so into bands like Metalicca, Deep Purple and Contraband. WTF?
i seriously hate these bands................................

ah well......i rest my case.
Life is a bucket of Shit.

1 comment:

Ang, Wei Jun said...

Yo chill man... You've got life a lot easier then me and hey im not complaining. Think you've got a small ring of friends? with a year of 500 over people u shud be lucky.. i only hv 100+ in my year and half of them are white assses not being racial here but they are very against asian ppl. haha about the band... you think i was emo when i gave the name mismatched to 'us'(when i was in it).. its because we really were man.. yea so anyway at least u have the friends that you've known for years. oh and btw i like physics =)