Thursday, March 6, 2008 what future are we heading to?

oh yes, i've heard many arguments and opinions. And i think everyone has a point, it's just who's point are we all willing to accept.
Yes, you've read both my previous posts. And maybe i portrayed myself too much of an anti-BN chap.
....which might be abit true.hehe.

SO! the big question: BN of DAP?

Ahh...reminiscing those old days in primary 6. I used to be like the hardcore BN fan, eventhough i admit i didn't had much political knowledge that time. I just rode along the wave, so BN-lah.

' eh eh eh...who you support ar?'

'BN la....'

"waaa you support BN too ar? i friend you!'

ask yourselves,as Malaysian Chinese(not me, but you), are we happy with the government? Yea, i have to admit, i used to think Mahatir was OK la and when he stepped down and Badawi took the helm, i nearly cried. Just when i thought things couldn't get worse, Badawi just made the impossible possible. a round of applause please.

pfftt...don't like me ar? Soli la, i still got the seat.

Ok la, don't put all the blame on him, but he's still full of air. And look at his Deputy and his office, dude, they. are. hopeless. And when Hishamuddin started waving the keris and shouting about 'Ketuanan Melayu', that was it, we chinese dulan gau gau liao, along with the Indians and others.


What happened to the so-called 'Racial Harmony'? Our rights are slowly being taken away by the Goverment(malays la, sorry, i'm racist) and sometimes we don't even know it. Enough is enough. Behold! the many opposition parties emerged to take on Barisan Nasional.



wow, you gotta hand it to them, they are pissed off people.

Each party have leaders who are capable.(Anwar man) But still, i don't think that's enough to over-throw the 2/3 majority BN's enjoying. What to do? BN manipulate the media to brainwash all the rakyat, making them look like the saints while at the same time, portraying the Opposition Parties as problem-stirrers and noise-makers. Tsk tsk. It's kinda sad and frustrating la, don't you think?

This is what i heard over the radio:

'Vote for Malaysia. Vote Barisan Nasional'

sheesh, luckily people are waking up to the idea that BN is an option- not a national fixture. Too many empty promises have been made, and the rakyat can't swallow it all anymore. We all remember that Hindraf thing, caused quite a stir if you ask me. I've forgotten the finer points of that event, so forgive me. But now the goverment sit-up a bit liao, i mean, the indians have shaken them. Don't mess the people with a red dot on their head, their scary.

And the chinese community? well, majority of them just like to complain,complain, complain. But then, they saw the Hindraf actually made the goverment look into their case...for a while. So then, why not make some noise too?

And so, we got hardcore DAP supporters like Ian and Keenan. These fanatics even went to listen to the DAP ceramah, and they worship Tony Pua. I youtube-ed these ceramah, and i must say, they ARE good. Even the blogger Jeff Ooi joined DAP. It's time to tell BN to FUCK OFF!

But still, sonia has a point. Even if DAP cuts BN's majority down to size, how much better will DAP be? Let's think realisticly, there is no way DAP will control the goverment, BN's too big and strong, too cunning and manipulative. But still, IF DAP wins a few important seats, MAYBE we'll see some changes for our community.... or will we? They say DAP will bring better stuff and changes for us Chinese and others too, but if we can't trust BN, just how much should we trust DAP?Question mark orhx.

But then, regardless DAP or other opposition parties, let's just hope and pray for a fair election, cause hell yea BN ain't gonna play clean, 'cause BN's a bare-knuckle boxer who earns points between rounds.So what will DAP do to face this unfair challenge? They blast BN with mini-rockets

crap,those look like red dildos.

CONCLUSION: exam just over, too sien, and i felt like crapping about these politic stuff which i don't care and don't really know. Fuelling the debates and arguments are much more fun than fighting it. I am still ignorant and apathetic. Sorry.

p/s thank you for reading up until here.

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