Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vote for Change

I, AM sick. But that didn't stop my dad from dragging me to SS2 to listen to DAP's final ceramah. i was like: ' wtf, i'm feeling ill la, puh-leeze' but i know better than to argue with my dad.

So we reached SS2 quite late, 9 smtg. The place was PACKED. SARDINE-TIGHT PACKED. in the end, we had to park quite far, and walked a considerable length of road before we reached MJ Cafe and Rest. The DAP had already started the ceramah, and the first thing i heard was....

' is time that those croonies are taught to respect us!'

ok.....THAT piqued my interest. It started raining, but that didn't stop the THOUSANDS of people from leaving. SWOOSH! You can stand under my umbrella. ella.ella.ey.ey.ey.....

Then when it was Tony Pua's turn to speak, voila! the rain stopped.

Now, if IanL,Keenan and BrianL from Shitehouse ain't gonna talk about it, i don't think i won't too. If you asked me what i thought about the ceramah'S, i would say:

i am stunned, spell-bound, in awe, dumbstruck, flabbergasted, OMWTFG, respect, lovestoned,thrilled, proud and most of all, IMPRESSED.

I won't go into details la, but some memorable quotes from the ceramah:

'Where has all the money UMNO was untrusted gone? chiak ka liao(sudah makan habis)'

'Samy Vellu is an useless-idiot, it is time we kick the bugger out.'

'Someone told me Samy Vellu's funeral is coming soon, but i am SORRY to say his body will take a long time to burn.'

'*violent gestures* WE WILL HAMMER THEM!'
'tomorrow, you will all face Harga BN. Harga Barang Naik.'


eh shin yueh, i survived wei. So no need take my dirt/ashes to the cinema la har. i can teman you there IN-PERSON.

Pictures i snapped. sorry la, i have a lousy camera phone.



Atrium will be torn down and a 33-storey office building will be built there. WTF? THAT PLACE WAS WHERE I GOT MY FIRST POKEMON CARD BOOSTER PACK! HOW DARE THEY TEAR IT DOWN! CIBAI BN!!!!

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