Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Splashin 16

I just had one of the most best Bday party ever in my entire 16 miserable life. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!

I just want to thank all of my buddies and ladies who made last night a memorable one for me. Thanks for all the wishes and presents.

I'll post pictures later, wait till i get ALL of them from Elle, sonia and astin.

Special thanks to Sonia and Astin. Who slavered hard to make this party a success. All the hard work and preparations u guyz did, i'll never forget. A very very very heartfelt thanks to you guyz. Reli reli thank you........

P/S: Yea sonia, i am lucky. How often do you get semi-naked ladies in the pool with you during your birthday. And yes, i'm fat, and i'm not ashamed of it!

P/P/S: Sneak of my most favourite shot.....
please don't ask, i must've been poscessed by some evil--horny-devil-goldfish-spirit........

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