Monday, March 26, 2007

Another cousin 'taken' yesterday went to taiping to attend my cousin's wedding(he's the guy).so this is the....3rd cousin that's using the sign 'Just Married'

So we started our journey from PJ to taiping. Woke up at 6am (eerrgghh) then reached taiping in 2 and a half hours. It would normally taken 3 hours i guess, but hey, my dad's driving his Evolution 7. keke...burned up gas like hell fast though.
Crap wei...his new house dam big la....

So, had a short breakfast then waited till afternoon for the groom and bride to arrive. So around 1.30 pm....

Here comes the bride...lalalalala....

Hehe, so you know la, the traditional chinese wedding ceremony, must let the elders drink tea and then receive blessings from them. Normally in the form of angpows la. But my 5th Aunt (tats my cousin's mom) gave them both gold accesorries. Awesome.

So after my 5th aunt, then the other related elders will receive tea and then give their blessings. Starting from my 2nd uncle, 3rd uncle, 4th uncle, 6th aunt, 7th uncle...then its my parents turn.
My dad and his goofy smile....
so minum teh dan bagi angpow. Job done.

Then my turn to get angpows from the newly weds, along with my other cousins.So after that, we have to wait for the dinner. Went to my 2nd uncle's house to 'lepak'. At his house, we browsed through some REALLY old photos. Had quite a good laugh. And would you believe it? My 2nd uncle has a old recoreder(i think it's called that). The big contraption where you put a large disk and then a needle on top of it and it plays music? We played a lot of old hits like 'Off Beat Cha-Cha'. Ahhh...the good old days.

So after a quick bath and a change of clothes. We went back to 5th aunt's house for a dinner buffet. It was a covered up outdoor buffet. Not bad ler the food.

So after makan and a few minutes chat. Had to leave, monday got school mar...(grrr) So when all the farewell's and Take Care's have been said, our long journey back to KL commenced. Try to sleep in a speeding evolution 7 next time if you get the chance...

So arrived home around 11pm. Then i thought: wei, i take pics of everyone, me leh? So cam whore sikit la....

Not my best coz im still an ameuter. Oh well....The end for a Sunday.
And it made me think, time flies dam gau fast man....In a blink of an eye, so many things already happened. Who knows, maybe someday i'll be posting about MY wedding! HAHAHA
ok...think to far ahead liao. slow down....

Today nothing much happened. I think i've stopped emo-ing. I hope

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