Thursday, March 15, 2007

im startin my 3rd blog

yep...the title says all....
for those of you who knows me for quite a while, you'll know i had 2 previous blogs, but heck, i gave up on it. Well, mainly because blogging is such a pain in the @$$. Who knows? In maybe 2 months time, this blog will be dead too....
we'll see about that
BUT C'MON! how can you guys come up with so much bloody thing to write? To me, for just a single post, i have to stare at the computer screen for 15 minutes and think of what to write.
O yea, i forgot to do my PM tugasan harian and Chemistry Folio. Screw you, Chan Yoke Bee.
Who are not bring their books?
honestly, she needs english lessons...EXTENSIVE english lessons.

oops, left my online game on pause, i'll do my folio's later i guess....
(yes, i have procrastination or what ever you call it)


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