Tuesday, July 31, 2007


omg....i never thought my mom could be so stingy....so kedekut...so cheapskate....so.....

haiz....how the heck you want to feed 18 people with 5 pizzas? Deng.....

Storge Love

it means friendship love.

And i have so many friends whom i love so much.

Just wanna say thank you.

I'm really happy and touched.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

yea me! my first phone

Yippee! I got my w610i today! My dad and mum reckoned i'm old enough and it's time to get me a proper cellphone instead of their 'throw-aways'. I was stuck with 3 phones.....all damm cacat and old and USED!
BUT! this is my FIRST very own,Victor punya, all mine phone. WOOHOO!! IT IS SO DAM NICE!!!!
*happy till piss in pants*
It's my birthday present from my mom and dad. Sigh, makes me feel so bad to get bad grades. They are willing to spend on me. I guess i gotta study ya?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm still here

oh brother......i thought i was a goner. My dad went and took my report card today.
It wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
So he talked to Miss Ashikin, our class and Bio teacher. So my grades aren't that sweet, failed 3 subjects. I could see my dad was a bit annoyed with that. Then ask about my behaviour. Miss Ashikin said i am a good boy, listen in class and very participating.


I couldn't believe my ears! And then she took out a yellow paper(comment paper by other subject teachers). It was from Pn Joyce, EST teacher(it figures) said that i didn't do homework, need change attitude. BUT! there were also praise. Say i very attentive and participating(again) in class and very polite.


lol, then my dad drove me home. He wasn't really that pissed. Didn't bark or chew my bloody noggin off. Just nagged a bit saying gotta do my homework and work hard to get into good Uni in Canada.
So that's that. I survived baby.

Really thanks to Miss Ashikin for bullshitting about me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Death's Marching Roll

oh jesus, tomorrow is REPORT CARD day!
it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't my dad who's gonna go collect it! I'm so gonna die.

After he takes the report card, i'm guessin i can kiss my W610i Goodbye.......sob

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Master of Death


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Book 7. The last book of the famous, thriling saga.

Whoa, drama and action unfolds starting from 3rd chapter and continues all the way throughout the book. Mind-blowing man. The book is SO dark and twisted. Events you never thought of happens. Harry has grown from a PMS kid into a brave(but with a stupid sense of chilvary and self-sacrifice) man. Sob, we have all watched him grow up ever since the first step he took into the magical world.
Romance is not diluted by all the twisted and crazy action. We see Harry trying to give up Ginny because he has this noble cause that his quest to destroy Horcruxes and Voldemort will bring her harm. I believe he should trust her, and trust his friends(sidekicks Ron and Hermione) and trust himself. He doesn't really have to burden himself with everything. We see the pressure of undertaking the quest alone not only breaks friendship, but also at the same time, strengthen the bond between friends. It teaches us, builds us, nurture us into a more matured individual.

Ok ok.....enough of that. lol, i still Harry has too much bloody luck on his side. Won't die like that. All the action he's gone through should have finished him. Yet, he still walks. Even when kena blast by Voldy, he still lives. Go to some kind of semi-heaven place, after being encouraged and enlightend by Dumby, he goes back like some kind of Neo from Matrix. Kena the Cruciatus curse, no pain at all.
WTF? become God liao ar?

Still.......all in all, it was a wonderful book and perfect ending. I won't go into details coz some of you might not have finish the book.

To J.K Rowling. You have created an amazing masterpiece. You have inspired and taught many poeple. Thank you so much for sharing Harry Potter with us.
Good-bye Harry, it was nice growing up with you.

The 7 Horcruxes are:
The Slytherin Locket
Riddle's Diary
Gaunt's Ring
Hufflepuff's Cup
Ravenclaw's Diadem
Nagini the Snake
Harry Potter himself

P/S: Thanks for the party Nyit Yang. Hope you like your present. Happy Birthday again,

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Boy Who Lived

Yes, he lived long enough. I personally think that Voldemort should just finish him off.

Yes, i'm talking bout Harry Potter. the boy with the scar and bloody PMS in book 5?
Tomorrow, Book 7, The Deathly Hallows will be released. Can't wait to read about it. Darn man, i can't believe it's just gonna end like this. Part of me think that the story should end already, while the other part of me can't let go of the magical world of Hogwarts.

Hmm.....i'll be picking up my pre-ordered book tomorrow at 1U's MPH megastore. rm109.90. A bit pricey if you ask me.

weell...that WAS the original plan. Till i watched the news(yes i do watch news)
Acorrding to the report, a few major bookstores, MPH included have decided to drop the bombshell at the 11th hour. In other words, they WON'T be selling any HP books.

i was like about to call them and give em a piece of my mind till i heard that the reason they did it was because SOME hypermarket are selling book 7 way below retailer price.
I was like angry on behalf for all bookstores, i mean there is a limit to competition. That's downright dirty and cheap!
I shared my opinions with my old man.
"Hey dad.....(told him the news)"
"really? means we nonid go tomorrow?"
"Well.....they say they still entertain pre-order costoumer."
"Ah...lidat ar? Want go or not?"
"Go la! I want the blardy book"
"But we got cheated lor......people sell 69.90 wor...."
At this point i was reli WTF-ed. I mean, he's missing the whole point. 69.90 per book is a cheap trick!
"........well, MPH say they will offer FULL refund for pre-order costoumer if we don't want the book."
"Really ar? Ok, so tomorrow we get full refund, makan breakfast they buy your book for 69.90, ok?"

............................... -.-"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Gold of Life

Life is a very precious thing.
It weighs much more heavier than 10 Empire State Buildings put together
and yet it is so fragile and light
till you could just end it in a second.

Have you ever try putting yourself
face to face with Death?
Pushing yourself to see how far you can go
just to laugh at the face of Death Himself?

Have you considered throwing yourself
off a building
swallowing a bottle of pills?
If you do, people might figure you crossed the line.
They ask themselves:"Could I ever get as close as she did?"

The truth is, there is no line
There's only your life, how you mess it up,
and who is there to save you.

Or who isn't

If you lock yourself up in the well of despair,
That's a mistake.
You need to keep friends and family close.
You need to give them access to your heart.

Believe in them just as you need to believe in yourself
Love or perish.

This post is dedicated to Careen You. Remember you always have friends by your side. Don't ride the wave alone, even Superman needs help sometimes.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Recap of the Disturbing Past.

weelll..............what an eventful past weekend. It ended in tears and laughther.
More tears on that case.

Saturday 14/7
Finally, the long awaited day-our performance night! Here's a reminder of what we played:
Dirty Little Secret
I don't love you
Wake me up when september ends
Keep your hands off my girl

So we arrived at school around 1pm in the afternoon to sound check our instruments. But sad thing is, when we arrived, the bloody PA system haven't show up yet. We asked the girl guides, they say they'll be coming soon. So wait a while lor..............

And we waited for like 2 hours plus.

Finally the PA guyz came like around 4pm. WTF? But nevermind la......since their 'professionals',we were like looking forward to check out the sound system. In the end, it was an absolute let down.
The bloody PA sucked. Really sucked. 4 kecil speakers, a few mics, and a bloody music player thingy. Thats all. And what did the girl guides say? They're pro's, good PA system. Niama! Damn potong steam wei. Tempers were starting to run high. Then the guy told us we could only sound check like around 4 30pm. When we got our instruments ready around 4 45pm and was ready to sound check and practise. The bloody indian asshole took away the extension cord and told us he needed it.

WTF? so we couldn't practise after waiting for one whole day. I tell you man, FRUSTRATION was coloured on our faces. We were damn friggin pissed off. We even considered to pull out. Damn gao worried wei, how will our music sound like? No practise or sound check before performance? Crap man..........
But in the end, we just sucked it up. Went back home to bathe and change. Came back to school, with Sonia tagging along with the ride, to get ready for the plunge. Brian said he had a feeling that we were gonna rock down the house.

I wish i shared his optimism.

Ish, so we played. I knew something was wrong when goeh thong strummed his first string. Music was too soft and a bit not 'clean', my mic was bloody lousy, sometimes loud sometimes soft. And hell yeah, i knew i was singing out of tune and out of breath. Damn, i have never been so embarresed all my life, singing off tune to a dead crowd. Worse still, when we were playing our last song, keep your hands off my girl, some scout told me the POLICE were here and told me to soften or stop. I was like OMGWTF? and forgot my lyrics. I just told the guys(bandmembers) to cut the song.

Siiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhh........maybe the music was good, but i can tell you, from the people's faces, my vocal sucks. I knew i shouldn't have given up Drums to do Vocalling.
Some pictures
god i was sweating like tangki bocor.

Sunday 15/7
I woke up early feeling down and sombre. Then Jian Hua, my old pal who migrated to the States(he's in the country for a short holiday), called me to catch a movie with ANOTHER old primary friend Winson or Win Sen or......OMG i'm such a lousy friend. I'll just stick to Winson.
ANYWAYS, i haven't seen Winson since the last visit he made to M'sia 3 years ago. He's living in Sweden now, and speaks English with some sort of European accent. He's cool, still skinny as hell though. He paid for lunch, so we can assume that chilvary is not dead in Sweden.Met up with Kevang and Kian Siong, who incidentally both knew Winson well enough. Went to watch Die Hard 4.0.
Definitely my best movie after Transformer. Dude, eventhough Bruse Willis is bald, old and terribly out of shape, he is still one bad ass foul-mouthed cop who will bust your ass in 3 seconds.
After the movie, met up with Pua Sze and all of us went to Yippie Club yamcha. After that, the bye-bye's were said then balik rumah.
Sheesh i'm still very tired. Need more rest. The energy i burned during the weekend is way past my limit. Oh yea, another stupid Monday, hate school.
Peace out.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Oh shoot, i need a paper bag....

.....to wear over my head.

Yesternight's performance was.............................sigh......not really good. Oh who am i kidding, my singing sucks. I wonder if it was a wise choice to give up my drumming to persue my singing. I'm starting to regret my decision now.

More story and pictures bout last night's performance coming up in next post. Sigh, i am so disappointed with myself.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Art of Forgiveness and WTF

Finally! i spilled out all my grades to my mommy! Ok...the others she was like: fine, but you know you could've done better if you studied harder. But then when i told her my Bio......

"What you get for Bio?"
"not so good........."
"Fail issit?"
"waaaaaaa......so smart, how you know?"
"Hmph, i bet you didn't study enough"

Ok.......so she wasn't actually biting my head off or anything, just the usual work-harder-for-future lecture only.......I guess she was being understanding, since other people fail bio too and she thought i really got STUDY for 2nd term......

Then today:
"Eh, what about your Physics? So long teacher haven give marks meh?"
"Oh.....right yea! About that...."
"Didn't do so good issit?"
*i shake my head*
"Fail issit?"
*i nod my head in the most innocent way i can*
"Ha! I knew it, fail 2 liao izzit? Work harder next term."
And that was it.
hell man, i guess my mom's fed up with screwing me. I was actually glad, cause i can finally rest my poor ears....until.....

"Just so you know, your dad will be going to take your report card...."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's that time of the year....

...when i get to say:

to one of my dearest friend, Sonia Wong.
Gee, i've known this b**** for like.....(calculating) 6 fuh-riggin years. Damn, she may be petite but kecil kecil cili padi. So many things about her that just suprises me sometimes. Su, may all your wishes and dreams, however kinky, come true.

And keep off that aneroxic diet of your's. For pete's sake, you're not fat.
P/S: Hope you like the gift.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I want to Transform into a Truck too

Syoknya, finally watched Transformer today with my parents. The movie is Fuh-riggin AWESOME! UBER COOL! damn.....i have to say it really is the BEST movie i ever watched. There were funny and romantic scenes but not overdone, and the dialog and storyline crystal clear and the action was just MIND-BLOWING!

Wasei! the way all the robots transform damn bloody yeng. I don't know how those guys who made the movie make the transforming scene so realistic and so smooth. Damn wei, BumbleBee is damn funny! I love his Camero form better. Rustic but power.

But still, he and the other transformer paled in comparison with this big dude.
Isn't he just too cool beyond words? Compared to his comic look which made him look 'boxy', his movie form is slick and sweet. But still, there is one part i don't get. When did Optimus Prime obtained a blade? He used it to pawn, i repeat, pawn BoneCrusher. Eventhough it's cool, but still i think his cannon is better than the blade. But still.......
Awesome movie, 5 golden shiny stars.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lucky Se7en

well....everyone's kinda excited bout today. 07/07/07. Watched the news, so many people gettin wed today. Zzz...so many people wed today, then not special liao lor.......

My day was so-so la....nothing special to brag about really. This morning, went to school in the morning with my drums to erm.....not exactly reherse but to show the girl guides our performance. Dude, can you believe it? They want us to play in a classroom. screw it wei, had to use extension plug and everything. The sound was crazy man, WHOLE school can nearly hear us.
Pn Lim Yoke Keng even came in and erm.....reprimanded us.

"So noisy, what is this?"
"It's the new era of music teacher!"
"This is not music la, this is noise! *looks at Brian* Play so loud, eardrum got problem, so kenot listen in my class lar...."
"No lar teacher......."

Well, we just practise and practise and jam around la.....it's more like a jamming session except we didn't have to pay to practise. Lol, got people watch us some more wei, dam yeng.
Here's what we're gonna play on 14/7 you ignorant chimp:
1) Dirty Little Secret- The All American Rejects
2) I Don't Love You- My Chemical Romance
3) Wake me Up When September Ends - Greenday. (eerrghhh....not again.......)

Then at 11 something balik rumah and tidur sekejap, dam tired. After catching like less than 40 winks, i woke up, got dressed and prepared to go for SMK Assunta's Installation Day. Met up with Brian, Ee Lynn, Chee Siong, Tian Yuan, Fareen and two other interactors who's name i forgotten. Kinda boring la the ceromony. But hey, damn lot of hot girls. Just looking at them makes me hot around the collar. Me and Tian Yuan were like gawking at the girls. We both spotted a girl with sexy curly hair(sikit blonde), a hot body, nice ass, arousing legs and a pretty little face on a pretty little frame. She must be a mix or something but damn was she super fine man. Later we found out she was the 06/07 Finance Director of the Assunta Interact Club.

zzz......now very tired......tomorrow watching Transformer with my parents (finally!) and now i'm just pondering to decide a matter that will change the course of my life...........

Should i watch SpiderMan 3,the ciplak DVD my dad bought or go sleep?

Friday, July 6, 2007

Dewdrops of Labour

Haha....cool man, the Girl Guides actually ASKED us(my band) to perform for their campfire night gathering or some shit like that. Wen Xiang couldn't perform with us, so Brian's playing the drums.(screw u brian, nex time my turn) and we got Goeh Thong to play the guitar. So that's that, tomorrow we'll be going to school to do rehersal.

Whew, sweating like nuts here man. I've been seriously sweating a lot these days. Temperature? naw.....it's just my genes. keke.....

Dismantling my baby(sob) for brian to play tomorrow(sob sob)

ish, spent the past two hours looking for my tuning key to rip my poor baby apart. Don't worry sweety, daddy will put you right back together ASAP.

I'll skip the sighing part. I really don't know why GIRLS like to think so much, it's like their fav past time. They just like to think the worse part of things. They jump into hasty conclusions. They make their own hypothesis. The variables are all wrong.

So what do we guys get? Wrong chemical equation.



ah well, ignorance is bliss. She thinks i'm ignoring her, and i think she's ignoring me. So, i really don't know how to deal things now. She's just gotta learn to trust me again. Sheesh, she makes me laugh, thinking i'm still in love with KSF.

HELOOOO.....i'm like so over her, i'm just reminiscing bout the sweet childhood moments i had. Memang green eyed jealous girl.


P/S Those of you who'd like to watch us perform, may ask me for tickets. Price: RM15. Kinda pricey if you ask me, but who cares? At least get to meet hot girls/guys from other schools and watch a great band perform. Perasan betul

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What to Be or Not to Be

Well, i've been confused lately. I'm quite uncertain about my future. And my dear mom is on my case because of my oh-so lovely results (psst, i just failed Bio, making a total of 3 failed subjects.shhhh) Just only yesterday, she gave me one of her career/future talk/nagging....again.

Jeez, she keeps telling me i have to score well in all the Science and Maths subjects to help me get into courses i want. Heck, do i really get to apply the things i study in Bio and Chem when i grow up? I don't even want to do any science/maths related courses. and my mom keeps hinting that the western countries are lacking professional dentists.

Wait....uh-oh.....you gotta be kidding me.
Victor Goh a dentist? no way.....nuh uh.....
And my going-to-take-my-report-card Dad wants me to do something related to Law. Oh jesus, i'm just not cut out for more memorizing and studying courses. Heck, i can see myself gnawing at the textbook to engrave Law 17b sub-chapter 1.56 in my brain.

Heck, Me? A Lawyer? I can imagine how happy my Dad will be if i graduate with a Law Diploma.

Of course, when you're a lawyer, you should always dress smart and look uptight. But let's be realistic, who in the world would wanna hire a Cina Apek wannabe lawyer to fight their cases? Wait, if i become a dentist, means i have to tell people they need to brush their teeth? Sounds old.

Yes! Yes! You have cavities! Come see me!

Oh and of course, if i don't become a dentist, my mom will be so totally disappointed and just as well might freak out.

Sorry mom, i just don't like playing with people's mouth.

Perhaps i could take up journalism? and then travel around the world to cover stories?
hmm.......then again, maybe not.

Well, my parents already made it clear that they don't really support the idea of me trying the entertainment business or music industry. Why oh why? Scared i'll turn out to be something like this?

tsk tsk, have some faith in me la.

Sigh, i give up, i'll just ride this wave and see when i'll wipe out. I'll let the Big Guy up there do the deciding. but still......i guess you still can control fate in your hands.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Life's Like This, Like it or Hate it. In my case, i Fucked it

You know what? I won't be starting my posts with the word 'Sigh' or 'Haiz' or whatever lame shit already. It's time i stop lamenting about the past and deal with the present........

.....which is full of shit.

OMFG, i swear i did STUDY my ASS out for this term, and yet fucking teachers dunno why set the questions so hard and make me look like a retard! I am not stupid! Eventhough i failed PM(which imbecile can fail this subject anyway) and Physics, i swear i just need to study and work a bit more to achieve, as my friend andrew says, the "Blardy" A Grade

I'm not stupid right?(don't answer that)

So as far as i'm concerned, my grades are still border line. But heck, when i tell my parents my result(which i haven't), they'll go like:

"See? I told you to do more exercise!"
"If you don't get good grades for SPM, your future will be bla bla bla..."
"If you think you're grades are good, then fine with me, i won't care anymore....."

Oh puh-leeze, like my parents can do better than me. (don't answer this too)
They just don't understand how hard it is being a teen these days huh? During my dad's time, after school, they'll just cycle to the nearest mud-infested sungai and strip stark naked and jump into it. Now ar, after school, homework. If not, tuition. If not, more homework.


I don't get it, how can some people balance their life so well. I've seen peeps who score in exam and yet can go out and enjoy life! They got extra 4 hours a day is it? I know i sound whiny, but please, if you want to flame me, flame Brian Loh first. He failed his chemistry.

Which moron can fail a easy subject like Chemistry?
Victor: 50
Score: 1-0