Sunday, November 4, 2007


this is stupid...hahaha

and another thing i'd like to share....

Invariably, discovery of fucktardedness is preceded by denial, often verbally, especially in the form of "There's no way anyone could be that stupid." Fucktards do not just defy common sense, they are pathologically incapable of recognizing the obvious, and are space-and-time bendingly stupid, More Basically said for the Fucktart in U: its the peak level of ultimate stupidity gone horribly fucking bad.
There is a great difference between an idiot and a fucktard. For example, an idiot might accidentally burn your stove with a grease fire. A fucktard will not only burn your stove, but your cat, reading festival tickets and wallet all while wearing a white business suit. Then they'll wipe their singed hands on your Phd, and cause massive amounts of extra damage as they try to put out the burning pan with your crown royal whisky, conceal your burnt and disfigured cat in their nether regions, then cheerfully tell you afterwards that "It could have been worse!".
Someone who has never met a fucktard will believe the above to be an exaggeration. It is best to leave the innocence alone, for there is so little of it left in the world today.
The most fucktarded thing about fucktards is that no matter what you tell them, they'll never know, or believe, that they are fucktarded. Fucktards are also renowned to not know what fucktardedness even is, thus making it fairly difficult to spot a fucktard in a room full of emofags.
The most embarrassing thing about fucktards is that they think they have friends that don't hate them, despite the fact that they verbally exclaim, "We fucking hate you, you fucking fucktard", over 9000 times a minute. No matter how original and quick witted you are, you will never be able to insult a fucktard to the point that they will leave you alone.
Some fucktards are known for their fondness for shitty tattoos, piercings, and their bleached hair. A great lulzworthy site for fucktarded tattoos and other fucktarded horrors is BME.
Sometimes people aren't fucking retarded - sometimes they're just slutty retards. hotard or hobag is more appropriate for these people.

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