Thursday, November 15, 2007

Tags Kill. You just don't realize it.

1. Each blogger must post these rules.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog.

siighh....i really hate tags. I wonder who invented this stupid sh!t?

here we go...

1) I am childish. VERY
yea...i'm still a kid. I watch Kamen Rider (mask rider in english) like a lunatic. I like cartoons too. Anime also. Everything. I'm just childish.

2) I am a racist. BIG one.
i'm sorry. But i can't help it. I'm a bit wary of them too-malays and indians. The pets these people keep i'm afraid too. Demon dogs. Bluek.

3) It's weird. But i think all my girl-friends are all hot.
haha...please, this is not pervertism. I just think all of the girls i know are hot in their own ways. Hey, everyone's special.

4) I HATE Britney Spears.
little fun fact- i founded this club, ABSS(Anti-Britney Spears Society) when i was in primary. Seriously, i hated her ever since i was a kid. Never liked her songs, never like her looks. The funny sh!t is, i extorted 20sens from each and every member of that club and used to money to buy ice-cream for me and keenan. HAHAHA

5) I love music.(who doesn't?)
yea....seriously, any music that makes me feel good, i like. I like it better when me and muh band members jam it all out. Music really revolves around me. It changes my mood too. fun fact no.2- i listen to a few songs at the start of the day. Let's say i hear this head-banging rock song, then for the whole day, i'm like high-ness all the way. If sad, emo song....i'll be a BIT quiet for the day. ><

6) I enjoy the company of girlS. (notice the s)
pppffffttt....enough said.

7) I think Barney is cool.
Yea....i wonder where'd my Barney doll went?

8) I really like to make my friends laugh.
i don't's this weird thing i have. I just LOVE to see people laugh. Gives me this warm fuzzy feeling. Maybe sometimes i try too hard to make them laugh, and in the end.....cold-joke. *crow flies overhead*

OK that's it. I've decided to tag......
Thambi(nyit yang)

though i doubt half of them will even do the tag. Bah, don't care.

Oma re boku ni tsuraretemiru?

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