Friday, August 17, 2007

Fatigue. No, i don't like it.

Oh god, i'm so effin tired. The past 2 weeks was like a bullet train ride.

First, i gotta do the bloody video presentation for the installation day due tomorrow. Had to stay in my cousins house VERY LATE to do the blardy video. I didn't expect video editing to be so difficult. Screw it.

But thx to my dear cousin bro(ur the man, man) he actually stayed up quite late to brush up the video. I can proudly say it is quite a masterpiece. (though it is done last minute, so some shoddy work can be seen.) Can't wait to show it tomorrow.

Oh ya, just came back from Sue Ping's early birthday dinner. Not bad, went to The Curve quite early and met up with Ah Neh Brian. Sheesh, pity me la, loafing around with that gay racist. Keep calling me touch his hair and shirt! WTF KNN CCB?

Then Elle came, i liked her outfit. Lol....then met up with Sue and Sonia and Sue's gang of friends. Half i deno who. But i recognized Lai Teng, Terence and.................wait, i think just those 2. Then went to makan at The Apartment(wtf lame name for a restaurant). The food lousy, it was expensive, and the service sucked. Kai Jie came quite late (his excuse: Jam).

Now i'm back home, sitting here........doing some last minute touch up to the video.......i'm so tired.....yet i hav to wake up around 6.15 tomorrow. Zzzz......when can i get real sleep??

You intrigue me.
Do that again.

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