Saturday, March 29, 2008


i'm doing this just to PLEASE dear old HWEELING.

seriously, HOW MANY biru members will actually visit my blog? they don't even know about it. Aiya...just to make you happy la.



Thursday, March 27, 2008

Flipped out

First, belated party pictures. Kaijie's.

ZOMG! I am fed up with school work la. And all those stupid lisan and oral shits. Plus the motherfuckin' reports and PEKA's. Not forgettin those troublesome FOLIO's. Ergh.

Die Die Die.

Today. I Fan Gen Dou. Yes. Fan Gen Dou. As in somersault. You know, flip. Front. Damn chun. I feel so proud la, 'cause(let me brag plz) i did it quite effortlessly. =]]]]] beats Tiao Sheng. as in Skip Rope. i can't do fucks with that piece of carbon rope.

Tomorrow. Die again. Quandary.
CHS Idol. I don't know what made me join AGAIN la. I mean, i know i have no hopes in getting to the finals. But heck la, last year, die die la!
But hor, i also have Public Speaking auditions tomorrow TOO! Which one? I wanna try Public Speaking la, it's fun.
And tomorrow Interact Meeting too. Haiz, IU Day ar...damn stressed and pressurized. Like got 600 atm on my shoulders. Ergh. Nothing is really done. I have to be there tomorrow to tell people to start their jobs and overlook all the things and what-nots. And for heaven's sake, i've been chasing that BrianLoh for 2 months for a bloody script. Screw you, you The-Kingdom-Terrorist-punya-cousin! I'LL DO IT MYSELF!

Ergh, dunno la, decide later. I master in procrastinating.


i am so GLAD that i am NOT a GIRL.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's a Sad Song

Sigh, i knew it was too good to be true. This is Victor Goh we're talking about. How can he even for one second, think that he could go through one semester without failing any subjects.

Biology. I hate joo.

Mari kita beremo-emo.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


It rained.
Just when school was about to end.

I like the Rain.
It's soothing, in a way.
I like the feel
of the crystal-drops from above,
caressing me, cleansing me.

That tiny little twinge of Jealousy,
that shard,
is still embedded in my heart.
No matter how hard i try,
i can't pick it away.

How i wish,
that the Rain,
will wash it all away....
along with those dreams of You.

Monday, March 24, 2008

This is a mixed up and long post. BEAR with me.


HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY TO TAN KAI JIE A.K.A PIKA-JIE the PIKACHU FANATIC. Wishing you all the best. I won't say i've known this idiot for a long time la, but i guess we clicked at the right times. The lame antiques we cook up at Chemistry tuition are worth remembering.

His Partay. At his house. Ara Damansara.

Never heard of it. Ulu la you.....

So i hitched along with Jieyi. Her dad was SOOO patient to drive us around with the haphazard directions given by the birthday boy. Dong. But thanks to my Google Earth-ing i did earlier, along with my superb sixth-sense, we made it laaa....

OK OK credits to jieyi and eelynn too.

Haha...sausage party. get it? 'sausage' party. only 3 girls were present. But we had fun la. Me and NyitYang were manning the barbeque. And BrianLoh named the 'shop' HAPPY THAMBI BBQ SHOP.

Trouble looms. NO transport back. Take teksi lor. At first, jieyi and eelynn were both reluctant. Reason: Jieyi's parents don't allow her take la. Then we wanted to carpool with Nyit yang. But he told us he already takin 2 people with him. IF squeeze, 6 at the back. When push came to shove, TEKSI LA DAMMIT! It was an awesome experience, teksi at the middle of the night, with 2 nervous,fidgeting girls at the back. To cut it short, all of us got home safe la. WE SURVIVED!

'eh eh...later stop in front a bit, don't let my daddy see ar...'

hehe...classic. from jieyi.

Pictures will up soon.


i know it's not an A but compared to my usual 40+, 50+ it is a great achievement. My highest grade for chinese so far wei! PROUD!

well, that wasn't really long was it? I lied, as usual.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ok la....

first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear old mom. Gawd knows how much i love her. Eventhough sometimes i feel so mad at her, somehow, we'll find a way to make up.

ICC concert. OK least better than last years. Nothing much to say about it. The highlight of the concert(to me la) is the beatbox dude. He totally R-R-ROCKED!

Oh yea, i got rejected by 10 different girls today. Chun kan? So now i know how UN-desirable i am. Sigh. Lonely la.

Too bad i'm so yongsui.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Not so Kawaii

This afternoon, my dad took us to Genting just for coffee.


I snapped some pictures, but i'm to lazy to upload em.

JUST finished tuition. Kawaii talk lessons from Brian Loh and PikaJie.

the most memorable one....

'eh eh...three ar...pronounced in lala kawaii way is CHWEE!'

' i got CHWEE best FWEN orh?'


Chinese? Cina? Madarin? Hua Yu?

Ian Beh wrote this inspiring letter to Tony Pua and Ong Kian Ming of Education in Malaysia. I took that letter to heart. All i can say is, Ian is a terrific writter with an analytical mind i envy. Please, go read his blog.

As a student who has taken the Chinese Language paper for more than 10 years now, i feel it is safe to say that my level of chinese not THAT teruk la. But still....the chinese paper really is a killer. Look at the overall grades of the Chinese paper. Tell me, how many of you have actually scored an A1 for Chinese paper? Even the chunted students in my class barely managed an A2 on that subject. So, what about us?

I feel kinda sad la. Heck, we study our butts out to ace the paper. Yet when we look at it realistically, it is quite a relief just to obtain a pass grade. So many of my contemporaries have considered dropping the subject. I admit, i have too. SPM results this year for CHS not that bright, the chinese subject i mean. Only 7 A1's i heard, compared to last year's 20.

Luckily, i have my parents to thank for pestering me consistently to continue my chinese studies. They're usual excuse: Aiya....CHINA now very geng will be grateful one day when you can speak chinese and do business with them ar...earn more tau?

Sigh, even as i say so now. I really,really hope that my marks for Chinese this term will turn out OK.

I'm in a quandary. I can't work it out. Do i HATE the subject? Or am i just AFRAID of it?


Thursday, March 20, 2008

It's called Pride.

FIRST! i want to blame Kapoh for introducing this song to me.
SECONDLY! i want to dedicate THIS song to pencil-dick Wei Ren.

My dick cost a late night fee
Your dick got the HIV
My dick plays on the double feature screen
Your dick went straight to DVD
My dick- bigger than a bridge
Your dick look like a little kid's
My dick- large like the Chargers, the whole team
Your shit look like you fourteen
My dick- locked in a cage, right
Your dick suffer from stage fright
My dick- so hot, it's stolen
Your dick look like Gary Coleman
My dick- pink and big
Your dick stinks like shit
My dick got a Caesar do,
Your dick needs a tweezer, dude
My dick is like super size
Your dick look like two fries
My dick- more mass than the Earth
Your dick- half staff, it needs work
My dick- been there done that
Your dick sits there with dunce cap
My dick- V.I.P.Your shit needs I.D.

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus
It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

My dick need no introduction
Your dick don't even function
My dick served a whole lunch-in
Your dick- it look like a munchkin
My dick- size of a pumpkin
Your dick look like Macaulay Culkin
My dick- good good lovin'
Your dick- good for nothin'
My dick bench pressed 350
Your dick couldn't shoplift at Thrifty
My dick- pretty damn skimpy
Your dick- hungry as a hippie
My dick don't fit down the chimney
Your dick is like a kid from the Philippines
My dick is like an M16
Your dick- broken vending machine
My dick parts the seas
Your dick farts and queefs
My dick- rumble in the jungle
Your dick got touched by your uncle
My dick goes to yoga
Your dick- fruit roll-up
My dick- grade-A beef
Your dick- Mayday geek
My dick- sick and dangerous
Your dick- quick and painless
My dick- 'nuff said.
Your dick loves Fred

It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus
It's time that we let the world know
Dude, you gotta let your girl go
D.S. is the best in the business
P.S. we got dicks like Jesus

I KNOW IT IS VERY VERY OFFENSIVE! but sorry la...i like it.

update complete.

P/S my mom got an iPod nano for her birthday. Go Figure.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I've given up making a catchy title post

please disregard the previous post, i lied....
Back to school. and hell yeah, i miss it.
Grades. Ergh. not worth mentioning.

Hearts to all my buddies, one week and i miss you assholes like nuts. Wonder what'll i do when we leave at the end of the year. Sigh.

BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT TO NEN LIN A.K.A TITS! HAPPY SWEET 16 YO GIRL! Sorry la, don't have a decent picture of you to post up, so i'll make it up with you with this present from ME to YOU!

dream on la tits.

Friend E: eh, i have an exotic vagina ok?


From this day onwards, i will add EXOTIC VAGINA to my daily vocabulary. Say it with me: EXOTIC VAGINAAAAA!!!!

oh, and my blog is 1 years old now, so Happy Birthday to you dear blog! =]

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Last Post....possibly

Yeap, what has a start must have an end. Sayonara sweet ol' holidays.

I have to admit, i haven't really done anything productive throughout this it-all-goes-by-too-fast-holiday. And now, i'm rushing to finish my moral folios which are due TOMORROW.

I just love to procrastinate, don't you?

So much thing i'd like to post, like Kahjoon and BrianC's party pictures, lunch at this swanky japanese restaurant this afternoon, and a lot of dumb shits, but i'll skip it. Time's ticking, and i need to REALLY start doing my work.

I won't be updating much, or coming online, when school re-opens. Perhaps the occasional update, but nothing more than that. Sad la, but i have to limit my online time.

Back to the ratrace again....sigh.

p/s i hate taking photos

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The wettest party. Not down there la.

Yea first off, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MAK KAH JOON! (he's the middle one)
*sorry la bro, don't have a really decent pic of you*
I was lucky enough to be invited to Brian's and Kah Joon's combined birthday bash at shueze's place. Food was cool. the company i spent with uber awesome. Kah Joon had a hot gf which i didn't know, the sly old bastard. Yea, everyone had loads of fun, minus the goddamn rain.
Bottom line is, it was a very wet party. Wet AND cold. Pool water was freezing and the chilly wind just killed us. haha.
Thx for the party dudeS. Appreciate it.
Just came back from school. Auditions for IU Day. I'll reserve judgement as i'm not supposed to make any at the first place. =]
and i have have 2 folio's due on Monday. Haiz.
To quote Sonia,

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Place: Lala-infested One-Utama.

say helo to twiddle-dee and twiddle-dum....'what? my tits not big enuf ar?'

CHS High School Musical

Time: during basketball practise.
Venue: Sport Centre
People involved: Basketball members and the girl cheerleading squad.

Note: don't believe me? check out the girl's cheerleading outfit.
Note2: i'm the dude with jersey no. 12

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Return of the Lala's

yea, today SUPPOSEDLY catch a movie with shin and jess. But i think shin didn't tell jess i was coming, so wateva la, i wasn't in a mood for a movie too. skip it.

Met up with the ding-dong duo and jess's sister and cousin. oh yes jess, she's uber hot. That's why i sweated so much. =P typical la, sure go shopping one, and i'm the one tagging behind, watching them picking various clothes which they deem nice WHICH i can't see HOW.

Maybe it's just me, or maybe because i haven't been to OU for a long time, but i've forgotten how many lala girls there were. Scared the poo outta me. I mean wtf la? black puffy miniskirt with black leggings and black shoes, along with a black minicoat over a oh-so-tight white blouse, complete with bizarre accesories and horrid make-up. Ergh. Horrendous.

Lala No.1: waa....ur coat so Q orhx!
Lala No.2: teehee...yea meh? heehee. Let's take photo okays?

motherF- i bullshit you not. That's what i overheard when i walked past two lala midgets. KNN.

I had too much coffee today. One from Starbucks and one more from Delicious. I have to stop. Kick this addiction. Pah!

done with gift-hunt. I still hate shopping dammit.

holidays are a bore. i haven't touched any folios yet. adoi, laziness.



i still hate lala's.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

You got Served

BN just got pawned by Opposition. Kudos to you DAP. Let us all hail the new dawn of Malaysia.

no la....i didn't stay up all night to catch the results...not that fanatic.

I need better cymbals for my drums. Especially my Hi-Hat. Gawd, the whole thing looks like some badly wrinkled pancake, it sounds weird now la....and i want a Zildjian Z-series crash cymbal, where can i get one????

My arms ache.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vote for Change

I, AM sick. But that didn't stop my dad from dragging me to SS2 to listen to DAP's final ceramah. i was like: ' wtf, i'm feeling ill la, puh-leeze' but i know better than to argue with my dad.

So we reached SS2 quite late, 9 smtg. The place was PACKED. SARDINE-TIGHT PACKED. in the end, we had to park quite far, and walked a considerable length of road before we reached MJ Cafe and Rest. The DAP had already started the ceramah, and the first thing i heard was....

' is time that those croonies are taught to respect us!'

ok.....THAT piqued my interest. It started raining, but that didn't stop the THOUSANDS of people from leaving. SWOOSH! You can stand under my umbrella. ella.ella.ey.ey.ey.....

Then when it was Tony Pua's turn to speak, voila! the rain stopped.

Now, if IanL,Keenan and BrianL from Shitehouse ain't gonna talk about it, i don't think i won't too. If you asked me what i thought about the ceramah'S, i would say:

i am stunned, spell-bound, in awe, dumbstruck, flabbergasted, OMWTFG, respect, lovestoned,thrilled, proud and most of all, IMPRESSED.

I won't go into details la, but some memorable quotes from the ceramah:

'Where has all the money UMNO was untrusted gone? chiak ka liao(sudah makan habis)'

'Samy Vellu is an useless-idiot, it is time we kick the bugger out.'

'Someone told me Samy Vellu's funeral is coming soon, but i am SORRY to say his body will take a long time to burn.'

'*violent gestures* WE WILL HAMMER THEM!'
'tomorrow, you will all face Harga BN. Harga Barang Naik.'


eh shin yueh, i survived wei. So no need take my dirt/ashes to the cinema la har. i can teman you there IN-PERSON.

Pictures i snapped. sorry la, i have a lousy camera phone.



Atrium will be torn down and a 33-storey office building will be built there. WTF? THAT PLACE WAS WHERE I GOT MY FIRST POKEMON CARD BOOSTER PACK! HOW DARE THEY TEAR IT DOWN! CIBAI BN!!!!

Thursday, March 6, 2008 what future are we heading to?

oh yes, i've heard many arguments and opinions. And i think everyone has a point, it's just who's point are we all willing to accept.
Yes, you've read both my previous posts. And maybe i portrayed myself too much of an anti-BN chap.
....which might be abit true.hehe.

SO! the big question: BN of DAP?

Ahh...reminiscing those old days in primary 6. I used to be like the hardcore BN fan, eventhough i admit i didn't had much political knowledge that time. I just rode along the wave, so BN-lah.

' eh eh eh...who you support ar?'

'BN la....'

"waaa you support BN too ar? i friend you!'

ask yourselves,as Malaysian Chinese(not me, but you), are we happy with the government? Yea, i have to admit, i used to think Mahatir was OK la and when he stepped down and Badawi took the helm, i nearly cried. Just when i thought things couldn't get worse, Badawi just made the impossible possible. a round of applause please.

pfftt...don't like me ar? Soli la, i still got the seat.

Ok la, don't put all the blame on him, but he's still full of air. And look at his Deputy and his office, dude, they. are. hopeless. And when Hishamuddin started waving the keris and shouting about 'Ketuanan Melayu', that was it, we chinese dulan gau gau liao, along with the Indians and others.


What happened to the so-called 'Racial Harmony'? Our rights are slowly being taken away by the Goverment(malays la, sorry, i'm racist) and sometimes we don't even know it. Enough is enough. Behold! the many opposition parties emerged to take on Barisan Nasional.



wow, you gotta hand it to them, they are pissed off people.

Each party have leaders who are capable.(Anwar man) But still, i don't think that's enough to over-throw the 2/3 majority BN's enjoying. What to do? BN manipulate the media to brainwash all the rakyat, making them look like the saints while at the same time, portraying the Opposition Parties as problem-stirrers and noise-makers. Tsk tsk. It's kinda sad and frustrating la, don't you think?

This is what i heard over the radio:

'Vote for Malaysia. Vote Barisan Nasional'

sheesh, luckily people are waking up to the idea that BN is an option- not a national fixture. Too many empty promises have been made, and the rakyat can't swallow it all anymore. We all remember that Hindraf thing, caused quite a stir if you ask me. I've forgotten the finer points of that event, so forgive me. But now the goverment sit-up a bit liao, i mean, the indians have shaken them. Don't mess the people with a red dot on their head, their scary.

And the chinese community? well, majority of them just like to complain,complain, complain. But then, they saw the Hindraf actually made the goverment look into their case...for a while. So then, why not make some noise too?

And so, we got hardcore DAP supporters like Ian and Keenan. These fanatics even went to listen to the DAP ceramah, and they worship Tony Pua. I youtube-ed these ceramah, and i must say, they ARE good. Even the blogger Jeff Ooi joined DAP. It's time to tell BN to FUCK OFF!

But still, sonia has a point. Even if DAP cuts BN's majority down to size, how much better will DAP be? Let's think realisticly, there is no way DAP will control the goverment, BN's too big and strong, too cunning and manipulative. But still, IF DAP wins a few important seats, MAYBE we'll see some changes for our community.... or will we? They say DAP will bring better stuff and changes for us Chinese and others too, but if we can't trust BN, just how much should we trust DAP?Question mark orhx.

But then, regardless DAP or other opposition parties, let's just hope and pray for a fair election, cause hell yea BN ain't gonna play clean, 'cause BN's a bare-knuckle boxer who earns points between rounds.So what will DAP do to face this unfair challenge? They blast BN with mini-rockets

crap,those look like red dildos.

CONCLUSION: exam just over, too sien, and i felt like crapping about these politic stuff which i don't care and don't really know. Fuelling the debates and arguments are much more fun than fighting it. I am still ignorant and apathetic. Sorry.

p/s thank you for reading up until here.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

As far as we can go....

eh cmon la...this is actually the DAP's tagline and so-called effort to get young voter's attention. Dude, that's plagarism with a capital P or cetak rompak. My gawd.

For those of you who are blind or too slow to get what i'm trying to say, please compare THIS to THAT.

dude, if you tell me those DAP campaign manager made a mistake or ACCIDENTALLY used that idea, i'll shove a BN poster flag down your throat.

I tell you la, the more these politician try to grab our attention, the more stupid and desperate they appear to us.

They are just killing themselves.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

You KNOW you are voting BN if...

-You believe everything the Goverment tells you
-But are willing to change your mind if someone slips you 50 ringgit
-the whole world is out to suppress you and your country
-you BELIEVE Lingam is innocent
-you think Badawi will die soon and Mahatir will be around in 2020
-you welcome all people who vote for BN members even if they are total bitches
-you think you are far more superior than other voters, but 50 ringgit can change that too.

bluek! Aku sekarang penyokong BN kerana dapat rm50!!!

So you KNOW who you're supporting/voting.

Me? I support DAP. Why? I was slipped 50 ringgit too. =D
Go Tony Pua!!!!

but still, i wonder how much support PAS is getting?i mean, i went to youtube to check out some videos about our pilihan raya, and it seems that the candidates for PAS are very outspoken. Hmm....

If PAS wins, i hope they won't put up this guy for the top seat.

but then again...his beard looks cool

so now, who dare says my political views are apathetic?