Thursday, March 22, 2007

I have a big ass....

....and a small brain.
no,seriously, i'm like a retard. I study so long(ok, i was kiddin) yet i get so low marks. It seems like those facts wont go in my brain. Its either i have a thick skull or a spastic brain.
No one likes to fail, right? but then, failing is like a norm to me. Eventhough there ARE some subjects i improved on, like my chinese(OMWTFG???) but still...i am so far behind the other guys in my class. All so friggin smart. I get 19, they get 84. See the gap? ish....

Aiya, dun care la. I'll prove to my parents i don't belong to science stream. I'm not smart and hardworking enuf to do science. Yada-yada....

haha, and today, finally get to see Elle get pissed! was kinda scart actually. i mean, when ian was erm...playing? yea, playing with the packet drink elle bought, she was like:giv it back. then rampas here and there, ian pressed to hard and the liquid inside squirted out. Then, 'bloop', fell on the ground. And boy ,was she pissed, i actually cepat lari to shin yeuh's side and observe the showdown between elle and ian. Elle, it's good to see you get angry. HAHA

sigh, it seems that these few days, i get emo very easily. Mood swing i guess. Sometimes i'm like so crazy that people have to tell me to shut up. Some times so moody that people dun dare talk to me. Guess my circle of friends are getting smaller and smaller. Maybe i'm a guy who likes attention....but, sigh, i do feel like i'm always left out. And for god sakes, seing her everyday makes me more lonely then ever.....I hate myself.

Grades, Friends and Emotions. All Time Low. Screw It.

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