Saturday, March 31, 2007

Linkin Park?

YES! they are coming to M'sia!!
well, chester bennington(lead singer) only la....Tower Of Records in KL.
It's all happening on the ...
4th april- chester bennington in Tower of Records
14th April- 'Minutes to Midnight' album world launch.

ARRGHH i can't wait! After all these years, i'm still a Linkin Park fan....ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Anyways, i was so impatient that i went to limwire to find their promo song 'What i've done'. I found one...downloaded it...and......i think it's a fake link or something, cause it didn;t sound like chester and mike singing, and doesn't give that LP factor....
If it IS the song....then i am hell crap dissapointed. I mean, Qwerty, their other new song was like uber cool. If this song is like this, then....i think i'll stab myself to death.

Soooo please please please please!!!! Let their other new songs be as good as the old ones. I will refuse to believe 'What i've done' is that sucky. That must've been a fake link, no doubt about that....right?

Friday, March 30, 2007

Midnight Rant

it's a second post in a day. Guess i'm addicted to blogging. Welcome to the virtual way of escapism!!!

these things only happen when i'm alone in a quiet now....

I keep saying to people i'm not desperate. I decide to let things happen, you know, ride the wave. When i finally like a girl, i suddenly create this wall between me and her. The worst is i'm helping other people to 'kau' her. What is wrong with me?
I never thought i'd say this but...i really do wanna cry...

WALAU-A! EMO !!!!!
CUT CUT!!! NG !! NG!!!!
Welcome to Emo Land, admission is free.

'Loving a person isn't just about giving gifts and doing exagerrated proclaimation of love, but it is the understanding of the distance between them and the effort of closing the gap.'

I like that phrase.
but i guess i'm the one who's creating the gap.

Rant ends here.

Welcome to MY black parade

don't worry, i'm not here to rip off that song.

Oh jesus, what more can i say? im tired of saying: life sucks. So let's say: Life F***ing Sucks!
So my grades are like....cow's poop? dog's pee? cat litter? which ever it is, i think i made a record of scoring the lowest purata in my whole life. (sarcastic cheer in the background)

Sigh, life's been taking a downward slide since the start of this year. I've began to 'emo'. Dammit, this is DEFINITELY not me, i'm suppose to be the horny and happy-go-lucky-bastard. Not some wimpy whinner baby. In form 1 and 2, i was like a good friend to everyone, and everyone was my friend. Now ar? sheesh, i got backstabbers in my own backyard. If you really hate me, say it in my face, and not some asshole chicken that spits behind my back. You don't like me? Either you tell me or just buzz off and let me live my life the way i like it.

i like what i do, i do what i like. (yea, i like this phrase, keke)

I'm so friggin frustrated. I know i said i have to give up on her, but then i can't help myself la. It's not an obsession or anything, but i just wanna let her KNOW. but jeez man, I've been sending signs, signals or what ever you call them to her so obviously, and she can't tell???
Girl's reception power very low issit?

I don't know la, things are going REALLY bad for me. It's even happening in my own house! That bitch maid of my mom misplaced my camera and now when i ask for it, she say's: Saya lupa saya taruk(put) mana la....
Stupid bitch.

I don't know, guess i'm just feeling insecure. Maybe what i need is someone i can actually lean on and shout out my problems and feelings. But then, that's not man ma....SO! toughen up victor, you'll get through this phase soon enough!!

i hope...................

P/S: F***, interactor handbook so many stuff to memorize? How to get that in my brain wor?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

All in a nutshell i haven been able to go online for the past 2 days. Screw Maxis and their connection.

Well...had a talk with my dad. i'll be doing Psycology here in Malaysia. Doing my ICPU. But heck man, i need top grades. Look at my results now. I cant even score an A for english!!!

I am seriously retarded.

Life isn't really sweet now. I guess the phrase 'sweet 16' is just a big fat lie.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Another cousin 'taken' yesterday went to taiping to attend my cousin's wedding(he's the guy).so this is the....3rd cousin that's using the sign 'Just Married'

So we started our journey from PJ to taiping. Woke up at 6am (eerrgghh) then reached taiping in 2 and a half hours. It would normally taken 3 hours i guess, but hey, my dad's driving his Evolution 7. keke...burned up gas like hell fast though.
Crap wei...his new house dam big la....

So, had a short breakfast then waited till afternoon for the groom and bride to arrive. So around 1.30 pm....

Here comes the bride...lalalalala....

Hehe, so you know la, the traditional chinese wedding ceremony, must let the elders drink tea and then receive blessings from them. Normally in the form of angpows la. But my 5th Aunt (tats my cousin's mom) gave them both gold accesorries. Awesome.

So after my 5th aunt, then the other related elders will receive tea and then give their blessings. Starting from my 2nd uncle, 3rd uncle, 4th uncle, 6th aunt, 7th uncle...then its my parents turn.
My dad and his goofy smile....
so minum teh dan bagi angpow. Job done.

Then my turn to get angpows from the newly weds, along with my other cousins.So after that, we have to wait for the dinner. Went to my 2nd uncle's house to 'lepak'. At his house, we browsed through some REALLY old photos. Had quite a good laugh. And would you believe it? My 2nd uncle has a old recoreder(i think it's called that). The big contraption where you put a large disk and then a needle on top of it and it plays music? We played a lot of old hits like 'Off Beat Cha-Cha'. Ahhh...the good old days.

So after a quick bath and a change of clothes. We went back to 5th aunt's house for a dinner buffet. It was a covered up outdoor buffet. Not bad ler the food.

So after makan and a few minutes chat. Had to leave, monday got school mar...(grrr) So when all the farewell's and Take Care's have been said, our long journey back to KL commenced. Try to sleep in a speeding evolution 7 next time if you get the chance...

So arrived home around 11pm. Then i thought: wei, i take pics of everyone, me leh? So cam whore sikit la....

Not my best coz im still an ameuter. Oh well....The end for a Sunday.
And it made me think, time flies dam gau fast man....In a blink of an eye, so many things already happened. Who knows, maybe someday i'll be posting about MY wedding! HAHAHA
ok...think to far ahead liao. slow down....

Today nothing much happened. I think i've stopped emo-ing. I hope

Saturday, March 24, 2007


well...another boring saturday. If i hadn't had add maths tuition, i could've gone to 1U wif sonia. Hang out and chill....
but as usual, time and parents factor won't allow me that notion.

I've done a lot of thinking. I finally decided NOT to tell her about my feelings. It is to protect her and me from emotional harm. This crush may do more harm than good. So as the song goes: Silent Jealousy..... i'll just sit there and be jealous when she gets close to another guy.
Besides, who would want a Fat And Horny Bastard like me???

keke....i'll just stay optimistic....
hopefully long enough.....

Friday, March 23, 2007

i don't care

seriously, i have totally given up science subjects. I really suck at it, cause i can't understand and catch up. I mean, it's not like i haven't tried. sigh, i really wish my parents would stop giving me pressure. they keep thinking i'm like a Top student or something, and any improvement i get isn't good enough for them. Like the average mark of the class is 75. I get 67 or sumthing like that, they would say: Why can't you be the 75 one? why wanna compete with the lower grades one???
gimme a break, i'm not that smart, i'm just average, don't expect too much from me. I know my limits.

Sigh....don't wanna talk bout it anymore. I mean, who the heck wants to know about whats going in my brain. But still, i feel like sharing it with the world, at least i'll feel a bit better. It's about her again...dammit la, after my break up with careen, i think i've become dam friggin timid. Timid not as in don't dare to chase girl, but timid in a way that i'm afraid to get into a relationship again. I'm in a split decision.
If she really one day accepts me, i'm afraid i can't spend much time with her. I have so bloody strict parants, wanna go out a bit also must see mood only let me go.
But then, if it's like that, i rather keep it quiet to myself and just be friends. I'm afraid i'll hurt her or anything. I'm a clueless guy. BUT! i just really want to let her know how i feel ....but i guess i'm just a guy who can't make up his mind.

I can't believe that a 16 year old guy can be fraught with such troubles. It's sweet 16 man, i'm suppose to have fun while i'm young and enjoy life. Sigh...
Emo Emo Emo Emo Emo Emo Emo....

Anyone selling a razor blade?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I have a big ass....

....and a small brain.
no,seriously, i'm like a retard. I study so long(ok, i was kiddin) yet i get so low marks. It seems like those facts wont go in my brain. Its either i have a thick skull or a spastic brain.
No one likes to fail, right? but then, failing is like a norm to me. Eventhough there ARE some subjects i improved on, like my chinese(OMWTFG???) but still...i am so far behind the other guys in my class. All so friggin smart. I get 19, they get 84. See the gap? ish....

Aiya, dun care la. I'll prove to my parents i don't belong to science stream. I'm not smart and hardworking enuf to do science. Yada-yada....

haha, and today, finally get to see Elle get pissed! was kinda scart actually. i mean, when ian was erm...playing? yea, playing with the packet drink elle bought, she was like:giv it back. then rampas here and there, ian pressed to hard and the liquid inside squirted out. Then, 'bloop', fell on the ground. And boy ,was she pissed, i actually cepat lari to shin yeuh's side and observe the showdown between elle and ian. Elle, it's good to see you get angry. HAHA

sigh, it seems that these few days, i get emo very easily. Mood swing i guess. Sometimes i'm like so crazy that people have to tell me to shut up. Some times so moody that people dun dare talk to me. Guess my circle of friends are getting smaller and smaller. Maybe i'm a guy who likes attention....but, sigh, i do feel like i'm always left out. And for god sakes, seing her everyday makes me more lonely then ever.....I hate myself.

Grades, Friends and Emotions. All Time Low. Screw It.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I rest my case...literally

As my good pal sonia says: Shit happens. Who can deny that.
let's take me for an example. Whats the difference between me and a bucket of shit?
Guesses anyone?
Answer: The bucket. i failed 2 subjects, i was thinking i can score some dough back with my BM and BI since these 2 are my strongest subject, or so i thought. crap, that bloody nincompoop Mr Ng Kok yew(bm teacher), just because his BM sucks, doesnt mean he has to pull down my marks!!
"Kerancakan economi yang mendurjana telah membelenggu pembangunan Malaysia ke arah globilisasi dan satu wahana yang konkrit harus dirangka untuk menangani masalah ini."
OK, so maybe it isn't really good, but hey! at least better than other people, and i swear it's correct, my tuition teacher marked it. I wrote it in my paper, that bloody idiot say: what u writting? and then give me a zero.
I will refrain myself from using profainity to vent my anger. Let's just sum it up to say that he is an imbecile to the last degree....
AND then, here come my english. Hey, i really am depending on this paper to score. Guess what? got a goddamn low 45/65. I got the word 'WTF' imprinted on my chest. ^&*&^%^*!!! I mean, c'mon! The answer is :' Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicle' and i wrote 'Four Wheel drive Vehicle'.
its just a bloody '-' , like this also must count? gimme a break la please.
Life sucks, no point denying that.

another sigh please!
I really hate it when i see she's so close with other guys. Ok, so maybe i'm jealous. A green-eyed horned jealous devil. but then, seriously it hurts to see her so close with other guys. dammit, i really have to forget about her. I will try to maintain this act like i don't care bout her. i have to.

yea,sonia, Shit Happens.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

i was born smart,education ruined me

Dammit la....Failed 2 subjects so far. PM and Add Maths. I mean, wtf? i still have sejarah to fail!! why oh why do i have to fail so many on my first day?????
im so friggin dead...wait till my parents find out about my grades, they'll be after my case for a year. darn darn....

Sigggghhh....i really don't know why. I think i'm gettin very 'emo' these days. Most probably because of 'her'. I really think she just treats me as a friend and if i confess, it might just ruined our friendship. So, mum's the word. ZIP! i'll keep everything to myself.

FRUSTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(scream without raising your voice)
hhaaaiiizzz...i really can't tahan the pressure man...i'm seriously considering going to Art stream. But if i even just suggest that notion to my parents, i'm thinking they'll just rape me.

Adoi, life memang sucks. For those out there who thinks im a whinner, Fuck off. This is me, deal with it.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


screwed up man...i STILL haven't done my PM tugasan harian and chemistry folio...
copy it is the last resort.
Got Gabby's Burfday prezzie yesterday...dam, expensive, she better like it or else....

Saturday, March 17, 2007


i really don't know what made me pose that pose....
i am defintely not photogenic....i am no cam whore...
all my friends like to cam whore, and i must say, the results are quite good. But look at me! i totally suck....anyone can teach me how to cam whore???
today, went to KLCC convention centre for a Edu Fair. All local and foreign colleges booth were there. Made some inquiry on the ICUP(International Canadian University PostGraduates). I think it's called that. Looks like i have to stay here and do my ICUP or ICPU here.......meaning i'll be stayin in M'sia for another 2 years? NOOOOOOOOOO
i want to go back to CANADA ASAP!!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

As it happened...

yeapo....went to 1U wif my dear friend Elle today. Said wanted to watch Ghost Rider last Tuesday but something came up so had to postpone it to today. But sadly they stopped airing Ghost Rider(@%^@%!#^!!!) so Elle said:
"Hey, let's watch 300!!!"
eerrrrr....i really didn't know she liked blood and gore but hey! what the heck, just watch only la, better than sitting at home staring at the bloody computer doing nuh-fink!
So, met her up around 10 30? i have to admit, she looked super hot in that dress or whatever it is she was wearing. HAHA, so many guyz, i repeat, GUYZ were staring at her legs. Congratulations Elle, you're sex appeal has increased! Had brunch(if there is such thing and word) at Paddingtion House of Pancakes. I don't know what the heck i ordered, but it tasted quite good except for those bloody Guacamole....bluek!
Went to bought tickets and then...
"Let's watch Pan's Labyrinth!!!!"

A Spanish Fiction Movie? She changes her choices faster than i can say: 'SEX!'
uh-huh, something tells me this aint no normal movie, so just bought the tickets and yea! lets go kill time by shopping......
'Oh S***!!! did you check the time for the movie?'
sigh...yes, we got the 2.20pm tickets...i gotta go at 4 coz chemistry tuition starts at 4.30...
(sad music begans to play at the background)
AIYA! so what the heck, go and try to change or refund tickets lor. i mean, c'mon! that indian bitch who was selling those tickets was practically mumbling, counldn't understand SHIT she was talking about, so went back to her for a refund.
Guess what? no refunds are to be made once tickets are sold....
(depressing and suicidal music begans to play)
ah screw that bitch , no choice but to stick to the movie elle choosed. So cam whore a bit to lighten up atmosphere

sigh, so walk around teman her do window shopping. then my mom called, had to go back home to fix the bloody printer for my cousin to use. So, 'ditched' her at the mall for an hour. Then when i came back, called her. She was trying out ....under garments...La Senza

but anyways, bought juice to drink and hanged around outside the cinema,waiting to go in. Then , Elle was toying around with the tickets then...Oops! It flew or somehow left the hand and dropped over the ledge...falling and falling....until it landed on the SIDE of the 1st floor. Lucky us.

yea...just on the edge, had to run all the way down to get it. Elle would just go to such length to see me sweat...sighhhhh. So, watch the movie lor...dam disgusting...really wanted to puke, i mean, wtf? a humungous toad? spewing siliva and then puking out its insides....eerggh

elle, as much as i like to go out with you, please, no more spanish movies.

so, left elle in the cinema halfway through the movie cause have Chemistry tuition.

eerrgghhh...that's my holiday....go figure

Thursday, March 15, 2007



Elle taught me? (she's the one on the left) gosh, thank you sooooooooo much...luv you effin much!!!


breathe in sarcasm girl!


im startin my 3rd blog

yep...the title says all....
for those of you who knows me for quite a while, you'll know i had 2 previous blogs, but heck, i gave up on it. Well, mainly because blogging is such a pain in the @$$. Who knows? In maybe 2 months time, this blog will be dead too....
we'll see about that
BUT C'MON! how can you guys come up with so much bloody thing to write? To me, for just a single post, i have to stare at the computer screen for 15 minutes and think of what to write.
O yea, i forgot to do my PM tugasan harian and Chemistry Folio. Screw you, Chan Yoke Bee.
Who are not bring their books?
honestly, she needs english lessons...EXTENSIVE english lessons.

oops, left my online game on pause, i'll do my folio's later i guess....
(yes, i have procrastination or what ever you call it)
