Tuesday, November 27, 2007

iPod. iLike.

yea....i've been thinking...blogger's such a bitch, uploads photos and videos at snail's pace. I've decided to post the photos of my trip to Beijing in Facebook or Friendster. So be sure to check, i'll be uploading real soon.

About Beijing....well....
The Good:
-they serve really GOOD food
-transportation is no problem. Abundant Taxi's and Buses. The underground train system is really chunted too
-tech stuff there is cheaper than m'sia
-great historical places and scenic views worth visiting
-i like the cold weather. Beats humid Malaysia
-ordering stuff online there is cheaper and you get your goods on the day you order. Fast man!

The Bad:
-Beijing people are VIOLENT drivers. Instead of people before car, it's the other way round. I nearly got killed erm......more than thrice.
-not all locals are friendly
-it is seriusly over-populated
-air quality there is worse than M'sia
-stuff there beside techies are WAY expensive than m'sia (who told me china stuff cheaper?)
-it IS over-over-populated...oh wait, i mentioned that already, scratch scratch...

That's about it. I went to most of the famous places in Beijing....The Forbidden Palace...the Summer Palace...Yong He Gong Lama Temple....The Great Wall....and a lot more.
AND the day i climbed Great Wall....the beauty pageants of 'Miss Universe' were there doing a shooting. Gawd....i saw Miss Austria, Miss Geneva, Miss Japan and Miss....some weird country name i forgot how to spell. PRETTY WEI!!!!!

Ok, yesterday went to watch 'The Kingdom' with Ah neh and nen nen. Not bad a movie. It's about black american FBI(jamie foxx) going to Saudi Arabia shooting up Ah neh's saudi arabian cousins. Gawd...i really was feeling high when those bastards yelling Allah Allah got shot down with more holes in 'em than a Swiss Cheese. Satisfaction......
Then went around OU kacau-ing pals working there. Let's see.....
Nyit Yang- Seed
Kaijie-Nike (lucky ass)
Kah Yan-Void
Shue Ze-Radioactive
Shu Xuan and Khai Ling- Quicksilver/Roxy
Kuih shih xuan and kapoh-Bakerzin

HAhaha....yea, after the movie we went bakerzin to have a drink. Shih Xuan and Kapoh standing there smiling and welcoming customers and then go around refilling water for people. HAHAHA
And they got fired that day coz they were under-age. Sad....

Speaking about work.....hopefully i'll be starting work also. My dad gave me a job working at one of his friend's Law Firm.

Yes, a law firm.

I'm not sure if i'll get paid. But hey! working in a law firm is a great experience!

Thanks to Elyse Kym for the super duper blog skin she made for me. I'm still figuring out how to use it. I'm HOPELESS with HTML. Help....

Oh yea....about my blog title...yes....


nice tak? 4GB.....

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