Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This shouldn't be the way

ah well....tomorrow's my birthday. I turn 16 tomorrow.

Yea me..........................

I should be happy and excited right? I deno......the reason i'm kinda down now is because of the party.......kinda ironic huh?

So, i have like 15++ people coming.....dear sonia and astin took the job of doing some shopping for the party i guess. So when there's a party, there's have to be food right?
Well, that's the friggin problem.

Please believe me, i love my parents really much. They just got me a bloody nice cellphone. But then i really don't understand them. Or my mom at least. She was willing to fork out rm500 for the cellphone but now she's only willing to order 5 pizza's for the night.

WTF sounds use KNN CCB.... want to feed nearing 20 people with 5 pizza's? For god's sake, that's like tryin to feed a banana to a herd of elephants. So i told my mom this.

"aiyo....i make sushi and sandwiches for them lor....ok?"

sheesh, fine, what about drinks and stuffs?

"Aiya.....very expensive you know? The pizza there already rm100++ liao"

Wei come one la, she can dish out 500 for my cell but not even half the amount for this party? It's my sweet 16! Don't be so kedekut la! It's only once in a lifetime!

Aish, some birthday this is gonna turn out.........

depressed.....i hope tomorrow is a day worth remembering.........

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