Thursday, August 30, 2007

bad things come in big packages

Sick:Day 4....
errgghhh....last night has to be the longest night i had to endure throughout my 16 miserable years! Fever, chills, cough, dry and parched lips, cracked throat. Oh jesus, i was shivering in a 30 degree celcius room!

Enough said, if it IS denggue, then screw the mosquitos.
If it's not denggi....well....i still got to skip school today didn't i?

if life were a bed of roses....
then mine's a bed of turd.
Hope you won't see me like this.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.....

Yes, i am officially out of action for the rest of the week. Guess my computer is not the only one infected by viruses.....pif

Damn, i feel so suck-ish now....bluek, the medicines are literally killing me. I have to take the WEST medicine and the EAST medicine provided by my mom. ARRGGHHHH!!!!

Ok la,at first i was a bit jittery-legged and dizzy-headed. Then had slight chills and muscle pains. I thought it was just normal fever and i could sweat it out.

Bad idea.

Finally, i succumbed to the malady and allowed myself to be doll-dragged to the nearest clinic. The doctor on duty was an indian(thank god, if it was a malay, i rather drop dead.) Then he started to observe me, which was creepy. Then he started feeling my head and neck. Damn, that felt gay. Then he stucked an ice-cream stick in my mouth and muttered: Dear,dear....

That can't be good right?

Then, he confirmed i was down with Tonsilitis or some shit like that-which mean serious infection of the throat and tonsil. WTF? since when did i get that? And i didn't feel anything! Ah least it's not denggue as suspected by my sadistic mother.

Or is it?

The doctor then prescribed 3 very strong antibiotics. Man, he must've been a chinese hater, bet he wanted to finish me off. But he still looked doubtful, and questioned me further....
"Hmmm....i see. Well, finish your tablets within the week. BUT! if the fever still persists, then you'll have to come back for a BLOOD TEST."
"Why?" *in my mind i was like: WTOMFG?*
"well, i think you might've caught denggue."

KNN CCB, i though i was gonna die. but....
"ok, so i'll give you 3 days MC, make sure you finish the medicine and rest more."

3 DAYS?? WEEEEEE means i can skip school the rest of the week! HAHAHAHAHA.....

Sigh, the pros and cons of being sick.......

will you mourn,
if i die?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Life is like this. I don't like.

Sorry for not updating for quite some time. My computer now is officially TOAST! crap....ZoneAlarm, AVG, Norton, Quepac....all these anti-virus and anti-spyware weren't as strong and efficient as i thought.

I haven't been able to log in to my computer for like.... a week now....
means, no online games, no net surfing, no MSN and no blogging.

I'm using my mom's bloody laptop now. Connection these days are a pain.

Holidays were a bore. Nothing to do much. There was suppose to be lots of homework to do. But heck, holiday do homework meh? It's like calling Borat to convert to Jew.

So now, here are a list of things i'm SUPPOSED to do:
-add maths project
-EST report
-chinese essay
-chemistry report
- and others that i can't be bothered with.

Sigh, i don't like Form 4 at all....because i'm lazy. Bah! screw the finals.

And another thing, I'm bald again. Well, not exactly bald but crewcut la. I look like a kid, seriously. And i just don't understand why Hui Inn keeps insisting that i look cute with this baldness?

What is the world coming to?

P/S I hate add maths project, i really feel inclined to ask Elyse to help me do it
P/P/S Everyone has had a haircut. Nyit yang looks like killer thambi now, Sonia reckons her boob-cut...i mean BOB-cut isn't bob-ish enough. Errgghhh.....
P/P/P/S I still don't get physics.

Ignorance and Apathy
You don't know and don't care how i feel
Don't you?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Deleted and Juiced

hehehee.....adware, spyware and viruses. You guyz really don't know how to spell D-E-A-T-H.

Die you cyberkinetic sickness. Your powers are not parallel to mine.

Now my com is squeeky clean ( i hope).

OMG! holidays dam sien......nothing to do pula....

If you keep going on like this
at this rate,
then you'll only just see
a love-sick puppy....

a fat one......

Monday, August 20, 2007

Say helo to Spyware and Virus

well ladeedah! Today, i went to download a new patch server for my private RO. When i finish downloading it. I kena E-Bomb.

For those who do not know what an e-bomb is, it's actually a series of unstopable pop-ups which hangs your bloody computer. Naturally i stopped it with just re-directing it to the main proxy settings. Voila! Done.

BUT! another problem looms over the horizon. I kena Trojan W32 virus.....OMWTFG? Chee bye la! A bloody patch gimme so much problem? Nevermind, i persevered. Downloaded AVG anti-virus, and fortunately it was strong enough to curb it.

Then! my worries ain't over. Spyware. i'm stuck. all the bloody spyware programs i downloaded not strong enough to cleanse it. Now i'm stuck with a spyware infested computer.


I guess i won't be loggin in so often.....till i make sure i squeezed the spyware out of my computer's asshole.

You're a bee....
let me be the flower.

Oh, it's the Holidayz.

I woke up at 6 30.....
bathe, brush teeth, and changed to school uniform.
Packed my bag for monday classes....
then sat at the living room, waiting for aunty to fetch me.
Then my mom came down,
and she said:
'Oi! why wake up so early?'
i was still groggy, so i replied:
"school la yor......."


o yeah, holiday started liao. Bless me.

MU friggin lost to City 1-0. Eventhough i'm not much of a football fan, i still feel the pain of my MU supporter friends ah neh and tambi.

Are you still holding on to him?
Stop it, please.
It hurts in the inside

Sunday, August 19, 2007


weeeeeee........i love blogging. But i hate typing. How ironic.

Ah many things i like to just MENTION!

1) keenen is such a bitch,he thinks i want to steal his stupid shitehouse popularity. Get a life u sissy donkey, i'm opening my other blog(will tell you what's it about soon) just for fun. I like. Live with it.

2) Yes, i love cooking. Bake,Fry, Poach,Steam,Grill. Anything. But of course, i like to eat what i cook too. Thank you to my mum and aunt for passing to me such great culinery skills. I am not bragging............but it's the truth. I can cook. ><

3) Crap, my teeth hurts. Went to change wire for my braces today. The dentist deno y, suddenly used a VERY THICK wire. Now it's effin hurtin my teeth and gums. Sigh.....1 year plus to wait for these cursed shackles of teeth to come off.

4) I love Interact. Cause i love my post.

5)*type anything you want here*

6) Oh yea, i just wanna say i have really great super friends. Some are cool, some super hot(lucky me), some just plain dumb(keenen) and some just.......well......their just awesome. Fullstop.

7) I love RO. IvaliceRO. Mawgyo the Lord Knight a.k.a Undead Knight(known as that in game cause i can tahan Asura and Sonic Blows with EDP. Thx to Goibne Set)

8) I wanna demolish Sonia's kitchen. (naw, i'm just kidding. I just wanna see sonia doing something domestic instead of social.)

9) I'm gonna watch Simpson and Rush Hour 3.

10) i'm one ugly cam-whorer. Can't pose naturally. Look effin shit in photos. Please, point that lens somewhere else. Elle, Sonia and Sue Ping, you three are the craziest camwhores i've ever met, Bless You.

11) I want Bill Gates to die. Don't ask me why. Just die Bill, we don't need you no more. Die.

12) i want to have a pool-side party again. Well.....hopefully not just poolside, but IN the pool.

13) Unlucky number 13, don't want write anything here.

14) i realized that my cellphone is actaully.......not bad. Yea me.

15) MSN's sharing folder alive. Ask sonia. Scary it is

16)Brian a.k.a Ah Neh, regardless of how gay and sissy you can be, you are still one funny bitch. Oh, and your emcee-ing skills just sucks.

17) Rotarians are a bunch of nice fuddy-duddies.

18) I STILL like girls with long hair.

19) I flush the toilet bowl 15mins after i excrete things into it. Yea, breathe in biological toxic gas

20)>>> You gotta love this dude.

When i'm close to you....

.....i like your smell. Kinky it makes me.

never trust video sharing sites

well....the video's been encoded.....

the video quality originally wasn't really good.....but now crucnhyroll has made it WORSE! you won't really be able to see the faces.......but heck, just check out the funny antique's

Here's what i'm gonna do today:
-get my wires changes(braces)
-add maths tuition(on a sunday?)
-play basketball (if it doesn't rain)
-go online
-eat, shit,sleep

I still think
that i MAY stand a chance....

Saturday, August 18, 2007


after 30mins, i finally uploaded our video in But even if you go there now, it's still encoding. Pray it finishes tomorrow.

Why crunchyroll you ask? Well, YouTube doesn't like me. It only allows 100mb video. And mine is 127mb. Ish, screw it. are some pictures.

emcees for the day: Me and Brian Ah Neh please......don't ask. Jin Chuan. Our smallest but toughest security and African-wannabe. Our very own Interact President Ee Lynn. gee.....i do have a knack of taking pictures of yee aun at her worst. ehehehe posers in my car......with my phone.

34th Installation ICCHS

today is D-Day. our club's 34th installation. Woke up quite early, eventhough slept late last night. Arrived at school when it was still dark. We prayed that everything will turn out fine.

Around 7 30, our own interactors begin to arrive, and we arranged the chairs, some did some basic decorations. I was hitchin up my mom's laptop and tweaking the emcee script. Damn la, keep changing the program until i blur gau chor. But nvm, i tahan. Just did what i was told.

Then Rotarions came. I have to say, they are a bunch of distinguised, old but nice and kind fuddy-duddies. There was the President of Rotary Club of PJ who likes to shake my hand...................


Ok la, so emcee part was ok. The PA has improved since the last time i fully utelized it. The video turned out pretty well. Everyone said it was quite good. SPECIAL THANKS TO GOH JI HANG, MY COUSIN WHO SLAVED UNSELFISHLY TO EDIT THE VIDEO FOR ME. Heartfelt thanks, we owe you one man.

Then performances......well shuffling was ok, but i still don't like the whole concept of it. Shufflers steal moves from hip-hop. The beat boxing was uber cool. The modern jazz dance just wasn't right. the cheerleaders.....danced like dead 'OOMPH'. Sigh.......but the fashion show was good. Most of the girls had great bodies.......never noticed...kekekeke

BUT THE FOOD WAS GREAT~~~!!!! The Lotus. Vijay's parents sponser one. Got Fried Rice, Fried Mee, Fried Meehoon, Currypuff, Fried Chicken and Seedless Grapes as dessert. I had 2 BIG helpings. Damn hungry, and when ur hungry, everything tasted twice better.

Ah's over. No more video editings. No more last minute changes or worries. I can rest now................

......UNTIL NEXT YEAR'S IU DAY! Damn, if there is any video involved, i swear to GOD, i'll do it 1 month before the day comes. IU day is my MY gimme ur support and come next year! ARIGATO!

I'll try to upload the video on youtube or crunchyroll.

Yea, i know.
We're only friends.....

Friday, August 17, 2007

Fatigue. No, i don't like it.

Oh god, i'm so effin tired. The past 2 weeks was like a bullet train ride.

First, i gotta do the bloody video presentation for the installation day due tomorrow. Had to stay in my cousins house VERY LATE to do the blardy video. I didn't expect video editing to be so difficult. Screw it.

But thx to my dear cousin bro(ur the man, man) he actually stayed up quite late to brush up the video. I can proudly say it is quite a masterpiece. (though it is done last minute, so some shoddy work can be seen.) Can't wait to show it tomorrow.

Oh ya, just came back from Sue Ping's early birthday dinner. Not bad, went to The Curve quite early and met up with Ah Neh Brian. Sheesh, pity me la, loafing around with that gay racist. Keep calling me touch his hair and shirt! WTF KNN CCB?

Then Elle came, i liked her outfit. Lol....then met up with Sue and Sonia and Sue's gang of friends. Half i deno who. But i recognized Lai Teng, Terence and.................wait, i think just those 2. Then went to makan at The Apartment(wtf lame name for a restaurant). The food lousy, it was expensive, and the service sucked. Kai Jie came quite late (his excuse: Jam).

Now i'm back home, sitting here........doing some last minute touch up to the video.......i'm so tired.....yet i hav to wake up around 6.15 tomorrow. Zzzz......when can i get real sleep??

You intrigue me.
Do that again.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Typical i say

well....another so-so day in school.......just had a bit of 'emo' attack during physics. but that's that.
I'm over it...............i hope.

Yesterday was merdeka shit celebration thing, suprisingly i didn't sweat that much. Even Brain was suprised. heheeheh......

Had a bit of camwhore session with the 'car gang' lynn wasn't with us though.....
trust me....i'm the worst when it comes to posing..........
our 'spy' who is camera-shy: corey
our very own miss shop-a-lot-vain-fussy-perfectionist-laughing queen...jie yi

And i know yee aun will most probably murder me for posting this picture......
But i just couldn't resist

scary it is.
The little things you do,
brightens up my day.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


I seriously think i'm getting crazy about you.

Yesternight.....i scared the shit out of me.....i had this sudden EMO-ness attack, i was like hugging myself in bed...i felt like cryin....had this tightness in my chest. And my phone was like playing The Kill-30 Seconds to Mars and How to Save A Life-The Fray.


sigh....i really thought it was just a sudden fleet of emotions......but it continued all the way till like.....2am in the morning....Walau eh.....this is SO DEFINTELY NOT ME!

All your fault.

It really really hurts so bad
in the inside........

Friday, August 10, 2007

Tired and Alive

man....this month has been absolutely HECTIC!

I got the video presentation for installation cooking in my hands, have to prepare script for emcee-ing and have to march for the Penghayatan Merdeka Shit Thing.

One word: Tired.

Oh, and today went for Sultan Abdul Samad's installation day. Not bad i would say, at least better than Assunta's one. Then had to go back to school, but no taxi in sight. We walked.

Poor Ee Lynn, trotting around with high heels. Then we took a bus ride which costed rm0.90! Nearly suffocated in the bus. But after that, got down near school and decided to cross traffic. I tell you la, we were like daredevils. We crossed dangerous traffic and WE SURVIVED! WE DID NOT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Should be proud.

Tired to type anymore......zzzz

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Just to keep this blog running....



lol, no la. Just nothing much happening right now. I'm filiming for the interact video prensentation for Installation Day.
I'll post up pics of my party as promised as soon as ELLE sends me the pics.

It is dangerous to fall for your good friend.
But i can't help myself.
I have to stop this feeling to prevent
our friendship
from ending.
For this feeling will
more harm than good

Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Splashin 16

I just had one of the most best Bday party ever in my entire 16 miserable life. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!

I just want to thank all of my buddies and ladies who made last night a memorable one for me. Thanks for all the wishes and presents.

I'll post pictures later, wait till i get ALL of them from Elle, sonia and astin.

Special thanks to Sonia and Astin. Who slavered hard to make this party a success. All the hard work and preparations u guyz did, i'll never forget. A very very very heartfelt thanks to you guyz. Reli reli thank you........

P/S: Yea sonia, i am lucky. How often do you get semi-naked ladies in the pool with you during your birthday. And yes, i'm fat, and i'm not ashamed of it!

P/P/S: Sneak of my most favourite shot.....
please don't ask, i must've been poscessed by some evil--horny-devil-goldfish-spirit........

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The time when i came to Earth

Weeee....happy birthday to ME!!!!!!! yes yes yes.....i turn 16 today....means i can legally drink and have Canada....but since i won't be going there anytime soon, guess i'll be a good boy for now! hehehe
Hmmm......kind of a funny day friends i didn't expect to remember my Bday rushed over with a chorus of "Happy Birthday" and so on.....while some of the friends i EXPECTED to remember didn't even bothered to say anything....

Ah's ok. I'm 16, that's all that matters. :)

Oh, and i received this cute birthday card from Shin Yueh and the gang. It is so effin awesome!

Thanks guys, it's the best birthday card i've received in years! Love you guyz.
Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET 16 to WEI GUANG! Who incidentally shares the same birthday date as me.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This shouldn't be the way

ah well....tomorrow's my birthday. I turn 16 tomorrow.

Yea me..........................

I should be happy and excited right? I deno......the reason i'm kinda down now is because of the party.......kinda ironic huh?

So, i have like 15++ people coming.....dear sonia and astin took the job of doing some shopping for the party i guess. So when there's a party, there's have to be food right?
Well, that's the friggin problem.

Please believe me, i love my parents really much. They just got me a bloody nice cellphone. But then i really don't understand them. Or my mom at least. She was willing to fork out rm500 for the cellphone but now she's only willing to order 5 pizza's for the night.

WTF sounds use KNN CCB.... want to feed nearing 20 people with 5 pizza's? For god's sake, that's like tryin to feed a banana to a herd of elephants. So i told my mom this.

"aiyo....i make sushi and sandwiches for them lor....ok?"

sheesh, fine, what about drinks and stuffs?

"Aiya.....very expensive you know? The pizza there already rm100++ liao"

Wei come one la, she can dish out 500 for my cell but not even half the amount for this party? It's my sweet 16! Don't be so kedekut la! It's only once in a lifetime!

Aish, some birthday this is gonna turn out.........

depressed.....i hope tomorrow is a day worth remembering.........