Saturday, August 18, 2007

34th Installation ICCHS

today is D-Day. our club's 34th installation. Woke up quite early, eventhough slept late last night. Arrived at school when it was still dark. We prayed that everything will turn out fine.

Around 7 30, our own interactors begin to arrive, and we arranged the chairs, some did some basic decorations. I was hitchin up my mom's laptop and tweaking the emcee script. Damn la, keep changing the program until i blur gau chor. But nvm, i tahan. Just did what i was told.

Then Rotarions came. I have to say, they are a bunch of distinguised, old but nice and kind fuddy-duddies. There was the President of Rotary Club of PJ who likes to shake my hand...................


Ok la, so emcee part was ok. The PA has improved since the last time i fully utelized it. The video turned out pretty well. Everyone said it was quite good. SPECIAL THANKS TO GOH JI HANG, MY COUSIN WHO SLAVED UNSELFISHLY TO EDIT THE VIDEO FOR ME. Heartfelt thanks, we owe you one man.

Then performances......well shuffling was ok, but i still don't like the whole concept of it. Shufflers steal moves from hip-hop. The beat boxing was uber cool. The modern jazz dance just wasn't right. the cheerleaders.....danced like dead 'OOMPH'. Sigh.......but the fashion show was good. Most of the girls had great bodies.......never noticed...kekekeke

BUT THE FOOD WAS GREAT~~~!!!! The Lotus. Vijay's parents sponser one. Got Fried Rice, Fried Mee, Fried Meehoon, Currypuff, Fried Chicken and Seedless Grapes as dessert. I had 2 BIG helpings. Damn hungry, and when ur hungry, everything tasted twice better.

Ah's over. No more video editings. No more last minute changes or worries. I can rest now................

......UNTIL NEXT YEAR'S IU DAY! Damn, if there is any video involved, i swear to GOD, i'll do it 1 month before the day comes. IU day is my MY gimme ur support and come next year! ARIGATO!

I'll try to upload the video on youtube or crunchyroll.

Yea, i know.
We're only friends.....

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