Sunday, August 19, 2007


weeeeeee........i love blogging. But i hate typing. How ironic.

Ah many things i like to just MENTION!

1) keenen is such a bitch,he thinks i want to steal his stupid shitehouse popularity. Get a life u sissy donkey, i'm opening my other blog(will tell you what's it about soon) just for fun. I like. Live with it.

2) Yes, i love cooking. Bake,Fry, Poach,Steam,Grill. Anything. But of course, i like to eat what i cook too. Thank you to my mum and aunt for passing to me such great culinery skills. I am not bragging............but it's the truth. I can cook. ><

3) Crap, my teeth hurts. Went to change wire for my braces today. The dentist deno y, suddenly used a VERY THICK wire. Now it's effin hurtin my teeth and gums. Sigh.....1 year plus to wait for these cursed shackles of teeth to come off.

4) I love Interact. Cause i love my post.

5)*type anything you want here*

6) Oh yea, i just wanna say i have really great super friends. Some are cool, some super hot(lucky me), some just plain dumb(keenen) and some just.......well......their just awesome. Fullstop.

7) I love RO. IvaliceRO. Mawgyo the Lord Knight a.k.a Undead Knight(known as that in game cause i can tahan Asura and Sonic Blows with EDP. Thx to Goibne Set)

8) I wanna demolish Sonia's kitchen. (naw, i'm just kidding. I just wanna see sonia doing something domestic instead of social.)

9) I'm gonna watch Simpson and Rush Hour 3.

10) i'm one ugly cam-whorer. Can't pose naturally. Look effin shit in photos. Please, point that lens somewhere else. Elle, Sonia and Sue Ping, you three are the craziest camwhores i've ever met, Bless You.

11) I want Bill Gates to die. Don't ask me why. Just die Bill, we don't need you no more. Die.

12) i want to have a pool-side party again. Well.....hopefully not just poolside, but IN the pool.

13) Unlucky number 13, don't want write anything here.

14) i realized that my cellphone is actaully.......not bad. Yea me.

15) MSN's sharing folder alive. Ask sonia. Scary it is

16)Brian a.k.a Ah Neh, regardless of how gay and sissy you can be, you are still one funny bitch. Oh, and your emcee-ing skills just sucks.

17) Rotarians are a bunch of nice fuddy-duddies.

18) I STILL like girls with long hair.

19) I flush the toilet bowl 15mins after i excrete things into it. Yea, breathe in biological toxic gas

20)>>> You gotta love this dude.

When i'm close to you....

.....i like your smell. Kinky it makes me.

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